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Diamond Head/Kapahulu/St. Louis Heights Neighborhood Board Meeting October 2017 Minutes
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CALL TO ORDER: Chair George West called the meeting to order at 6:30 p.m. A quorum was established with 12 members present. (Note - This 15-member Board requires eight (8) members to establish quorum and to take official Board action).
Members Present: Ajay Bhatt, Judith Bowman, Leonora Cuban, Richard Figliuzzi, Michelle Matson, Barbara Miller, Bert Narita, Don Persons, Laura St. Denis, Jerry Wanager, Winston Welch, and George West.
Member Absent: Julia Allen, Mark Kamahele, and Linda Wong.
Guests: State Representative Bertrand Kobayashi; Major General Arthur Logan (Hawaii Army National Guard); Walea Constantinau (Office of Mayor Kirk Caldwell); Adrian Tam (Office of Senator Stanley Chang); Ann Wong (Board of Water Supply); Captain Lane Shiroma (Honolulu Fire Department); Anthony Hart, Mary Jones, Carol Hoshiko, Carolyn Tanaka, Jolie Wanger, Taylor Maddisson, Barbara Armentrout, Daisy Murai, Franklin Chung (Residents); and Thomas Baldwin (Neighborhood Assistant.)
Announcements: Chair West commented that anyone wishing to speak on items not already on the agenda should fill out a Community Concern form at the front table and turn it into the Chair or Neighborhood Assistant.
Appointment: Chair West appointed Don Persons as the Board Sergeant-At-Arms. Don Persons accepted the position.
Honolulu Fire Department (HFD - Waikiki Station): Captain McCollum reported the following:
• September 2017 Statistics: 4 structure fires, 2 wildland brush fires, 1 nuisance fire, 6 activated alarms, 126 medical calls, 1 pedestrian accident, 5 motor vehicle collisions, 1 mountain rescue, and 2 ocean rescues.
• Safety Tip: Halloween Safety: When selecting a costume stay away from long trailing fabric, as it can be a trip hazard. If you create your own costume, select fire-resistant materials. If your child is wearing a mask, make sure the eye holes are large enough to see out of. Provide children with flashlights for lighting or glow sticks as part of their costume. Use a flashlight or battery operated candle in a jack-o-lantern. As much as possible, avoid using real candles as they can be an ignition source for fire if left unattended. If candles are used, keep children away from candles and ensure they are well supervised at all times.
Honolulu Police Department (HPD) - District 6 Waikiki/ Diamond Head): No representative was present; no report was given.
Honolulu Police Department (HPD - District 7 Kapahulu/St. Louis Heights): Sergeant Stanford Yu reported the following: September 2017 Statistics: There were 1 motor vehicle theft, 20 burglaries, 18 thefts, 7 unauthorized entries into motor vehicles (UEMV), and 6619 total calls for service.
Questions, comments, and concerns followed: Fishing Vessel: Matson asked and Sergeant Yu responded that the fishing vessel incident was within the jurisdiction of District 6.
Honolulu Fire Department (HFD - Waikiki Station)
Questions, comments, and concerns followed: Brush fires: Matson commented on the reported wildland brushfires from the Septermber 2017 Diamond Head/Kapahulu/St. Louis Heights Neighborhood Board No. 5 Regular Meeting Minutes, and asked if the the HFD had responded to those and if those were in the Diamond Head area. Captain McCollum respond that he did not personally respond to them, but they were in the Diamond Head area. One (1) fire was on the makai side of Diamond Head Road and the other was a fire on the other side of Diamond Head Road. Matson asked and Captain McCollum responded that these could be attributed to the homeless encampments in the area. Matson asked and Captain McCollum responded that these brushfires are a threat to the residents in the area.
Chair West took the agenda out of order to hear the report from Governor David Ige's Representative.
Governor David Ige's Representative: Major General Arthur Logan, Adjutant General of Hawaii Army National Guard, distributed a newsletter and reported the following:
• Philippines: Major General Logan reported that the Governor will be taking a delegation to the Philippines. The Governor is working with the Department of Business and Economic Development (DBEDT), as well as other industries and business entities to build up visitor industries between the Philippines and Hawaii. Major General Logan added that he will be visiting to develop the military-to-military relationship between the United States and the Philippines.
• Diamond Head Crater: Major General Logan reported updates regarding construction inside Diamond Head Crater. Two (2) buildings will be torn down to help return the monument to a more natural park. Construction will start in November 2017, going until May 2018. One (1) more building on the floor of Diamond Head crater will remain due to emergency management concerns. Major General Logan commented that if a joint emergency management center could be built outside the crater, then the current building could then be torn down.
