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  • Kaimuki Neighborhood Board Meeting February 2018 Minutes

With Permission / Courtesy of: City and County of Honolulu Neighborhood Commission Office

CALL TO ORDER - Chair Sharon Schneider called the meeting to order at 7:02 p.m. A quorum was established with nine (9) members present. Note: This 11-member Board requires six (6) members to establish a quorum and to take official Board action.

Board Members Present - Calvin Hara, Paul Hoe, Marilyn Moniz-Kaho'ohanohano, Brian Kang, Sharon Schneider, Lori Yamada, Becky Gardner, Mark Hagadone, and Molly Pierce.

Board Members Absent ??? Walt Ross

Guests - Captain Reginaldo Gawiran (Honolulu Fire Department); Lieutenant Michael Nakada and Sargent Keoni Hong (Honolulu Police Department); Director Mark Wong, Department of Information Technology (Mayor Kirk Caldwell's Representative); Kimberly Ribellia and Karen Yorimoto (Council Member Trevor Ozawa's Office); Deputy Director Leonard Hoshijo, Department of Labor and Industrial Relations (Governor Ige's Representative); Representative Bertrand Kobayashi; Speaker Emeritus Calvin Say; Senator Les Ihara Jr.; Carol Hoshiko (Kapiolani Community College); Lorna Heller (Board of Water Supply); Estria Miyashiro (Mele Murals); Stephen Pazienza and Raul Torres Jose (Na Wahine Racing); Marilynn Kim and Terry Hong (Kaimuki Jade Board); Sidney Char, Colin Miwa, Tammy Tamai, Nigel Pentland, Alika Bright, Daniel Chan, Andrew Tanton, Uson Ewart and Tom Binghom (Diamond Head Theatre); Conrad Morikone, David Stanley, Donovan Morikone, and Isaiah Miller (Boy Scouts); Marcel Honoe (Civil Beat); Rae Tadaki, Wayne Tadaki, Dalwyn Wong, Roland Louie, Lea Almawla, Will Thompson, Garret Hols, Francis Hisashima, Cheyne Nomura, Denis Ison, Samuel Biddle, Ayako Merrithew, Sarah Chinen, and Daniel Sherman (Residents); Anela Kekoolani (Neighborhood Commission Office).


Honolulu Fire Department (HFD) - Captain Reginaldo Gawiran reported the following:
• January 2018 Statistics: There were 2 structure fires, 1 wildland/brush fire, 2 nuisance fires, 7 activated alarms (no fire), 92 medical emergencies, 2 motor vehicle collision with pedestrians, 7 motor vehicle crash/collisions, 2 mountain rescues and 0 hazardous material incident.
• Fire Safety Tip: Electrical Safety -
o Plug one (1) heat-producing appliance into a wall receptacle outlet at a time.
o Major appliances should be plugged directly into a wall receptacle outlet. Extension cords and power taps or strips should not be used.
o Ensure electrical cords are not running across doorways or under carpets.
o Extension cords are intended for temporary use. Have a licensed electrician install additional receptacle outlets to eliminate the need for extension cords.
o Ensure that electrical work is performed by a licensed electrician.

Honolulu Police Department (HPD) - Lieutenant Michael Nakada circulated a handout and reported the following:
• January 2018 Statistics: 7 motor vehicle thefts, 22 burglaries, 29 thefts, 16 unauthorized entry into motor vehicles (UEMV) and 6,927 calls for service.
• Safety Tip: A handout was circulated on active shooter tips:
o Have an escape route
o Keep hands visible
o Leave things behind
o Hide

Questions, comments and concerns followed: Speeding - A resident stated that he lives on Keanu Street and there are certain people at the same times and asked if you could call HPD to report it. Lieutenant Nakada responded that you can call HPD letting them know a certain time will help so they can send an office out to watch or possibly a speed trailer.

Board of Water Supply (BWS) - Lorna Heller reported the following:
• Main Break - There was one (1), four (4) inch main break on 17th Avenue.
Affordability and Customer Assistance - As part of our commitment to keep water affordable, BWS is considering changes to how rates are structured, including the possibility of creating a new rate tier that would be for "essential" needs - enough water for customers' basic uses at a low cost. With this type of change, customers who use the least amount of water would see their bills either stay the same or perhaps decrease a bit. Additionally, we recognize that it is our kuleana to keep doing what we can to help our customers who may struggle at one time or another to stay current paying their water bill. To help with this, in addition to our tiered rate structure, we already have moved to monthly billing; we provide zero interest, case-by-case payment plans; we use offer referrals to community social-service support organizations like Helping Hands and Catholic Charities. With full commitment to an open and transparent process, the BWS has been meeting with our Stakeholder Advisory Group since 2015. All of their meetings, and our Board meetings, are publicly noticed and open to all, and we encourage you all to attend. Our Board meetings are also shown on Olelo. Meeting locations, dates and times, are posted on our website at Finally, we recently conducted a survey for customers and stakeholders to provide their opinions about important issues related to the water rate study. Here are three (3) of the top things we're hearing:
o Over 55% believe we should have a very low rate to ensure affordability and reward conservation.
o About 66% want to see a decrease in water main breaks.
o Nearly 80% believe it is very important to replace more pipeline to prevent the number of breaks from raising.
To view all the results, go to and there is a link on the home page that will take you to the results.

