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Kaimuki Neighborhood Board Minutes Posted for September 15, 2010 Meeting
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Source Neighborhood Commission Office
CALL TO ORDER: Chair Vernon Tam called the meeting to order at 7:17 p.m. with a quorum of nine (9) members present. Note – This 11-member Board requires six (6) members for a quorum and to take official Board action.
Members Present – Abigail Leong, Ginny Meade, John Cater, John Perez, Leonard Tam, Lori Yamada, Sharon Schneider, Vernon Tam, Daniel Carvalho, and Tim Tybuszewski (arrived 7:20 p.m.).
Members Absent – Daniel Nahoopii.
VACANCY: None. All 11 (eleven) seats filled.
Guests – Jan Bullock; Donna Ikeda and Les Goto (Hawaii Children First), Stanley Chang, Brian Kang; Lt. A. Kurosu, Sgt. R. Hayamoto, and Officer M. Mitchell (Honolulu Police Department); Lydia Chock (Leahi Hospital), Cheryl L. Costa, Caron M. Wilberts, Jeremy Low, Capt. C. Toida (Honolulu Fire Department), Candance Van Buren (Representative Scott Nishimoto’s Office staff), Councilmember Ann Kobayashi, Karen Yorimoto (Councilmember Ann Kobayashi’s Office staff), Keith Abe, Lorna Heller (Board of Water Supply), Lori Simao, Julia Allen, State Representative Calvin Say, State Senator Les Ihara, Richard Turbin; Aisha Wang and Gloria Gaines (Neighborhood Commission Office staff).
Honolulu Police Department (HPD) – Officer M. Mitchell distributed a report and highlighted the following:
CALL TO ORDER: Chair Vernon Tam called the meeting to order at 7:17 p.m. with a quorum of nine (9) members present. Note – This 11-member Board requires six (6) members for a quorum and to take official Board action.
Members Present – Abigail Leong, Ginny Meade, John Cater, John Perez, Leonard Tam, Lori Yamada, Sharon Schneider, Vernon Tam, Daniel Carvalho, and Tim Tybuszewski (arrived 7:20 p.m.).
Members Absent – Daniel Nahoopii.
VACANCY: None. All 11 (eleven) seats filled.
Guests – Jan Bullock; Donna Ikeda and Les Goto (Hawaii Children First), Stanley Chang, Brian Kang; Lt. A. Kurosu, Sgt. R. Hayamoto, and Officer M. Mitchell (Honolulu Police Department); Lydia Chock (Leahi Hospital), Cheryl L. Costa, Caron M. Wilberts, Jeremy Low, Capt. C. Toida (Honolulu Fire Department), Candance Van Buren (Representative Scott Nishimoto’s Office staff), Councilmember Ann Kobayashi, Karen Yorimoto (Councilmember Ann Kobayashi’s Office staff), Keith Abe, Lorna Heller (Board of Water Supply), Lori Simao, Julia Allen, State Representative Calvin Say, State Senator Les Ihara, Richard Turbin; Aisha Wang and Gloria Gaines (Neighborhood Commission Office staff).
Honolulu Police Department (HPD) – Officer M. Mitchell distributed a report and highlighted the following:
Statistics for Month of August – Included were 20 burglaries, 2
robbery, 64 thefts, and 12 unauthorized entries to a motor
Bicycle Safety Tip – Wear a helmet, brightly colored clothing; a
reflective vest, lights and reflectors from dusk until dawn; gloves, and
shatterproof glasses. Also, check tires for nicks, cuts, and wear before each
ride, and ensure the tires are inflated properly. Make sure all nuts, bolts, and
connectors are tight; brakes work and cables are lubed; the saddle is tight;
handlebar grips are tight; and ride with a basic tool kit, first-aid kit, and
some money for a phone call or cab ride if needed.
Bring water, never ride off-road alone. Stay
off the sidewalks; slow moving pedestrians are as dangerous to you as you are to
them. When riding in the street, obey traffic signals and traffic laws. Use hand
signals when turning. Make eye contact with drivers, pedestrians and other
cyclist to be sure they see you. Walk your bike across crosswalks.