• Fishing Vessel: Major General Logan commented that the fishing vessel that ran aground nearby is being taken care of by the Coast Guard. The Coast Guard continues to monitor for other spills, and are currently draining the vehicle of oil and gas. The ship will be removed once it is safe. What happened to the crew? The crew of foreigners have been taken into custody, processed, and dropped off at pier 17 with other fishing vessels. The crew will rejoin the proper fishing vessels to return home.
Questions, comments, and concerns followed:
1. C-17 used in Puerto Rico and Florida: Vice Chair Narita asked and Major General Logan responded that one (1) C-17 provided equipment and personnel for disaster relief efforts in Texas and Florida for the National Guard Bureau in September 2017. This unit is now home. Another C-17 is sending equipment and personnel to aid Puerto Rico. This unit will be home in the third week of October 2017.
2. Hawaii Air Capabilities: Vice Chair asked and Major General Logan responded that the Governor of Hawaii has the air combat capability of many small to medium-sized countries.
3. Homeless: Welch expressed his concerns with the recent closing of Kakaako Park, commenting that efforts to alleviate homelessness are not effective. Welch requested that the Governor treat this situation as similar to an emergency. Welch expressed his disappointment that residents are now criminalized for going into parks at night. Welch commented that the $500,000 for repairs could have bought affected homeless families years of medical insurance and housing. Major General Logan responded that Governor Ige is working diligently on the issue, but that it is a difficult and delicate situation. Major General Logan commented that not all homeless people are willing to accept aid. Major General Logan commented that many homeless population are veterans, some of whom also do not want a home. Matson proposed taking suggestions from the community, as well as more dialogue and legislative support.
4. Fishing Vessel: Matson expressed her concern with the recent fishing vessel that was within the Diamond Head and Waikiki conservation zones. Matson commented that these zones are open every other year to some vessels. This year fishing is not allowed. Matson expressed concerns that the vessel was so close to the shoreline, was within the conservation district, and with a foreign captain possibly violating the law.
5. Diamond Head Crater: Matson commented that there is a Memorandum of Agreement (MOA) between the Department of Land and Natural Resources (DLNR) and the Department of Defense (DOD) to define the reduced area for emergency management, including Building 303 in the master plan as being retained for emergency management. Matson expressed her concerns that the boundary line has been arbitrarily drawn along Kahala Tunnel Road and could conflict with the planned interpretative center. Matson commented that an Executive Officer in in the EMA indicated that where they planned to construct the center would not interfere with the operations. Matson requested the issue be relayed to Governor Ige's Office. Matson asked and Major General Logan responded that there is currently no timeline for when they need to be out of the park. Major General Logan added that they are doing everything to leave as quickly as possible except for Berkhimer tunnel and Battery 407 along the opposite side of the National Guard EOC. The National Guard will only keep Building 303 as long as they need it. The fence line will be moved once construction is done. They are looking into change the ingress and egress between Kapahulu Tunnel by Kapiolani Community College and Kahala Tunnel, closer to the Triangle Park side. The goal is to have the fence line moved closer to Building 303 to open up more space to the public.
Chair West returned to the report from the Board of Water Supply (BWS).
Board of Water Supply (BWS): Ann Wong of the BWS reported the following:
• BWS Financial Plan: The BWS approved the 30 year Water Master Plan. Wong reported that the 30-year Capital Improvement Plan, with its accompanying financial plan, will be presented to the Board at the end of 2017, and reviewed in the summer of 2018. The BWS anticipates that rates will be effective by 2019. Wong urged residents to fill out a survey from the BWS, and can be obtained from the BWS website at The BWS is planning on holding four (4) regional community meetings to discuss the Capital Improvement Project (CIP) financial plan and anticipated rate increase. The meeting locations, dates, and time will be determined.
• Main Breaks: There were no main breaks in September 2017.
• Red Hill Data: At the previous meeting, Board member Linda Wong had presented a document regarding data on the Red Hill fuel tank leaks with missing information. Ann Wong commented that the data has been updated, and this data is provided by the Navy. The data portions that show "no data" are reflective of years where records could not be found. A critical recount was conducted and the data was revised. The amount of leaks has been revised to 323,487 gallons for the period 1947 to 2004 based on available data. Chair West asked what the difference was between the updated data and the data prior to being updated. Wong responded that she does not have the previous data on hand, but can provide the information at the next meeting. Chair West asked if that revision was based on a re-evaluation, rediscovery, or additional leaks, and Wong responded that the new data is based on what the Navy makes known to the BWS, as it is under their jurisdiction. Chair West commented that a Navy representative, John Montgomery from Navy Facilities Hawaii, was scheduled to present data from the Navy to the Neighborhood Board. Chair West commented that he has been trying to reach Montgomery for two (2) months with no response. Ann Wong responded that she would reach out.