Questions, comments and concerns followed:
1. Water Lines - Hagadone asked if increasing the number of water lines will relieve the number of breakage.
2. Breaks - A resident asked and Heller responded there was only one (1) main break this month.

FILLING OF VACANT BOARD SEATS - There is one (1) vacancy in Sub-District 3, West Kaimuki. No applicants for this vacancy.


• Rise in Crime - A resident stated that there has been a rise in crime lately. Three (3) houses have been broken into and people are speeding on Center Street and not stopping.

• Hawaii Pacific Health Women's 10K Race - The Hawaii Pacific Health Women's 10K Race will be on Sunday, May 6, 2018 at 7:00 a.m. starting at Kapiolani park.

• Woman's Triathlon - There will be a Woman's Triathlon on Sunday, September 9, 2018.

• Kapiolani Community College (KCC) - Carol Hoshiko, Dean of continuing education circulated a handout and reported the following:
o Culinary Institution - The culinary institution has been raising funds for Phase 2A and 2B construction. In Phase 2A the restaurant will be built and new office space in Phase 2B. $10 million was granted from legislation for this project.
o Lecture Series - There will be two (2) upcoming lecture series held at the Ohia Auditorium at KCC:
Cyber security on Monday, March 12, 2018
Tour of Waikiki on Monday, April 16, 2018

• Liquor License - Marilyn Kim represented the residents of the Kaimuki Jade Condominium. They are against a new upcoming restaurant called Blind Ox getting a liquor license. Residents think that there are already enough bars in this area that cause too much noise and taking up the already limited parking.

Questions, comments and concerns followed: Too Much - Hagadone asked how many bars you think are too many bars and if Blind Ox is in a business zone. Kim responded that their condominium is surrounded by bars but all these bars including Blind Ox are all in a business zone.

• Monster Homes - Resident Sarah Chinen is fighting against monster homes and wants the Board to do more. Chair Schneider reminded Chinen that they are just an advisory and the Board does have a proposed resolution that they will be voting on later on in the meeting.


Mayor Kirk Caldwell's Representative - Director Mark Wong, Department of Information Technology (DIT) reported the following:
• Summer College Student Employment Program - The Department of Parks and Recreation's (DPR) Summer College Student Employment Program is recruiting applicants for the 2018 Summer Fun program. If you know any college students who want to develop management and programming skills, or recreation and child development skills, or who simply enjoys working with children between the ages of five and thirteen, please encourage them to consider working as a Summer Aide at this year's Summer Fun program. The program runs from the end of May to the end of July, and the pay rate is $12.00 per hour or $14.00 per hour. For more information and the online application form, please check out DPR's webpage or call (808) 768-3020. Mahalo!
• Speeding - Department of Transportation Services (DTS) will be conducting an investigation for Koko Head and Anuhea, which may require research, site observations, and an analysis of the traffic history. DTS will apprise the board of the results of their findings by June 2018.
• Road Damage - Mikahala Way is a concrete road that has been identified as in need of resurfacing and will be part of the Rehabilitation of Streets Unit 65B project that will be administered by the Department of Design and Construction. The project is tentatively scheduled to be advertised in March 2019.
• Sustainability Plan - The City and County of Honolulu has a General Plan and 8 Development Plan districts (2 of these are considered "Development Plans," while the other 6 are "Sustainable Community Plans"). Kaimuki is within the Primary Urban Center Development Plan district, or PUC. There are no specific plans for the Kaimuki neighborhood, though we are aware of past/current community-led efforts under a Permitted Interaction Group and "Envision Kaimuki."

Questions, comments and concerns followed:
1. DMV Website - Kang would like the DMV website to be looked at and that the online driver license document checker should ask if the applicant is a minor when applying for a Driver's License Learning Permit. They need to provide a birth certificate and the current website doesn't say so. It would make thing easier to have all employees trained and updated on the correct policies and what is required.
2. Parking Lot Cost - Hagadone is asking how much will the repaving project and the filling of the pot holes in Municipal Kaimuki Parking Lot #2 will cost.
3. Street Plans - Gardner asked if someone wanted to look up the plan for their street where can they find that. Director Wong stated that Department of Design and Construction (DDC) only has long term plans online.
4. Patching - Hara mentioned that they are currently only patching Municipal Kaimuki Parking Lot #2 and will be repaving Spring 2019.