Community Policing Team / Neighborhood Security Watch – Residents
with concerns may contact Officers Mark Mitchell at 529-3628 or email at
or Tony Kahapea at 529-3628 or
Concerns can also be completed and filed online by visiting HPD’s website
At 7:20 p.m., Tybuszewski arrived; 10 (ten) members present.
Questions, comments, and concerns followed:
At 7:20 p.m., Tybuszewski arrived; 10 (ten) members present.
Questions, comments, and concerns followed:
- 1. Tree Trimming Scam – Officer Mitchell stated that the perpetrator targeted senior citizens and warned residents about door-to-door solicitors requesting money upfront before receiving services.
Honolulu Fire Department (HFD) – Capt. C. Toida reported the following:
Statistics for the Month – Included 8 structure and 1 wild land
fire; 69 medical emergencies, 4 search and rescues, and 14 miscellaneous
Fire Prevention Week (FPW) – October 3 to October 9, 2010 is FPW
and the theme is “Smoke Alarms: A Sound You Can Live With!” This
year’s campaign reminds everyone about the importance of smoke alarms and
encourages families to take the necessary steps to update and maintain their
Board of Water Supply (BWS) – Lorna Heller distributed a report and highlighted the following:
Board of Water Supply (BWS) – Lorna Heller distributed a report and highlighted the following:
Water Main Break – There was one water main break for the month of
August at Pahoa Avenue.
Ultra-Low Flow Toilet Rebate Program – BWS and the City Department
of Environmental Services (ENV) will be ending its residential Ultra-Low flow
Toilet Rebate Program at the end of the 2010 calendar year. The rebate program
offers a $100 rebate for customers who change their old, high volume toilets to
ultra-low flush toilets until the program’s expiration date. Applications
must be submitted to the BWS by Friday, December 31, 2010. Applications must be
properly completed and postmarked by that date will be honored, pending
availability of funds. For more information visit BWS website at
Residents Opposed to the Closing of Queen Liliu`okalani Elementary School
– A parent opposed to the State’s closure of the Queen Liliu`okalani
Elementary School gave testimony. A copy of the testimony by Julia McCullen, a
retired teacher, was also submitted for the record. Parents received notice of
the closing at the end of the school year, May 2010. A preliminary report was
produced and a public hearing is scheduled in October, 2010. The Board of
Education makes the final decision. There was a meeting in August where
Assistant Superintendent Randolph Moore stated that he will be submitting a
A discussion informed residents that although the Board can put it on the agenda, the Board is unable to take action without proper notice to the community; and will put it on the agenda for next month’s meeting.
A discussion informed residents that although the Board can put it on the agenda, the Board is unable to take action without proper notice to the community; and will put it on the agenda for next month’s meeting.
Kaimuki Business Professional Association – Lydia Chock encouraged
residents to support: 1) Kaimuki Kanikapila on Saturday, November 6, 2010 at
9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. and requested to be on the agenda for the October Board
meeting; and 2) the 64th Annual Kaimuki Christmas Parade on Thursday, December
2, 2010 and encourage the Board, Liliu`okalani Elementary School, and residents
to participate starting at 6:00 p.m. at St. Louis
Change of Property Tax Classification – In reference to the recent
reclassification of real property tax, residents were encouraged to submit
testimony supporting Bill 35 reverting back to non-home owner category to
residential at the public hearing scheduled for Wednesday, September 22, 2010 at
2:00 p.m. Testimonies may also be faxed in at
Removal of Swing Set and Basketball Hoop – Resident Wilberts
recognized William Oku and Jerry Neumann of Councilmember Lee Donohue’s
staff for expediting removal of the swing set and basketball hoop at
Mau’umae Park. At this time, Oku also noted that Bill 34 fireworks ban is
up for public hearing next Wednesday, September 22,
Bulky Item Pick Up, Implementation of Fines – Councilmember Ann Kobayashi reported that Bill 78 passed and will not go into effect until January 2011. There may be “kinks” that need to be worked out. There are three inspectors with the authority to give out citations and the discretion to make the call whether it is the (eighty-year old) property owner that left the discarded sofa in front of the house or someone else. It was also mentioned that inspectors should remember that the City may also be at fault for not picking up the bulky items on scheduled pick up days.