• Diamond Head 180 Tanks: Wong reported that security continues to conduct checks at the area around the Diamond Head 180 tanks. Wong commented that to enforce, trespasser must be on BWS property when they are spotted. Wong commented that it is a difficult issue, but that the area will continue to be monitored. Wong urged anyone who witnesses trespassing to call BWS security or HPD.
Questions, comments, and concerns followed:
1. Red Hill Data: Matson commented that the scope of the reported leaks must be narrowed to the impact of the jet fuel into the aquifer, direct leaks, and how these leaks may be increasing, to help better protect our water supply. Matson commented that the Navy wants to delay the solution when it should be accelerated for community protection.
2. Navy: Resident Armentrout, a Board member of Palolo Neighborhood Board No. 6, commented that John Montgomery came to their Board meeting in August 2017 and wanted to do a presentation, but was not on the agenda. Montgomery was on the agenda for their Wednesday, October 11, 2017 meeting, but was not present at the meeting. Armentrout commented that their Neighborhood Board passed a resolution on Red Hill from the Sierra Club. Matson suggested that they receive a copy of the resolution and Chair West commented that the resolution was distributed at a previous meeting.
Mayor Kirk Caldwell's Representative: The Mayor's representative was not present; no report was given at this time.
Ala Wai Driving Range: Chair West commented that he received an email from the Department of Enterprise Services stating that Guy Kalukukui is ill and cannot be present.
Ala Wai Water Recycling Project: Julie from Kennedy Jenks Consultants presented the following: Water Recycling Facility: Julie reported that a Water Recycling Facility has been proposed on the corner of the Ala Wai Golf Course at the corner of Date Street and Kapahulu Avenue on golf course property. The purpose of the Water Recycling Facility is to generate recycled water as an alternative water source to reduce the use and need of potable water supplies.
Questions, comments, and concerns followed:
1. Wastewater Source: Chair West asked and Julie responded that the source of the water is wastewater from the existing sewer infrastructure at the golf course. The wastewater is from the municipal sewer system, with one (1) line going through the golf course. The facility would be drawing from two (2) manholes, one (1) going to Date Street and the other to Kapahulu Avenue.
2. Progress: Chair West asked and Julie responded that the project is at the 10% planning and design phase.
3. Filtration: Vice Chair Narita commented that wastewater is known to have traces of heavy metals and other contaminants, and that extreme filtration is required. Vice Chair Narita asked what type of filtration will be utilized and the facility will monitor it. Mike Joyce, lead engineer from Kennedy Jenks, responded that one of the difficulties of this project was to find adequate quantities and quality of wastewater to be treated by the facility. Kennedy Jenks identified sources of the wastewater that met its chloride requirements for irrigation on turf. The consultants evaluated heavy metals, and the heavy metals in this area were much lower than normal standards. The technology will be an ultra-filter membrane bio reactor, using standard biological treatment. All of the water will be forced through a membrane before it is made available for irrigation. Vice Chair Narita expressed his concerns with minute quantities of heavy metals accumulating over a long period of time. Vice Chair Narita added that the underground limestone cave aquifer system could be at risk. Vice Chair Narita expressed his concerns with phosphate, which presents a major problem in shoreline areas. Joyce responded that the goal with this system was to identify half a million gallons a day to be used on the golf course. The two (2) nutrients that were observed most carefully were nitrogen and phosphorous. Both of them are in quantities that the nitrogen would be applied at agronomic rates, with the phosphorous coming in below agronomic rates. Joyce concluded that the turf would effectively be using up those nutrients.
4. Costs: Bhatt asked and Joyce responded that a cost estimate will be a part of the 10% design, so they do not have a cost estimate at this point. Joyce estimated that three (3) to (6) months from this presentation they will have an estimate of costs.
5. Facility: Matson asked and Julie responded that a new facility would be built, as opposed to retrofitting an older facility. Matson asked and Julie responded that a rough estimate might be approximately 5000 square feet ground service facility.
6. Wastewater Source (continued): Matson asked and Julie responded that it would be sourced from the Municipal Sewer system, and two (2) manholes from the Ala Wai Golf Course. Maston asked and Joyce responded that a digester would not be used at the facility. Joyce added that the solids that are produced through the biological system will be separated out and sent back through the sewers to the Sand Island digester.
