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Kaimuki, Hawaii
Event Calendar ItemUH Outreach College Presents - Luis Valdez - Free Public Lecture
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Date: Thursday - 10/16/2014
Time: 5:00pm
2411 Dole Street
Crawford Hall 105
University of Hawaii at Manoa, Honolulu, HI 96826
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Luis Valdez - Free public lecture
Info: Oct 16, 2014 • Thu • 6:30pm • Orvis Auditorium • Call 956-8246 for more information. • Free
Lecture by noted playwright, director and filmmaker Luis Valdez. Founder of El Teatro Campesino and director of Zoot Suit and La Bamba.
Presented in association with the UHM Colleges of Arts and Sciences, and Department of Languages and Literatures of Europe and the Americas.
About University of Hawaii Manoa Outreach College

About Outreach College

Phone: (808) 956-8246
Providing statewide access to cultural and educational events featuring local and visiting scholars and artists.
Credit Programs
Phone: (808) 956-6780; (808) 956-7221
Fax: (808) 956-3752
Year-round, UHM credit courses and degree programs are offered to working adults throughout the State.
Noncredit Programs
Phone: (808) 956-8244
Fax: (808) 956-9422
Gain professional skills and enhance career or personal development through an exciting array of courses.
Pacific New Media
Phone: (808) 956-3244
Prominent local and mainland professionals share their expertise and insight in seminars, talks, and intensive workshops on film/video, photography, digital media, and web design.
International Programs
Phone: (808) 956-7753
Fax: (808) 956-3421
These programs provide English training for individuals and groups; custom-designed English programs and seminars; and a course for non-native English speakers teaching English in their home countries.
International Bridge Program
Phone: (808) 956-9247
Fax: (808) 956-3752
International students receive assistance in meeting academic requirements for admission into either U.S. graduate or second bachelor's degree programs.
Conference Center
Phone: (808) 956-8204
Fax: (808) 956-3364
Our expert staff helps organizations with their conference planning, fiscal management, and logistical coordination.
Distance Learning
Phone: (808) 956-7221
In conjunction with UH-system campuses, the College offers online courses and degree programs as well as degree programs delivered via ITV (Interactive Television).
Academic Advising
Phone: (808) 956-7221
Fax: (808) 956-3752
UHM undergraduate students who are not currently in a degree program can receive general advising and student support services from here.
Summer Sessions
Phone: (808) 956-5666
Resident and visiting students participate in more than 1,200 credit courses, a broad variety of noncredit classes, and enjoy a lively summer campus.
Summer Scholar Program
Phone: (808) 956-6780
Qualified high school sophomores and juniors enroll in credit courses and explore campus life at UHM.
The John Young Museum of Art
Phone: (808) 956-3634
Visit UHM's first museum and view rare art collected from around the world by the late artist.
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University of Hawaii Manoa Outreach College
Providing statewide access to cultural and educational events featuring local and visiting scholars and artists.
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