Councilmember Ann Kobayashi - A representative was not present; a handout was provided.

Councilmember Trevor Ozawa - Kimberly Ribellia circulated a handout and reported the following:
• Monster Homes - Bill 110 (2017) establishes a moratorium on the issuance of building permits for large residential structures or monster homes in residential districts currently being considered by the City Council. Council member Ozawa's proposal is to set the floor area ratio at 0.70. Members were asked to consider limiting the number of bedrooms based on lot size and off street parking. There was a special meeting on Thursday, February 13, 2018 to consider Bill 110 (2017) for a final reading but the council could not come to a final decision. Action was deferred until the next council meeting on Wednesday, February 28, 2018. This is only the first step after the moratorium bill is passed there still needs to be support for an actual bill.
• Municipal Kaimuki Parking Lot #2 - Council member Ozawa's office was just as surprised to hear about the lot only being re-patched in the middle and only found out through a press release. The office has heard lots of feedback about the loss of parking and how it is affecting businesses.
• Lying Down at Bus Stops - On Wednesday, January 31, 2018 at the full council meeting Bill 99 (2017) was adopted. Bill 99 (2017) makes it illegal for people to lie down at a bus stop.

Questions, comments and concerns followed:
1. Right Turn - Chair Schneider asked about the right turn onto Koko Head Avenue. Ribellia responded that a RISR was put in but no response yet.
2. Retro Active - A resident asked if there was any retroactive activity for monster homes that are already built.
3. Off Street Parking - A resident stated that they want more off street parking for these monster homes and thinks it is Department of Permit and Planning's (DPP) fault for issuing these permits in the first place.
4. Staging Issue - Hagadone mentioned that the construction in the parking lot maybe a staging issue. Director Wong noted that he just read the press release which is from Department of Facility Maintenance (DFM) and it is just filling pot holes not resurfacing the whole parking lot which would be done by Department of Design and Construction (DDC).
5. Restrictions - Gardner stated under Bill 110 there is a restriction to the number of people. You are only allowed to have up to five (5) unrelated people living in the same dwelling. But it would be very easy just to lie to DPP about this and asked if it would be more proactive to limit the number of bedrooms as opposed to the number of people. There will be a limit to the number of floor area, bedrooms, bathrooms, and off street parking spaces.

Governor Ige's Representative - Deputy Director Leonard Hoshijo, Department of Labor and Industrial Relations (DLIR) reported the following:
• Housing - 10,000 new homes are being built and 40% of those are considered affordable. Deputy Director Hoshijo stated that we are now at a good place for affordable housing.
• Boiler Room and Elevators - DLIR is trying to pass a new bill to update the laws for boiler rooms and elevators.
• Homelessness - Homelessness went down in the State. There is a family assessment center in Kaakako.

Questions, comments and concerns followed: Missile Attack - Gardener stated that she was disappointed in Hawaii Emergency Management Agency (HEMA) and the State. There have been a lot of conflicting issues about the missile alert. Such as the drop screen that was made public then to find out that was not the actual drop screen. The final report has now come out and can be find online.

Senator Stanley Chang - A representative was not present. An email was sent to Gardner and she read off the following:
• Senate Bill (SB) 2092 - Most of our bills are still moving forward. Thank you to the community members who submitted written testimony on SB 2092 making it a misdemeanor to lie to county housing inspectors and our other bill making it a felony. Good news and bad news, SB 2092 moved forward and we had a large amount of testimony. It means a lot that our community is speaking up about the lack of tools that Housing inspectors have to crack down on monster homes and illegal vacation rentals. Special shout out to Christine Otto Zaa for connecting us with the others working on combating monster homes. We will need all the support we can get as we head into ways and means and crosses over to the house. If you want to be on the mailing list email
• SB 2087 - SB 2087 relating to rescue tubes continues to move forward. The Lions and Rotary clubs across the state have really stepped up bringing in 80+ pieces of testimony.
• Homelessness - Bills relating to homelessness continue to advance relating to safe zones SB 2501 will have a decision making hearing next Wednesday, February28, 2018 and relating to mobile clinics SB 2502 still needs a hearing so if you want to see this issue addressed feel free to email the chair of ways and means Senator Dela Cruz
• SB 2497 - SB 2497 which would create a section 8 insurance program to address property owner concerns about being able to recoup their costs. This bill has a hearing next Wednesday, February28, 2018 at 11:00 a.m.
• Testimony - If anyone needs any assistance submitting testimony feel free to email Cameron Sato at

Senator Les Ihara - Senator Ihara reported the following:
• Recess - Legislation is on a mandatory five (5) day recess.
• Missile - No protocols were in place for this scare but no one was in danger and it was a valuable lesson.
• Revenue ??? There is a revenue stream of $35 million for residential investment. There is a way to collect out of State taxes. Money stream to go to low income housing.
• Easement Bill - There will be a rolling easement bill for the public to own the water mark if the line goes up. It would help protect the landowner.