7. Recycled Water: Resident Franklin Chung asked and Julie responded that the Ala Wai golf course uses a combination of one third (1/3) brackish water and two thirds (2/3) potable water. Resident Chung asked and Julie responded that they will be using R1 water. Resident Chung asked and Joyce responded that the community can expect the immaculate conditions seen at Ewa Golf Course with their recycled water at the Ala Wai Golf Course.
8. Other Projects: Resident Chung asked if this project had any relations to the Ala Wai Driving Range and the Top Golf Entertainment Complex, and Julie responded that it is not, and that they were not familiar with those projects.
9. Future Updates: Chair West asked and Julie responded that they will return to the Board to give future updates when it is relevant.
Chair West took the agenda out of order to hear the report from the Mayor's Representative.
Mayor Kirk Caldwell's Representative: Walea Constantinau distributed a newsletter and reported the following:
• Palolo Stream Overgrowth Behind City Mill: The Department of Facility Maintenance evaluated the overgrowth along Palolo Stream behind City Mill and has determined that heavy equipment will be needed to remove and load the overgrowth cuttings for disposal. Heavy equipment operations are currently backlogged with several stream clearing projects but the City Mill area will be scheduled as soon as equipment and manpower resources are available.
??? Plastic Bag Ban Implementation: The Department of Environmental Services (ENV) Refuse division reported that they will efficiently utilizes existing staff to enforce Revised Ordinances of Honolulu Sections 9-9.1-4, which regulate the use of plastic bags on Oahu. Since the inception of the ban in 2015, Refuse Division staff have worked to streamline and optimize its enforcement efforts through the use of bulk mailing of information to businesses impacted by the ban, the development of electronic inspection tools and online compliance surveys, and combining inspections for compliance with the plastic bag ban with inspections for compliance with other ordinances requirements for businesses, such as food waste, glass and office paper recycling.
• Speed Limit Signs: The Department of Transportation Services (DTS) requests a list of streets that need more speed signs posted from Board member Welch.
• Reparing the Ala Wai Golf Course Club House Partition: The Department of Parks and Recreation (DPR) is aware of operational issues with the partition and has been working with some private vendors on a repair. However, this is not a simple fix, and there is a possibility that the whole partition will need to be replaced as a Capital Improvement Project (CIP). DPR will work on finding a solution in the near future.
• Trash in front of Reynolds Recycling: Board Member Welch requested a dumpster for the Reynolds Recycling Center along Kapahulu Avenue. The ENV reported that all certified HI-5 beverage container redemption centers, such as the Reynolds Recycling center on Kapahulu Avenue, are managed by the Hawaii State Department of Health's (DOH) Solid and Hazardous Waste Branch. Issues related to the operation and maintenance of the center can be reported to this branch directly at 586-4226. Additionally, the City's ENV will contact the Solid and Hazardous Waste Branch to bring this issue to their attention.
• Orange fencing around Ala Wai Golf Course: Improvements and repairs to the orange fenced areas are ongoing, including repair and replacement of irrigation and broken sprinkler heads.
Questions, comments, and concerns followed:
1. Partition at Ala Wai Club House: Welch commented they will need another place to meet to avoid the conflict with the choir in the same room.
2. Honolulu Zoo/ Palolo Stream: Vice Chair Narita asked what the condition of the former Honolulu Zoo entrance building is. Vice Chair Narita expressed his concerns that the building, with architectural significance. is deteriorating due to neglect. Vice Chair Narita commented that this board previously fought to save the building, and used a term called "benign neglect." Vice Chair Narita commented that "benign neglect" refers to a tendency of bureaucratic systems to avoid addressing a minor problem until it becomes a major problem. Vice Chair Narita would like to see structures and other public assets that the community fights to protect be tracked to ensure they do not fall into major disrepair. Vice Chair Narita commented that if these issues were addressed when they began, the costs would be much lower and the work easier. Vice Chair Narita commented that the last effort they cleared all of Palolo Stream Bed, and now they have returned. Constantinau responded that she will open a dialogue with the Department of Facility and Maintenance (DFM) regarding this concern. Matson agreed with Vice Chair Narita's sentiments, and commented that many public assets, including the Ala Wai Boathouse fall into disrepair through decade's long benign neglect.
3. Partition at Ala Wai Club House: Matson expressed her concerns with the lack of partition creating a challenge for public meetings to be held. Matson expressed her desire to see the disturbing factor removed so the public can meet. Matson would like to know how long they expect before funds are available to fix the partition.
