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Kaimuki, Hawaii
Event Calendar ItemHonolulu Assembly Of God - VBS - Free!
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Date: 7/16/2019 to 7/18/2019
Time: see notes
Honolulu Assembly Of God
1007 Koko Head Avenue
Honolulu, HI 96816
Phone: (808) 737-5789
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July 16-18
Three Days of Non-stop Fun, Adventure and Learning about How to Dress, Think and Act
like a True SUPERHERO!
WHO: Kids Ages 3 years old to Sixth Grade
WHEN: July 16 - 18 from 6pm to 8:30pm
WHERE: Honolulu Assembly of God
Dinner and light snack included
Register Here:

About Honolulu Assembly of God
Honolulu Assembly of God is made up of all kinds of people from all walks of life. What connects us together in this wonderful ohana (family) isn't our nationality, marital status, educational achievements, economic status, politics, fashion style, musical preferences, or favorite sports team. Our connection is found in our shared faith or interestt in Jesus Christ.
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Assembly Of God Honolulu
Honolulu Assembly of God is made up of all kinds of people from all walks of life. What connects us together in this wonderful ohana (family) isn't our nationality, marital status, educational achievements, economic status, politics, fashion style, musical preferences, or favorite sports team. Our connection is found in our shared faith orinterestin Jesus Christ.
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