Kaimuki Public Library
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Monday - 10:00AM - 7:00PM
Tuesday - 10:00AM - 7:00PM
Wednesday - 10:00AM - 6:00PM
Thursday - 10:00AM - 6:00PM
Friday - 11:00AM - 4:00PM
Saturday - CLOSED - CLOSED
Sunday - 9:00AM - 4:00PM
Library Cards
You may apply for a library card at any Hawaii public library. The initial card is FREE for Hawaii residents. Cards are also free for military personnel and their dependents with a copy of orders. The resident card replacement fee is $5.00. Resident library cards must be renewed every five years. There is no charge for the renewal.
Branch Manager -- Lea Domingo
Children's Librarian -- Tim McCutchan
Reference Librarian -- Moki Renti Cruz
Reference Librarian -- Les Yanagi
Young Adult Librarian -- Kylee Munro

Library Cards
first one free, replacement $5.00
Loan Period
3 weeks for books and CDs
1 week for DVDs/ videos
View more information on Borrowing, Returning & Renewing Materials
Overdue fines
25 cents per day for all ages for books, CDs, DVDs/videos
Rental fees
$1.00 per week for DVDs and videos

- Search Catalog
- CDs & DVDs
- electronic databases
- Download eBooks/Audio/Music
- Free Wi-Fi in the library during business hours. Login using your valid library card number and your PIN (last 4 digits of your phone no.)
- and more!
Children's Storytimes
Most Sundays at 10:30 am, call 733-8422. Enjoy stories and a simple craft.

Internet Computers -- one hour sessions with valid library card
13 internet computers for the public, one w/ ADA accommodations... printing available, donations requested
Loan Renewals:
In person: bring library material to renew
For online renewals, use www.librarieshawaii.org and "my account" and your library card no.
Book Drops -- for after business hours -- one by the front door or drive-up book drop in the upper parking lot
Friends of the Kaimuki Library -- support group for the library
-- Members and officers needed
-- Ongoing book sale bookshelf - $1.00 per book
2 Photocopiers
$0.05 per scan, $0.20 for black and white copies, $0.50 for color copies, and $0.50 for legal size copies (subject to change)
2 Microfilm Reader/Printers
** 15 cents per page
Ongoing Book Sale
** Friends of Kaimuki Library
Meeting room available.
Please contact the library for pricing.
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