4. Alternate Locations/ Dates: Bhatt would like to know if there is an easy way to find alternative dates/ times/ locations for the meeting locations. Constantinau responded that the current situation is less than ideal, and commented that finding a compromise would be the next step. Constantinau will start a dialogue with relevant parties, and urged Board members to start looking for alternative locations and times as well. Matson expressed her concerns that the slot they currently occupy in the schedule will be taken if they decide to move out, and will likely not be get it again. Matson commented that she would like to see the alternate open dates/times at the Ala Wai Club House so their meeting does not coincide with the chorus practice.
5. Kakaako Park/ Homeless: Welch expressed his concerns with the lack of effective effort in aiding the homeless. Welch commented that increasing the taxes, especially the Transient Accomodations Tax (TAT), or another solution that is not being considered at the moment, might be a way forward for the City and County of Honolulu. Constantinau recommended that a presentation from the leader of the homeless aid initiatives at City and County of Honolulu might be helpful to see the efforts that are being done. Constantinau commented that the limitations of TAT specify that it cannot be used for general City funds.
6. Kapahulu Avenue and Kanahina Street: Resident Daisy Murai commented that there is a vine growing around the stop sign at Kapahulu Avenue and Kanahina Street, as well as bush overgrowth at the median, is reducing effective visibility for drivers. Resident Murai requested that DFM cut these back.
Epilepsy Foundation of Hawaii: Naomi Manuel of the Epilepsy Foundation of Hawaii announced the Sharon's Ride.Run.Walk! on Sunday, January 28, 2018 at Kapiolani Community College. The event information is as follows: 7:00 a.m. - 75K Bike Ride; 7:30 a.m. - 5K & 10K Runs; 8:30 a.m. - One (1) Mile Walk.
Homeless Activity at Campbell Avenue: The Board discussed the following:
• Lack of Enforcement: Resident Carolyn Tanaka commented that she views the situation as hopeless because no department seems to be willing to do anything about it. Resident Tanaka expressed her concerns that the costs to clean the area at this point could be very high. Resident Tanaka expressed her concerns that the departments will wait until encampments are more prevalent and dug into the community. Resident Tanaka expressed her frustration that calling the police when trespassing or public defecation occurs often leads nowhere, as the officer will not have witnessed the behavior by the time they arrive. Resident Tanaka expressed her concerns that there is no enforcement of the law. Chair West commented that they can keep this problem on the Board's agenda to keep visibility up.
• Suggestions to Aid the Homeless: Matson commented that the subject has come up about communal areas to be set aside for these different homeless groups. Matson commented that the Diamond Head Citizens Advisory committee that DLNR will only be enforcing its sweeping of Diamond Head annually, because it costs them $26,000 last spring. Matson commented that solutions do not get very far and with no collaborative coordination between initiatives. Matson distributed suggestions to help solve the problem, by creating a support mechanism for the ideas that can create the solutions. Matson requested that the Board consider the distributed requests to help draft a resolution to share with other Neighborhood Boards.
• Department of Housing: Welch commented that there are many good ideas within the distributed documents. Welch commented that the Board ought to invite Executive Director Mark Alexander of the Office of Housing to the Board meeting to address the Board on the City and County of Honolulu's actions to help the homeless. Chair West responded that he will contact Executive Director Alexander and see when they can arrange a time to present to the Board.
• Resolution: Matson asked and Chair West responded that a drafted resolution would be appropriate.
Matson moved and Bowman seconded that the Board draft a resolution comprising 1) a compilation of the various points laid out in the distributed materials and 2) historical background information to provide context for the resolution. The motion WAS ADOPTED by UNANIMOUS CONSENT; 12-0-0 (AYE: Bhatt, Bowman, Figliuzzi, Cuban, Matson, Miller, Narita, Persons, Wanager, Welch, West NAY: None ABSTAIN: None.)
Bikeshare Updates: Chair West commented that responses to previous questions regarding Bikeshare were emailed to him and was distributed to Vice Chair Narita for further investigation. Matson commented that the Bikeshare resolution was deferred to this meeting. Matson provided amendments to the resolution and asked if they could be adopted tonight. Chair West asked and Vice Chair Narita responded that the amendments could be adopted only if the primary intent of the resolution is not compromised. Matson commented that the amendments are there to strengthen and clarify the intent of the resolution.
Honolulu Liquor Commission: Resident Daisy Murai commented that on Saturday, September 7, 2017 the Espresso Bar and Shop No 9 next to Waikiki Elementary School was granted a liquor license.
Councilmember Ann Kobayashi: No representative was present; no report was provided.
