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Kaimuki Neighborhood Board Meeting October 2017 Minutes
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CALL TO ORDER - Chair Sharon Schneider called the meeting to order at 7:07 p.m. A quorum was established with (nine) 9 members present. Note: This 11-member Board requires six (6) members to establish a quorum and to take official Board action.
Board Members Present - Becky Gardner, Walt Ross, Mark Hagadone, Paul Hoe, Marilyn Moniz-Kahoohanohano, Sharon Schneider, Brian Kang, Lori Yamada and Calvin Hara.
Board Members Absent - Molly Pierce
Guests - Sergeant Mango Jr. and Lieutenant R. Hayamoto (Honolulu Police Department); Firefighter Brower, Captain Reggie Gawiran and Douglas Youth (Honolulu Fire Department); Director Mark Wong, Department of Information Technology (Mayor Kirk Caldwell's Representative); Kim Ribellia (Councilmember Trevor Ozawa's Office); James Larson (Councilmember Ann Kobayashi's Office); Cameron Sato (Senator Stanley Chang's Office); Lorna Heller (Board of Water Supply); Tracy Ryan (Harm Reduction Hawaii); Anela Kekoolani (Neighborhood Commission Office).
Honolulu Fire Department (HFD) - Firefighter Brower reported the following:
• September 2017 Statistics: There were 1 structure fire, 3 cooking fires, 14 activated alarms (no fire), 88 medical emergencies, 1 motor vehicle collision with pedestrian, 7 motor vehicle crash/collision, 4 mountain rescues and 1 hazardous material incident.
• Fire Safety Tip: Halloween Safety:
o Costumes - When selecting a costume, stay away from long, trailing fabric, as it can be a trip hazard or attach to an object and cause a fall. If you create your own costume, select fire-resistant materials. If your child is wearing a mask, ensure the eye holes are large enough so they can see out.
o Flashlights - Provide children with flashlights to carry for lighting or glow sticks as part of their costume.
o Candles - Use a flashlight or battery-operated candle in a jack-o-lantern. As much as possible, real candles should not be used, as they can be an ignition source for fire if left unattended. If candles are used, keep children away from candles and ensure they are well-supervised at all times when candles are lit.
Honolulu Police Department (HPD) - Lieutenant R. Hayamoto reported the following:
• September 2017 Statistics: There were 7 motor vehicle thefts, 26 burglaries, 24 thefts, 11 unauthorized entries into motor vehicles (UEMV) and 6,619 total calls for service.
• Safety Tip: A handout was passed out on Active Shooter Preparedness.
Questions, comments and concerns followed:
1. Not Calling 911 - Hagadone stated that he saw on a resident stated not to call 911 because it ties up the line. Lieutenant R. Hayamoto stated that you should always call 911. If it is a nonemergency the operator will connect you to the appropriate party.
2. Tracked - Gardner asked if you call 911 but cannot talk you can still be tracked for HPD to help. Lieutenant R. Hayamoto stated that you can still be tracked if you call 911 and cannot talk.
3. Alternatives to Calling 911 - Director Wong stated that you can also text 911.
4. Smart 911 ??? A resident stated that you can register on smart 911 and list your medical conditions. In case of emergency that will be easily accessible.
Board of Water Supply (BWS) - Lorna Heller reported the following:
• Main Break - There were two (2) main breaks:
o Wednesday, September 6, 2017 at 2010 Paula Drive
o Tuesday, September 12, 2017 at 4001 Pakahi Place
• Master Plan - The BWS is committed to providing the people of Oahu with safe, dependable, and affordable water now and into the future. To ensure that commitment is met efficiently and effectively, the BWS is developing the Water Master Plan (WMP), a comprehensive program that looks ahead 30 years to evaluate the entire water system, quantify future demands and source options, identify necessary improvements, and balance needs and costs of providing water to residents and visitors.
• Capital Improvement Program (CIP) - The WMP also provides the foundation for prioritizing Capital Improvement Program (CIP) projects and identifying a sustainable financial program. The BWS Board of Directors (Board) has adopted the WMP as the comprehensive "living" document for future water system improvements.
• Survey - The BWS wants to hear from all Oahu water users even if you don't pay water bill. The survey is about how to best support the sustainability of our precious water resources, via an online survey. Please visit to access the online survey. Questions call 748-5041 or email Survey deadline will be Thursday, November 30, 2017.
Potholes - Residents are concerned about the potholes on Mikihala Way on Wilhelmina Rise.
Mayor Kirk Caldwell's Representative - Director Mark Wong, Department of Information Technology (DIT) reported the following:
• Bus Update - Now effective The Bus eliminated transfers and introduce one day bus passes. One day bus passes can only be bought on The Bus.