Education Awareness Campaign – An education awareness campaign will take place before Bill 78 goes into effect. The campaign will inform the residents of the pick up days.
Night Vision Camera – A pilot project of night vision cameras set up at “hot spots” or areas used as an illegal bulky item dump site and try to catch the people dumping trash. Cameras will be in effect 24 hours a day.
Hawaii’s Children First Regarding Constitutional Amendment Allowing the Governor to Appoint the Board of Education (BOE) – Les Goto is part of a group of retired teachers and principals advocating support to the Constitutional Amendment allowing the Governor to appoint the BOE. The constitutional amendment will appear on the November 2, 2010 election ballot. If voters are not satisfied with the current public school system, vote yes for a BOE appointed by the Governor. The current BOE members were voted based on name recognition and no knowledge of their qualifications.
Bulky Item Pick Up, Implementation of Fines – Councilmember Ann Kobayashi reported that Bill 78 passed and will not go into effect until January 2011. There may be “kinks” that need to be worked out. There are three inspectors with the authority to give out citations and the discretion to make the call whether it is the (eighty-year old) property owner that left the discarded sofa in front of the house or someone else. It was also mentioned that inspectors should remember that the City may also be at fault for not picking up the bulky items on scheduled pick up days.
Education Awareness Campaign – An education awareness campaign will take place before Bill 78 goes into effect. The campaign will inform the residents of the pick up days.
Night Vision Camera – A pilot project of night vision cameras set up at “hot spots” or areas used as an illegal bulky item dump site and try to catch the people dumping trash. Cameras will be in effect 24 hours a day.
Hawaii’s Children First Regarding Constitutional Amendment Allowing the Governor to Appoint the Board of Education (BOE) – Les Goto is part of a group of retired teachers and principals advocating support to the Constitutional Amendment allowing the Governor to appoint the BOE. The constitutional amendment will appear on the November 2, 2010 election ballot. If voters are not satisfied with the current public school system, vote yes for a BOE appointed by the Governor. The current BOE members were voted based on name recognition and no knowledge of their qualifications.
Selection of Superintendent – Donna Ikeda explained that the
consultant was paid $25,000 and did not see the contract. She was not sure
of time spent with focus groups. Consultant’s fee came out of the
department’s budget. The first consultant hired to teach the board on how
to search for a superintendent was paid for by the private sector. All decisions
were made when Ikeda was out of town. Ikeda cannot say whether or not she
supported Ms. Matayoshi, recently selected superintendent, because she was not
aware of the other applicants, their qualifications that were screened by a
select committee. No one was invited to the interview. This was an example of a
Cater moved and Meade seconded to support Hawaii’s Children First Initiative regarding Constitutional Amendment allowing the Governor to appoint the Board of Education. The motion was ADOPTED, 9-1-0 (AYES: Meade, Perez, L. Tam, Yamada, Schneider, V. Tam, Carvalho, and Tybuszewski; NO: Leong).
Left Turn Lane at 11th and Harding Avenue – Leonard Tam noted Board members were invited to a public announcement regarding the construction Harding and 11th Avenue and Harding and 5th Avenue by adding a left turn lane to increase the flow of traffic onto the freeway and asked that it be placed on the agenda for discussion. L. Tam moved Cater seconded to add “Proposed Construction of Left Turn Lane at 11th and Harding Avenue”. The motion was ADOPTED, 10-0-0 (AYES: Leong, Meade, Cater, Perez, L. Tam, Yamada, Schneider, V. Tam, Carvalho, and Tybuszewski).
L. Tam further explained that the cost of the project would be $2.5 million from stimulus money. Nothing was discussed for the past two years and when the announcement was received on Friday, September 10, 2010, it caught the members off guard. L. Tam surveyed the timing of the lights as well as the flow of the vehicles and found that the traffic was not flowing efficiently. Adding a left turn is not increasing the flow of traffic, but adding a parking space for few more cars to wait for the next cycle.
Suggested Three-cycle Traffic Light – L. Tam suggested the a three-cycle traffic lights change with 35 seconds for Ewa bound traffic, Koko Head bound for 35 seconds, and 11th Avenue for another 35 seconds. The Waimano and Moanalua Road have a similar three-cycle traffic light system with a no left turn lane. Tam noted discussions about the suggested three-cycle traffic light with director of DTS were unfavorable.