Councilmember Trevor Ozawa: No representative was present; no report was provided.
Senator Stanley Chang: Adrian Tam of Senator Chang's Office distributed a newsletter and reported the following:
• Leahi Avenue: Tam reported that Senator Chang's Office is currently working the Hawaii State Department of Transportation (HDOT) to seek assistance through the Roads Commission to help with the situation of private owners along Leahi Avenue.
• Illegal Vacation Rentals: Due to complaints, the Office is looking to draft a bill for the next session to make it a misdemeanor to provide false or misleading statements to a county investigator during inspections.
Questions, comments, and concerns followed:
1. Emergency Preparedness: Vice Chair Narita commented that, in view of recent devastation in Puerto Rico and Napa Valley, urged legislators to look at the successes and failures of the emergency responses to help our state better prepare for future emergencies. Vice Chair Narita commented that with a severe hurricane, our power infrastructure could be devastated. Vice Chair Narita commented that the Jones Act was dropped for a short period of time in Puerto Rico, and should be looked at. Vice Chair Narita expressed his concerns with communication infrastructure, as was seen in Napa Valley with the loss of cell towers preventing individuals from contacting loved ones. Vice Chair Narita commented that there is not a reliable emergency infrastructure. Vice Chair Narita commented that with the threat of North Korea, there is very little in the way of training and preparation for man-made disasters. Tam responded that he will relay that to the Senator and commented that they are actively working on hurricane preparedness. Matson commented that Major General Logan has jurisdiction of the Hawaii Emergency Management Agency at Diamond Head, and they address those emergencies. Matson urged the Legislature to communicate with the Department of Defense (DOD) on these issues.
2. Cyber Security: Resident Carol Hoshiko expressed her concerns with the growing need to understand cyber security. Resident Hoshiko urged the community and government to be more proactive in regards to cyber security education. As an employee of KCC, Resident Hoshiko commented that she would be willing to sponsor awareness workshops/ lectures in collaboration with the Board and Government officials to inform the community.
Senator Les Ihara: No representative was present; no report was provided at this time.
Representative Bertrand Kobayashi: Representative Kobayashi distributed a newsletter and reported the following:
• Hawaiian Electric Company (HECO): Representative Kobayashi reported that HECO now has an online application for residents
• Housing: Representative Kobayashi reported that the City and County of Honolulu has approx. $500,000 in housing assistant funding for middle and low income housing residents.
• Homeless: Representative Kobayashi provided an info sheet about homeless, listing are two (2) sets of data points for the City and County of Honolulu and the State of Hawaii regarding homeless activity and the summary of the add on dollars that the legislature approved this year for homeless activities. Representative Kobayashi clarified that the dollars listed are the non-recurring numbers, or the items that have to be approved every year in order to continue.
Questions, comments, and concerns followed:
1. Legislation: Matson provided Representative Kobayashi with the distributed materials regarding homeless as ideas for potential Legislation.
2. Homeless: Welch commented that based on the numbers, the HDOT homeless sweeps of its properties amounts to $12 million. Welch asked if those $12 million dollars could be used instead for providing homes for the homeless. Welch added that only $600,000 are used for clean and sober houses. Resident Kobayashi responded that he is not sure if the numbers are correct, as it should be $8 million with $4 million coming from state funds, and the other $4 million being state highway funds. This money is specifically designated for the collection and storage of Homeless property. The Court ruled that confiscation of homeless property cannot take place unless there is an inventory made of the property and that it be stored and possibly returned to the homeless over a period of 60 to 90 days. Representative Kobayashi commented that there are very few state agencies with the capacity to collect, storing, and inventory a large amount of homeless property. The HDOT was volunteered for the task. Welch responded that the taxpayers are spending the money in the wrong place.
3. Ala Wai Golf Course Driving Range and TopGolf: Resident Chung asked if Representative Kobayashi was aware of the Request For Proposal that was supposed to go out to expand and improve services at Ala Wai Driving Range. Chair West commented that there is no information at this time.
Representative Scott Nishimoto: Kevin Wong of Representative Nishimoto's Office distributed a newsletter and reported the following:
• Medication Take Back: A Medication Take Back Event will take place at the State Capitol on Saturday, October 28, 2017 from 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. Those with unused or expired prescription should bring them to the event for drop off as opposed to throwing them out or flushing them down the drain.
• Going Green: Kaimuki Highschool is hosting a Going Green event on Saturday, October 14, 2017.