• Kaimuki Parking Lot - Department of Design and Construction (DDC) is currently in the initial phase of design for improvements to the Kaimuki Municipal Parking Lot #2. The scope of this project will include the reconstruction of the parking lot pavement and remediation of deteriorated conditions such as cracked sidewalks and curbs. At this time, we anticipate construction of the project to commence in early 2019.
• Drilling - As part of this phase, our Geotechnical Sub-consultant is planning to perform drilling to explore sub-surface conditions at the parking lot on Thursday, October 26, 2017 and Friday, October 26, 2017. The drilling will require that some of the parking stalls be blocked off for parts of each day. However, the lot will remain open to the public while the drilling is being conducted.
• Illegal Game Room - The District 7 (East Honolulu) Crime Reduction Unit (CRU) was aware of the illegal activity occurring at 3632 Waialae Avenue. Beat officers were instructed to saturate the area with high visibility patrols to deter illegal activity while an operation could be planned to enter the game room.
• Increased Patrol - At the same time directed patrols were increased in the area, the District 7 Community Policing Team (CPT) canvassed the residential areas, going door-to-door and offering free home assessments to the residents. Fifty residential homes were assessed in the area, and tips were given on how to harden their homes to prevent being victimized. The CPT also reached out to their Neighborhood Security Watch partners. The officers alerted them to the increase in crime and asked that they call 911 when suspicious activity or individuals were observed.
• Full Court Press - On the night of Thursday, September 14, 2017, the District 7 CRU unit, with the assistance of the District 1 (Central Honolulu) and District 6 (Waikiki) CRUs, conducted a Full Court Press of the game rooms in District 7. Three people were arrested at this game room.
• Shut Down - On Friday, September 15, 2017, Sergeant J. Pacarro reached out to the property owner of 3632 Waialae Avenue and informed him of the possible criminal activity taking place on his property, explaining about Nuisance Abatement. The property owner did his own on-site inspection of the property and observed the illegal game machines. He was very cooperative and stated that he was willing to evict the tenants. Twenty four hours after the Full Court Press was conducted, the game room was completely shut down. It also appeared that the property owner followed through with the eviction process.
Questions, comments and concerns followed:
1. Parking Meters - Hoe asked if parking meters will be replaced after Kaimuki Municipal Parking Lot #2 is resurfaced.
2. City Hall - A resident asked if all City Halls will be open on Saturdays and Director Wong responded only Kapalama Hale. Director Wong also stated that there are a lot of new rules to get a new driver's license and suggest checking the City website first to make sure you have everything you need.
Councilmember Ann Kobayashi - James Larson circulated a newsletter and reported the following:
• Going Green - There was a going green event on Saturday, October 14, 2017 to help Kaimuki High School, Kapahulu Community Center, and Moiliili Community Center. The event was very successful.
Questions, comments and concerns followed: Recyclables - Chair Schneider asked if stores will take electronics to recycle. Larson responded that it depends on the business some stores accept them.
Councilmember Trevor Ozawa - Kimberly Ribellia reported the following:
• Resolution 17-276 - Resolution 17-276 proposes a bill to regulate building requirements for large residential homes. This bill would limit the number of bedrooms and "wet bars" allowed in each dwelling unit and increase the number of off-street parking spaces required for large residential homes.
• Bill 86 (2017) - Bill 86 allows the City to remove weeds, garbage, trash and waste from privately owned vacant lots and charge the owner for doing so if the property is overgrown with weeds and rubbish and pose a health or fire hazard or causes a public nuisance.
• Grants - The City is now accepting applications for grants available through the City's Grants in Aid (GIA) program. GIA proposals must be submitted by 2:00 p.m. on Thursday, November 16, 2017.
• Halloween Safety:
o Costumes - When selecting a costume, stay away from long, trailing fabric, as it can be a trip hazard or attach to an object and cause a fall. If you create your own costume, select fire-resistant materials. If your child is wearing a mask, ensure the eye holes are large enough so they can see out.
o Flashlights - Provide children with flashlights to carry for lighting or glow sticks as part of their costume.
o Candles - Use a flashlight or battery-operated candle in a jack-o-lantern. As much as possible, real candles should not be used, as they can be an ignition source for fire if left unattended. If candles are used, keep children away from candles and ensure they are well-supervised at all times when candles are lit.
Questions, comments and concerns followed:
1. Support - A resident asked how you show support for Resolution 17-276. Ribellia stated to contact their office.
2. Grants - Hagadone asked what kind of grants are being accepted for the GIA.
Governor Ige's Representative - A representative was not present; a handout was provided.
Senator Stanley Chang - Senator Chang distributed a handout and reported the following:
• Hurricane Preparedness - We are half way through hurricane season and so far the Hawaiian Islands have seen nine (9) named hurricanes in the central pacific basin. Take the time now to prepare for your family, business, and property before a hurricane hazard approaches your area.
o Develop an Emergency Plan
o Prepare a Home Survival Kit
o Prepare an Evacuation Kit
o Stay Calm, Stay alert, Stay Informed
• Equifax - The State of Hawaii Office of Consumer Protection (OCP) has announced that an investigation into the massive data breach involving the consumer reporting agency Equifax. At least 143 millions of Americans have been affected.
