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    Event Calendar Item

  • Palolo Neighborhood Board Meeting OCTOBER 2024 Agenda

  • Type: Community
    Date: Wednesday - 10/9/2024
    Time: 7:00pm
    Pālolo Elementary School Cafeteria
    2106 10th Avenue
    Honolulu, HI, 96816
    View Map
With Permission / Courtesy of: City and County of Honolulu Neighborhood Commission Office



WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 9, 2024 at 7:00 P.M.

Pālolo Elementary School Cafeteria

2106 10th Avenue, Honolulu, HI, 96816


Board Meetings are held on the Second Wednesday of the Month

WebEx Link:

Meeting Number/Access Code: 2485 427 4529

Password: NB06 (6206 from phones and video systems)

Join by Phone: +1-408-418-9388 (United States Toll)

Board Google Drive Link:

Board Meeting Recordings:

Rules of Speaking: Anyone wishing to speak is asked to raise their hand, and when recognized by the Chair, to address comments to the Chair. Speakers are encouraged to keep their comments under three (3) minutes, and those giving reports are urged to keep their reports less than three (3) minutes. Please silence all electronic devices. §2-11-311 Order and decorum. (a) All commissioners shall promote and preserve the order and decorum of the commission's proceedings.

Note: The Board may take action on any agenda item. As required by the State Sunshine Law (HRS 92), specific issues not noted on this agenda cannot be voted on, unless added to the agenda. The presiding officer of the commission or the commission may expel any individual whose conduct at the commission meeting is disruptive, disorderly, contemptuous, or improper for the conduct of business at the commission meeting. [Effective 10/20/08] (Auth: RCH §§4-105(4), 14-102) (Imp: RCH §§4-105(4), 14-102)

§2-14-117 Order and decorum. (a) All board members shall promote and preserve the order and decorum of the board's proceedings. (b) The presiding officer of the board or a majority of the board may expel any individual whose conduct at the board meeting is disruptive, disorderly, contemptuous, or improper for the conduct of business at the board meeting. [Eff 10/20/08] (Auth: RCH §14-103(a)) (Imp: RCH §14-104)

§2-14-118 Discussion. (a) When a board member or person properly before the board wishes to speak, the member or person shall address the chair, be recognized before proceeding, and shall confine remarks to the subject under discussion, avoiding personalities and abusive language.

§2-14-126 Parliamentary authority. The most current edition of Robert's Rules of Order Newly Revised shall be the parliamentary authority of all boards when the Hawaii Revised Statutes, the charter, the Revised Ordinances of Honolulu, and the plan are silent. [Eff 10/20/08] (Auth: RCH §14-103(a)) (Imp: RCH §14-104)

1. CALL TO ORDER -- Vice Chair Beverly Mau

2. MONTHLY REPORTS (Three (3) minutes each including Q&A)

a. Honolulu Fire Department (HFD)

b. Honolulu Police Department (HPD)

c. Board of Water Supply (BWS) -- Dominic Dias


a. Approval of Regular Meeting Written Summary for Video Record: Wednesday, August 14, 2024

b. Filling of Vacancies -- One (1) Subdistrict 1, Two (2) Subdistrict 3: Residents interested in filling a vacant board seat must bring current proof of residency to the board meeting or contact Neighborhood Assistant Camilia Epa Gomes [] to verify residency in advance.

c. Adding Members to the Trees for Pālolo Permitted Interaction Group -- up to 6 board members


a. Trees for Pālolo...Planting Trees, Growing Communities

5. RESIDENT/COMMUNITY CONCERNS (Three (3) minutes each)

6. ELECTED OFFICIALS (Three (3) minutes each including Q&A)

a. Congressman Ed Case

b. City Councilmember Calvin Say

c. Mayor Rick Blangiardi's Representative -- DFM Deputy Director Warren Mamizuka

d. Governor Josh Green's Representative -- Kiele Amundson

e. Representative Jackson Sayama

f. Senator Les Ihara Jr.


a. Next Meetings:

a. The next regular meeting is scheduled for Wednesday, November 13, 2024 at 7:00 p.m. at Pālolo Elementary School and online via WebEx.

b. The Trees for Pālolo Permitted Interaction Group is tentatively scheduled to hold its next meeting on October 17, 2024 at 6:30 p.m. at Pālolo Homes Ohana Learning Center.

b. ʻŌlelo Rebroadcasts: Rebroadcasts of the Pālolo Neighborhood Board No.6 meetings are scheduled each month on ʻŌlelo channel 49 for fourth Thursday at 9:00 p.m. and the first and third Sundays at 12:00 p.m. An archive of past meetings may be found on by searching <Palolo>.


A mailing list is maintained for interested persons and agencies to receive this board's agenda and minutes. Additions, corrections, and deletions to the mailing list may be directed to the Neighborhood Commission Office (NCO) at Kapālama Hale, 925 Dillingham Boulevard, Suite 160, Honolulu, HI 96817, by telephone on (808) 768-3710, fax (808) 768-3711, or e-mailing

Agenda documents and minutes are also available online at

All written testimony must be received in the Neighborhood Commission Office 48 hours prior to the meeting. If within 48 hours of the meeting, written and/or oral testimony may be submitted directly to the Board at the meeting. If submitting written testimony, please note the Board and agenda item(s) your testimony concerns. Send to: Neighborhood Commission Office, 925 Dillingham Boulevard, Suite 160, Honolulu, HI 96817, fax (808) 768-3711, or email

If you need an auxiliary aid/service or other accommodation due to a disability or an interpreter for a language other than English, please call the Neighborhood Commission Office at (808) 768-3710 between 8:00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m. or send an email to at least three (3) business days before the scheduled meeting. It may not be possible to fulfill requests received after this date.

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