Questions, comments and concerns followed: Community Meeting - Chair Schneider asked if it would be possible to have a community meeting for Kaimuki.

Representative Calvin K.Y. Say - A newsletter was circulated and Representative Say reported the following:
• Net Neutrality - On Tuesday, February 6, 2018 Governor Ige signed a net neutrality order that requires the State departments to contract for internet related services only with those providers who agree with net neutrality principals.
• HB 2525 - HB 2525 would make lying to DPP a crime.
• Falling in the Parking Lot - There was a newspaper article about a people falling in the Kaimuki Parking lot because of the potholes and they sued the City.
• Abandoned Vehicles - There are too many abandoned vehicles and there is no room for those vehicles in the storage.
• Safe Zones - There is an area on Koko Head Avenue next to the fire station that the City was looking at as a possible safe zone for homeless.

Questions, comments and concerns followed:
1. Homeless in Crane Park - Yamada forwarded an email from a resident to Representative Say about enforcing the homeless situation in Crane Park.
2. Safe Zones - A resident stated that he thinks the best place for a safe zone would be at Sand Island. There has been testimony given about opposing a safe zone in Kaimuki. Council member Ozawa brought forth a resolution opposing the safe zone in Kaimuki.
3. Pot Holes - A resident mentioned that the street she lives on has never been repaved and when there is heavy rain the potholes fill up and cause problems on the road.

Representative Bertrand Kobayashi - A representative was not present.

Hawaii Congresswoman Colleen Hanabusa - A representative was not present; a handout was provided.

Diamond Head Theatre - A representative from Diamond Head Theatre reported the following:
• Current Theatre - The current theatre is 103 years old. There was a building assessment done to see if this building can be refurbished but unfortunately the building cannot be refurbished and a new one has to be built.
??? New Building - The new theatre will be on the same property towards Leahi Hospital. To build this there will be a site development plan and an environmental assessment project done first. A theatrical architect from Studio Red architects in Dallas, Texas has been hired to design the new theatre and will work with local contractors. There will be a balcony and the theatre will seat 500 people. There will be 100 parking spaces.
??? Fly Loft - A fly loft will also be needed in the theatre. The fly loft will be 51 feet and 7 inches.

Questions, comments and concerns followed:
1. Time Table - Kang asked what the current construction time table is for this new theatre. It all depends on the budget. $20 million is needed for this construction and they currently have $13 million.
2. Lost Money - Yamada asked if funds were lost because original plans presented to the board years ago were changed.
3. Property Owners - A resident asked if Diamond Head Theatre owns the property. Department of Land and Natural Resources (DLNR) owns the property and they have a State lease until 2073.
4. Foot Traffic - A resident asked if foot traffic was taken into consideration. There will be a sheriff to help out during every show to prevent people from jay-walking.
Resolution on Monster Homes - Moniz-Kahoohanohano moved and Hara seconded that the Kaimuki Neighborhood Board No. 4 supports the moratorium on the insurance of building permits for "Monster Homes" THE MOTION PASSES, by UNANIMOUS consent, 9-0-0 (AYE: Gardner, Hara, Hagadone, Hoe, Kang, Moniz-Kahoohanohano, Schneider, Pierce and Yamada; NAY: None; ABSTAIN: None).

Approval of Wednesday, January 17, 2018 Regular Meeting Minutes - Moniz-Kahoohanohano moved and Hoe seconded that the Kaimuki Neighborhood Board No. 4 the Wednesday, January 17, 2018, regular meeting minutes were APPROVED, by UNANIMOUS consent, 9-0-0 (AYE: Gardner, Hara, Hagadone, Hoe, Kang, Moniz-Kahoohanohano, Schneider, Pierce and Yamada; NAY: None; ABSTAIN: None).


Treasurer's Report - Deferred

• Red Hill - Moniz-Kahoohanohano announced that the Sierra Club won their case on the Red Hill fuel tanks.
• BWS Community Meeting - There is a Board of Water Supply (BWS) Community Meeting on "Urban Honolulu Current Water Use and Planning for the Future??? on Thursday, March 22, 2018, 7:00 p.m. - 8:30 p.m. at the Ala Wai Elementary School Cafeteria, 503 Kamoku St, Honolulu, HI 96826
• Next Meeting - The next regular Board Meeting will be Wednesday, March 21, 2018 here, Kaimuki Christian Church, Fellowship Hall, 7:00 p.m.

ADJOURNMENT - The meeting adjourned at 8:52 p.m.

Submitted by: Anela Kekoolani, Neighborhood Assistant
Reviewed by: Harry Cho, Neighborhood Assistant
Reviewed by: Sharon Schneider, Board Chair

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