Questions, comments and concerns followed:
1. Abandon Vehicles - A resident asked when you call the abandon vehicle number what happens from there. Sato responded that they will come out and mark the car but the car will most likely still sit there.
2. Credit Score Check - Gardner asked what sites you can check your credit score. Community members suggested credit karma.
Senator Les Ihara Junior - No representative was present.
Representative Calvin K.Y. Say - No representative was present.
Representative Bertrand Kobayashi - A representative was not present; a handout was provided.
Hawaii Congresswoman Colleen Hanabusa - A representative was not present; a handout was provided.
Information on Conference Deconstructing Sex Work and Sex Trafficking on Tuesday, January 9, 2018
??? Harm Reduction - Harm reduction is a philosophy and set of strategies for working individuals engaged in potential harmful behaviors. The main objective is to reduce the potential dangers and health risk associated with such behaviors, even for those not willing or able to completely stop. Harm reduction uses a non-judgmental, holistic, and individuals and communities.
• Deconstruction Sex Work and Sex Trafficking Conference - The Deconstruction Sex Work and Sex Trafficking Conference will be on Tuesday, January 9, 2017 at the Ala Moana Hotel, Hibiscus Ballroom from 8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. with morning sign in starting at 7:30 a.m.
• Goal - The conference goal is to bring together people who are working to fight sex trafficking, providing harm reduction oriented social service workers and victims, and assisting sex workers seeking labor rights.
• Register - You can register for the conference online at
Red Hill Resolution Brought Forward by Sierra Club - Hoe moved and Hagadone seconded. The Kaimuki Neighborhood Board No.4 supports the resolution to protect Oahu's groundwater resources from the Red Hill bulk fuel storage tanks. The motion passes, by UNANIMOUS consent, 9-0-0 (AYE: Gardner, Hagadone, Hoe, Kang, Moniz-Kahoohanohano, Schneider, Ross, Yamada and Hara; NAY: None; ABSTAIN: None).
Dissolution of Permitted Interaction Group (PIG) formed for the issue of the gambling den and associated crimes under the Neighborhood Board - Moniz-Kahoohanohano moved and Hoe seconded to dissolve the PIG formed for the issue of the gambling den and associated crimes under the Neighborhood Board The motion passes, by UNANIMOUS consent, 9-0-0 (AYE: Gardner, Hagadone, Hoe, Kang, Moniz-Kahoohanohano, Schneider, Ross, Yamada and Hara; NAY: None; ABSTAIN: None).
Presentation of comments for 2018 Neighborhood Plan - Board Members will review the neighborhood plan and give their reviews and comments to Ross who will submit them online.
Purchasing a Banner for the Christmas Parade and other Volunteer events in which the board participates - Gardner moved and Hoe seconded to approve purchasing a banner for the Christmas Parade and other Volunteer events in which the board participates. The motion passes, by UNANIMOUS consent, 9-0-0 (AYE: Gardner, Hagadone, Hoe, Kang, Moniz-Kahoohanohano, Schneider, Ross, Yamada and Hara; NAY: None; ABSTAIN: None).
Approval of Wednesday, August 16, 2017 Regular Meeting Minutes - Hoe moved and Ross seconded that the Kaimuki Neighborhood Board No. 4 the Wednesday, August 16, 2017, regular meeting minutes were APPROVED, by UNANIMOUS consent, 9-0-0 (AYE: Gardner, Hagadone, Hoe, Kang, Moniz-Kahoohanohano, Schneider, Ross, Yamada and Hara; NAY: None; ABSTAIN: None).
Approval of Wednesday, September 20, 2017 Regular Meeting Minutes - Hoe moved and Ross seconded that the Kaimuki Neighborhood Board No. 4 the Wednesday, September 20, 2017, regular meeting minutes were APPROVED, by UNANIMOUS consent, 9-0-0 (AYE: Gardner, Hagadone, Hoe, Kang, Moniz-Kahoohanohano, Schneider, Ross, Yamada and Hara; NAY: None; ABSTAIN: None).
Treasurer's Report - No report provided deferred.
??? Next Regular Board Meeting Wednesday, November 15, 2017, Kaimuki Christian Church, Fellowship Hall 7:00 p.m.
• The Adopt-a-Park program of the Kaimuki Business and Professional Association has scheduled a clean-up of Kaimuki Park on Waialae Avenue on Saturday, October 28, 2017 from 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m.
• Board of Water Supply (BWS) Survey
ADJOURNMENT - The meeting adjourned at 8:20 p.m.
Submitted by: Anela Kekoolani, Neighborhood Assistant
Reviewed by: Sultan White, Neighborhood Assistant
Reviewed by: Sharon Schneider, Board Chair
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