Questions, comments, and concerns followed: Rail and Electricity: Vice Chair Narita requested the status of Puerto Rico's Rail system as a consequence of the hurricane. Vice Chair Narita clarified that the construction of the rail bankrupted Puerto Rico and is now doing nothing for them in this time of need. Vice Chair Narita added that they also have a major power problem. Vice Chair Narita commented that if they are going to have Rail going from Waipahu to the urban core, there exists a good transmission line for two (2) or three (3) major power plants. Vice Chair Narita commented that the City and County of Honolulu could use that elevated system as a major transmission line for the power, as well as recoup some rental from the power companies. Vice Chair Narita added that its elevation would keep it from risks exposed to underground systems, and would allow power to go to the Rail itself without the need of parallel utility poles. Wong responded that he would gather more information, but added that the City and County of Honolulu would also be an appropriate channel for that request.
House Speaker Emiterus (HSE) Calvin Say: No representative was present; no report was given.
Bikeshare: Vice Chair Narita attended a nonprofit seminar and reported that there are inconsistencies in the Form 990 that was presented for public review from Bikeshare. Vice Chair Narita added that there are some organizational problems, citing the example of two (2) Bikeshare employees sitting on the board, which is not recommended as a best practice. Vice Chair Narita added that there exist no minutes from the establishing of the board back in 2014. Vice Chair Narita concluded that he will have something in writing at the next meeting.
Approval of September 14, 2017, Regular Meeting Minutes:
Matson moved to approve the August 10, 2017 Regular Meeting Minutes as amended. The motion WAS ADOPTED by HAND VOTE; 12-0-0 (AYE: Bhatt, Bowman, Figliuzzi, Cuban, Matson, Miller, Narita, Persons, Wanager, Welch, West NAY: None ABSTAIN: None.) Amendments include:
• Page 4: Citizens Forester Program: Rachael Cleveland, an intern from Smart Trees Pacific ( ), reportedÉ1. Welch commended the program . . .where the City once never had an inventory of where they the trees are, now they have an inventory injuries , of where they are and where gaps are...)
• Page 6: Approval of August 10 Meeting Minutes: Liquor Commission Notice: Murai commented that a Café Espresso Bar is being considered in the area at the former Kaimana Pantry location and is near next door to Waikiki Elementary School. . .
• Pages 6 and 7: Leahi Avenue: ...Resident Jones commented that so far the PIG has a copy of the deed for a portion once owned by the Lilia* Lunalilo Trust... The portion of Leahi Avenue, from Nuela Noela Drive to Kunemoi Poni Moi...
??? Page 7: Bikeshare vs Biki (end): Matson commented that Biki's profit arm is the offshore investor, and one arm provides equipment while the other pays for other the operations...
• Page 7: Natalie Iwasa: (all occurrences of "Iwasi" to be replaced with "Iwasa.")
• Page 8: Draft Resolution on Bikeshare: Chair West explained the proposed resolution was provided for this meeting by Wyatt Gordon, an urban planner and member of the McCully-MoÔiliÔili Neighborhood Board #8. Several Board members indicated they had not received a copy and Matson asked that it be deferred to the next meeting. ...Wong movedÉ
Leahi Avenue Permitted Interaction Group: Bowman reported that the Leahi PIG met on Thursday, September 28, 2017. Bowman reported that the PIG discussed five (5) options that could be used by the City and County of Honolulu to claim ownership over this section of dangerous roadway. The options are as follows:
1. Executive Order: The Mayor issues an executive order to take control of the road.
2. Highway Act of 1892: The State Department of Transportation uses the Highway Act of 1892 to take ownership of the road and appropriately transfer the road to the City and County of Honolulu.
3. Estate of Lunalilo: The record of the current owner of the road indicates that it's still the Estate of Lunalilo conveys the road directly to the City and County of Honolulu.
4. Road Condemnation: The City and County of Honolulu takes steps to condemn the road and take ownership.
5. House Bill 115: The City and County of Honolulu and The State Legislature convene to use House Bill 115 which passed in July 2017 to get City and County of Honolulu to take ownership.
Questions, comments, and concerns followed:
1. Next Steps: Chair West asked and Bowman responded that the next steps are to approach the Councilmembers to ask how these the issue with Leahi Avenue may be expedited with these viable options.
2. Kapiolani Park Trust: Matson commented that the Leahi Avenue PIG must understand the provisions of the Kapiolani Park Trust. Matson commented that the meets and bounds of the avenue are drawn through the center of Leahi. Matson clarified that the Makai side of Leahi Avenue belongs to the Kapiolani Park Trust and the Mauka side belongs to the various private property owners. It is within the City and County of Honolulu's jurisdiction to consider only the Mauka side for any improvements. The Legislature and the City Council, who are the Kapiolani Park Trustees would respect the Trust Provisions. The Attorney General has ultimate jurisdiction, and recommended the PIG talk with that office. Matson supports the efforts to make Leahi Avenue safer, but urges the PIG to respect what has come before.