Request to Delay Construction – Construction to take 11 months and wanted to break ground in October 2010 and requested that the project wait until next year after the holiday season, especially with the Kaimuki Kanikapila and Christmas festivities ahead. L. Tam requested a City representative attend next month’s meeting to address concerns.
Discussion – Chair V. Tam noted that the construction will interfere with the community events in Kaimuki and requested the Councilmembers also follow-up with the City departments. V. Tam will initiate an advisory request to delay action until the Board has a chance to hear from the City’s DTS at the October meeting.
Mayor Kirk Caldwell’s Representative – None.
City Councilmember Ann Kobayashi – Councilmember Kobayashi distributed a report and highlighted the following:
Traffic Light at St. Louis Heights and Dole Street – Residents are opposed to the traffic light at St. Louis Heights and Dole Street. In 2003, DTS was requested to do a traffic study to find out if a traffic light is warranted.
Construction of a Left Turn Lane at Harding and 11th Avenue – Councilmember Kobayashi noted that even though a contract has been let that it can be stopped and residents should have the opportunity to be heard. Also, $2.5 million is a lot of money to add a lane for three cars and traffic continues to be backed up. Kobayashi will send an inquiry to DTS and request for a presentation before the constructions starts.
City Councilmember Lee Donohue – Previously reported.
State Senator Les Ihara – Rep. Ihara left the meeting early; no written report available.
State Representative (House Speaker) Calvin K.Y. Say – Representative Say distributed a report and highlighted the following:
Cater moved and Meade seconded to support Hawaii’s Children First Initiative regarding Constitutional Amendment allowing the Governor to appoint the Board of Education. The motion was ADOPTED, 9-1-0 (AYES: Meade, Perez, L. Tam, Yamada, Schneider, V. Tam, Carvalho, and Tybuszewski; NO: Leong).
Left Turn Lane at 11th and Harding Avenue – Leonard Tam noted Board members were invited to a public announcement regarding the construction Harding and 11th Avenue and Harding and 5th Avenue by adding a left turn lane to increase the flow of traffic onto the freeway and asked that it be placed on the agenda for discussion. L. Tam moved Cater seconded to add “Proposed Construction of Left Turn Lane at 11th and Harding Avenue”. The motion was ADOPTED, 10-0-0 (AYES: Leong, Meade, Cater, Perez, L. Tam, Yamada, Schneider, V. Tam, Carvalho, and Tybuszewski).
L. Tam further explained that the cost of the project would be $2.5 million from stimulus money. Nothing was discussed for the past two years and when the announcement was received on Friday, September 10, 2010, it caught the members off guard. L. Tam surveyed the timing of the lights as well as the flow of the vehicles and found that the traffic was not flowing efficiently. Adding a left turn is not increasing the flow of traffic, but adding a parking space for few more cars to wait for the next cycle.
Suggested Three-cycle Traffic Light – L. Tam suggested the a three-cycle traffic lights change with 35 seconds for Ewa bound traffic, Koko Head bound for 35 seconds, and 11th Avenue for another 35 seconds. The Waimano and Moanalua Road have a similar three-cycle traffic light system with a no left turn lane. Tam noted discussions about the suggested three-cycle traffic light with director of DTS were unfavorable.
Request to Delay Construction – Construction to take 11 months and wanted to break ground in October 2010 and requested that the project wait until next year after the holiday season, especially with the Kaimuki Kanikapila and Christmas festivities ahead. L. Tam requested a City representative attend next month’s meeting to address concerns.
Discussion – Chair V. Tam noted that the construction will interfere with the community events in Kaimuki and requested the Councilmembers also follow-up with the City departments. V. Tam will initiate an advisory request to delay action until the Board has a chance to hear from the City’s DTS at the October meeting.
Mayor Kirk Caldwell’s Representative – None.
City Councilmember Ann Kobayashi – Councilmember Kobayashi distributed a report and highlighted the following:
Traffic Light at St. Louis Heights and Dole Street – Residents are opposed to the traffic light at St. Louis Heights and Dole Street. In 2003, DTS was requested to do a traffic study to find out if a traffic light is warranted.
