Aloha Harvest Community Harvest Program
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Aloha Harvest Community Harvest Program

Community Harvest is a gleaning program designed to rescue excess produce growing on Oʻahu. Aloha Harvest staff and volunteers provide free harvest services to residents and businesses to rescue excess produce growing in yards, gardens, and farms. We harvest all types of produce and accept B-grade and cosmetically damaged produce. We even had our first-ever community fish harvest in Pūpūkea in June, where we harvested 250 lbs. of tilapia from an aquaculture pond.
Aloha Harvest coordinates the harvest event. We provide all the harvesting equipment, packaging supplies, and volunteers. A trained group of staff and volunteers perform the harvest. The donor decides how much they would like to donate. After the harvest, Aloha Harvest transports the donated produce to local agencies that help feed our community (e.g., social service agencies, homeless shelters, low-income/subsidized housing, food drives, etc.).
If you or someone you know has excess (extra) produce growing at their home or business, they can request a community harvest on our website or by contacting our Sustainability Coordinator, Haleigh Jones, at or 808-861-2754.
Community harvest resources:
Community Harvest Website
Sign up to be a donor
Sign up to be a volunteer
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About Aloha Harvest
Office Hours - Fri 8am - 5pm
Food Delivery - Seven Days a Week
Aloha Harvest rescues excess quality food from restaurants, hotels, food distributors, catering events, food drives, and other events and delivers this food 'free of charge' to social service agencies that feed the hungry and homeless on O'ahu.

Aloha Harvest is a non-profit organization that gathers quality, donated food and delivers it "free of charge" to social service agencies feeding the hungry in Hawai‘i. This innovative concept first proved successful in New York City with the 1982 City Harvest project. In 1999, the Hau‘oli Mau Loa Foundation asked founder, Helen ver Duin Palit, to study the feasibility of bringing the City Harvest concept to O‘ahu. Based on discussions with potential food donors, recipients, and community leaders, her study concluded that the island definitely needed a reliable link between businesses that wanted to donate good, perishable food and social service agencies with clients to feed. Thus, Aloha Harvest was established in November 1999 to fulfill this need.
Aloha Harvest is now in its 14th year of service to our community. Since its inception, Aloha Harvest has collected and distributed over 11 million pounds of food which now includes quality perishable and non-perishable foods, as well as beverages. The food has been donated by over 650 participating donors such as restaurants, caterers, government facilities, hotels, food distributors, businesses and others. This food would otherwise be discarded and gone to waste.
Aloha Harvest is environmentally and economically minded and our program prevents waste, recycles and meets the needs of literally thousands who are facing hunger daily. The food that is picked up each day is delivered that same day! (Aloha Harvest does not store any food.) Strict standards for food safety are applied throughout the entire process. Aloha Harvest has never had any complaints about the safety of the food delivered. It also receives donations from special projects such as Food Drives organized by schools, businesses, organizations, and churches. Further, Aloha Harvest offers pick-up and delivery service year-round, 7 days a week, completely free of charge.
No other organization on O‘ahu provides such a service. Aloha Harvest is operated by a small, qualified group of seven full-time and two part-time employees. The full-time staff include Executive Director, Ku‘ulei Williams; Administrative Assistant & Agency Coordinator, Mele Pepa; Food Donation Coordinator & Database Manager, Julie Williams; and weekday drivers, Hiram Johnson, Kiki Johnson, Mike Lelafu and George Stevens. The part-time staff are -- Greg Nacapoy (Saturday driver) and Jayson Canoneo (Sunday driver).
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Click on the names of the organizations below to read more about what they have to say about Aloha Harvest.
Surfing the Nations
Ewa Beach United Methodist Church
Makana O Ke Akua Inc
Waikiki Health Center
Whole Foods Kailua
Cheesecake Factory
ref no:36275
Aloha Harvest
Rescuing Food to Feed Hawaii's Hungry. Aloha Harvest rescues excess quality food from restaurants, hotels, food distributors, catering events, food drives, and other events and delivers this food 'free of charge' to social service agencies that feed the hungry and homeless on O'ahu.
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