3. Five Options: Welch requested these five (5) options be distributed to the Board and Chair West commented that the Neighborhood Assistant would distribute it.
4. Kapiolani Park Trust (continued): Welch commented that the City Council has a dual and conflicting role as trustees of the Kapiolani Park Trust. In this instance, Welch commented that if they were presented with the option, they might expedite the process of assisting with Leahi Avenue.
Chair West took the agenda out of order to hear the report from Senator Les Ihara.
Senator Les Ihara: Senator Les Ihara distributed a newsletter and reported the following:
• Introduction: Senator Ihara introduced himself to the newer members of the Board and mentioned that, while his there boundaries are technically not within his jurisdiction, he can act as a resource for the Board.
• Special Session: Ihara commented that the Special Session will begin in November 2017 to appoint judges.
Questions, comments, and concerns followed: Diamond Head Crater: Matson informed Senator Ihara of the discussion the Board had with the Major General earlier in the meeting regarding the MOA between DLNR and DOD regarding Diamond Head Crater. Matson commented that the Diamond Head State Monument Master Plan boundary separating park land and the DOD area has been arbitrarily changed to ice out the Visitors Interpretive Center's site. Matson requested that Senator Ihara discuss the issue with Major General Logan. Senator Ihara asked and Matson responded that the boundaries were adopted by the State. Senator Ihara asked and Matson clarified that the MOA will move that site to Kahala tunnel road. Senator Ihara commented that the discussion must first be on the authority of the boundary. Senator Ihara added that he will discuss the issue with Major General Logan. Senator Ihara asked and Matson clarified that the MOA is still being discussed as the DOD will be retaining building 303 on the crater floor. Matson added that they are redrawing the fence line to accommodate everything up to Kahala Tunnel Road. Senator Ihara commented that this could be a major policy issue and would coordinate with the necessary departments and officials to find out more and see what can be done.
Sea Wall: Senator Ihara added that the Legislature will be working on a CIP to repair the Sea Wall to avoid State liability.
Treasurer's Report: Wanager reported a balance of $383.27
Subdistrict 1 (St. Louis Heights): No report was provided.
Subdistrict 2 (Kapahulu): No report was provided.
Subdistrict 3 (Diamond Head): No report was provided.
Chair West moved to the Bikeshare Resolution.
Proposed Amendments: Vice Chair Narita reviewed the amendments and commented that Matson's proposed amendments are clarifications and do not change the intent of the resolution. The Board accepted Matson's proposed amendments.
Matson moved and Bowman seconded the motion to adopt the Bikeshare Resolution as amended. The motion WAS ADOPTED by ROLL CALL VOTE; 10-0-0 (AYE: Bhatt, Bowman, Figliuzzi, Cuban, Matson, Miller, Narita, Persons, Wanager, West NAY: None ABSTAIN: None.) Amendments include:
• Paragraph 1: "Épricing structure in which the cheapest least costlyÉ"
• Paragraph 2: "ÉBikeshare Hawaii could afford to offer residents a better deal as É"
• Paragraph 3: "Éfor us the tax-payingers public who funded the non-profit, prior to interest a large investment from private investors offshore interests to launch the program; and"
• Paragraph 5: "???, and to Metro D.C., which gives out provides free annual memberships to low-income individuals for free; and now, therefore,"
• Paragraph 6: "WHEREAS, Bikeshare Hawaii could offer their public users far more reasonable rates given the substantial multi-million-dollar offshore investment in their program; now therefore,"
• Paragraph 7: "Éequitably facilitate affordable use of the non-profit program by local residents and low-income users, É released by the Department of Planning and Permitting; and"
??? Paragraph 8: "É the Hawaii Bicycling League, the Board of Directors of Bikeshare Hawaii, and Bikeshare Hawaii's CEO, Lori McCarney, and all OÔahu Neighborhood Boards."
Next Regular Board Meeting: The next regular Board meeting will be at Ala Wai Club House on Thursday, November 9, 2017.
ADJOURNMENT: As there was no further business before the Board, Chair West adjourned the meeting at 8:21 p.m.
Submitted by: Thomas Baldwin, Neighborhood Assistant Reviewed by: James Skizewski, Public Relations
Reviewed by: Russell Ho Finalized by: George West, Chair
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