Construction of a Left Turn Lane at Harding and 11th Avenue – Councilmember Kobayashi noted that even though a contract has been let that it can be stopped and residents should have the opportunity to be heard. Also, $2.5 million is a lot of money to add a lane for three cars and traffic continues to be backed up. Kobayashi will send an inquiry to DTS and request for a presentation before the constructions starts.
City Councilmember Lee Donohue – Previously reported.
State Senator Les Ihara – Rep. Ihara left the meeting early; no written report available.
State Representative (House Speaker) Calvin K.Y. Say – Representative Say distributed a report and highlighted the following:
Protecting Homeowners – Implementing regulatory system for mortgage
lenders passed last year protecting homeowners by establishing the Mortgage Loan
Recovery Fund, funded by licensing fees, to protect consumers.
Resurfacing of Roadway on Wilhelmina Rise – Rep. Say
received complaints about the subsidence of the roads after the BWS worked on
the water line under Wilhelmina rise and was referred to Mr. Wayne Hashiro,
Manager and Chief Engineer, BWS.
Closing of Queen Liliu`okalani Elementary School – Legislatively,
can try to intervene; but if school has less than 110 students from kindergarten
to grade five it may not be financially feasible to continue with the school.
Ideas mentioned were to combine the elementary school with a charter school or
as a Hawaiian immersion school. All ideas should be presented to the committee
reviewing the closure of the school. There will be opportunities for
comments during public
State Representative Scott Nishimoto – A report was submitted. Rep. Say was available to answer questions.
State Representative Barbara Marumoto – Representative Marumoto distributed a report and highlighted the following:
State Representative Scott Nishimoto – A report was submitted. Rep. Say was available to answer questions.
State Representative Barbara Marumoto – Representative Marumoto distributed a report and highlighted the following:
Recognition of Dr. Sayer – Dr. Sayer was recognized for supporting
the community who is responsible for the nursing school building at Chaminade
University and the Palolo Chinese Nursing Care
State Representative Lyla Berg – A report was submitted. Rep. Say was available to answer questions.
APPROVAL OF MINUTES FROM AUGUST 18, 2010 MEETING: Cater moved, Leong seconded, and without objections, the August 18, 2010 regular meeting minutes were APPROVED, 10-0-0 (Leong, Meade, Cater, Perez, L. Tam, Yamada, Schneider, V. Tam, Carvalho, and Tybuszewski).
TREASURER’S REPORT: Treasurer Lori Yamada reported for the month of August 2010 previous operating balance of $599.12; $50.64 expended for printing and postage of agenda and minutes, leaving a balance of $548.48. The publicity account balance was $2,361.00. The report was filed.
The next Meeting of the Kaimuki Neighborhood Board No. 4 will be Wednesday October 20, 2010, 7:15 p.m. to 9:00 pm
ADJOURNMENT: The meeting adjourned at 9:10 p.m.
Recorded By: Gloria Gaines, Neighborhood Assistant
Reviewed By: Vernon Tam, Chair
State Representative Lyla Berg – A report was submitted. Rep. Say was available to answer questions.
APPROVAL OF MINUTES FROM AUGUST 18, 2010 MEETING: Cater moved, Leong seconded, and without objections, the August 18, 2010 regular meeting minutes were APPROVED, 10-0-0 (Leong, Meade, Cater, Perez, L. Tam, Yamada, Schneider, V. Tam, Carvalho, and Tybuszewski).
TREASURER’S REPORT: Treasurer Lori Yamada reported for the month of August 2010 previous operating balance of $599.12; $50.64 expended for printing and postage of agenda and minutes, leaving a balance of $548.48. The publicity account balance was $2,361.00. The report was filed.
The next Meeting of the Kaimuki Neighborhood Board No. 4 will be Wednesday October 20, 2010, 7:15 p.m. to 9:00 pm
ADJOURNMENT: The meeting adjourned at 9:10 p.m.
Recorded By: Gloria Gaines, Neighborhood Assistant
Reviewed By: Vernon Tam, Chair
<javascript:void(0);>Tuesday, September
14, 2010
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