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Kaimuki Lions Club
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3640 Crater Road
Honolulu, Hawaii 96816
Phone: (808)235-1941
Contact: Francis Lee
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To develop an environment of fellowship, mutual trust, and understanding through which the Lions of District 50 Hawaii can advance the humanitarian purposes of Lions Clubs International and to develop leaders who will lead us toward the attainment of our goals.
The Honolulu Kaimuki Lions Club is a member organization of men and women interested in community service; is part of a district of 64 clubs; with over 1830 members in Hawaii.
The Honolulu Kaimuki Lions Club was chartered in May of 1950, and currently has 23 members.
More information about Lions Clubs can be found at:
General meetings are held at:
3640 Crater Road
Honolulu, Hawaii 96816
1st and 3rd Tuesdays from 7:00 to 9:00 P.M.
Major Fundraiser
BBQ Chicken and Maki Sushi Annual Fundraiser
Service Projects and Activities
- Diabetes Awareness Fair @ Tamarind Park: Vision Van
- Eagle Scout Achievement Plaque Presentations @ BSA Troop 10 Eagle Court of Honor
- Flag Day Classroom Presentations @ Liholiho Elementary School, Kaimuki Christian School, Sacred Hearts Academy, St.Patrick School
- Great Aloha Run Finisher T-Shirt Distribution to MilitaryTroops (District 50 Project)
- Halloween Costume Contest @Kaimuki Community Park
- Hawaii Statehood: 50th Anniversary Celebration @ State Capitol
- "Everyday Hero" Thanksgiving Dinner for Robert Ostrowski, Kaimuki Community Park Groundskeeper
- "Everyday Hero" St. Patrick's Day Dinner for Julia McCullen, Queen Lili'uokalani School retired teacher
- Hawaii Kai Winter Parade (Hawaii Kai Lions Club Project)
- Hearing Screening @ Kamiloiki Elementary School (Hawaii Kai Lions Club Project)
- Hearing Screening Training @ Hawaii Kai Lions Club
- Honolulu Festival Parade (District 50 Project)
- Ho opono Annual Christmas Dinner for Visually Impaired Kaimuki Residents & Guests
- International Youth Camp Diamond Head Hike (Zone Project)
- Junior Police Officers Recognition Dinner for Five (5) Elementary Schools
- Kahala Mall Vision Testing & Hearing Screening (Zone Project)
- Kaimuki Christmas Parade (KBPA): Safety Cordon for Santa
- Kaimuki Kanikapila (KBPA) Volunteer Work for Community Event
- Kaimuki Park Easter Egg Hunt Event: Feed the Lion Game Booth
- Kapahulu Community Center Bon Dance (Diamond Head Lions Club Project)
- Ladies Night @ Hale Koa Hotel
- National Service Action Day: Queen Lili'uokalani School Garden Planting and Beautification Projects
- Western Samoa Eyeglass Distribution Project: Preparation of Eyeglasses
- Recycled Eyeglass Cleaning Project
- Service Nation Project: Queen Lili'uokalani School Beautification Project
- Queen Lili uokalani School School Sign and Hawaiian Garden Dedication
- Vision Screening @ Various East Honolulu Preschools (Hawaii Kai Lions Club Project)
- Waialae Elementary School Fun Fair Parking Project
Kaimuki Lions Club Charter Night
Region V, Zone II Social
Induction of New Members
Eyeglasses Recycling in Kaimuki:
Drop off locations where our recepjicles are located:
Kaimuki Branch of Bank of Hawaii
3600 Waialae Avenue
Honolulu, Hawaii
Kaimuki Public Library
1041 Koko Head Avenue
Honolulu, Hawaii
Lions Clubs International is the world's largest service club organization with nearly 1.35 million members in 46,000 clubs in 194 countries and geographic areas.
Lions are men and women who volunteer their time to humanitarian causes. Founded in 1917, the association's motto is "We Serve." Service To Others
Worldwide, Lions clubs are recognized for their service to the blind and visually impaired. This service began when Helen Keller challenged Lions to become "knights of the blind in the crusade against darkness" during the 1925 Lions Clubs International Convention.
Today, Lions extend their commitment to sight conservation through countless local efforts, as well as through their international SightFirst Program, which works to eradicate blindness. Lions also collect and recycle eyeglasses for distribution in developing countries year-round and especially during May, which is Lions Recycle for Sight Month, and October, as a way to mark Lions World Sight Day, which is held the second Thursday of each October.
In addition, Lions make a strong commitment to young people through youth outreach programs. Lions also work to improve the environment, build homes for the disabled in partnership with Habitat for Humanity, support diabetes education, conduct hearing programs and, through their foundation, provide disaster relief around the world.
Based on a recent report of Lions clubs worldwide, it is estimated that each year Lions clubs donate approximately US$512 million and 64 million hours, which is equivalent to 31,000 people working full time for a year.
Lions Clubs International Fact Sheet
Founded: 1917
Motto: "We Serve"
Members: nearly 1.35 million
Clubs: 46,000 clubs in 194
countries and geographic areas
You may have seen Kaimuki Lions
- patching sidewalks in partnership with the City and County, in Kaimuki, in Waikiki, Downtown, and Chinatown
- honoring our School JPOs, the Junior Police Officers, at an annual Recognition Dinner
- hosting the blind and visually impaired, the orphaned, the physically challenged
- painting over graffiti, working on beautification projects, planting trees
- walking with the blind to raise awareness of blind pedestrians, in the White Cane Day Walk
- giving smiles to keiki at their Game Booth @ Kaimuki Community Park Easter Event
- teaching construction skills at the "Celebrate Kaimuki Kanikapila" and giving out free Ôpooper scoopers' and children stools
- doing vision & hearing screening at Kahala Mall and at local schools
- marching in parades, participating in health fairs, volunteering at schools and community events, assisting where needed
Come and Join Us
Looking to experience new volunteer opportunities? Lions membership offers opportunities to work on projects that interest you and benefit the community. Volunteering your time helps fill a need and gives a sense of pride and accomplishment that comes from deep within. Lions work collectively and individually to build stronger communities, in 207 countries throughout the world.
MEMBERSHIP is by invitation.
Tell a Lion you'd like to attend a meeting or a service project.
Contact: "kaimukilionsclub1950 "at""
Kaimuki Lions Club President Karen Tsukiyama @ (808) 739-5115
Membership Co-Chairperson Kathy Wong @ (808) 377-5655
- District 50 Hawaii Lions owns the Hawaii Eye Bank which has saved many people's sight with corneal eye transplants
- The Kaimuki Lions have been the Fire Truck safety cordon, escorting Kaimuki Christmas Parade, in order to keep the children safe, for the pSaasnt tsae vCerlaalu sd einca tdhees .
- THE LIONS collect used prescription eyeglasses for distribution to third world countries that have no such resources.
- Helen Keller, herself, asked the Lions Clubs to become the "Knights of the Blind." Today, eradicating preventable blindness throughout the world remains a priority for the Lions -- from doing vision screening in local schools and communities, to helping to end river blindness in Africa!
- Kaimuki Lions Club built a couple of the first bus stop shelters: 1) * Koko Head Avenue Bus Stop near Waialae Avenue, fronting the former Queen Liliuokalanii School 2) * Waialae Avenue Bus Stop fronting Aliiolani School
ref no:974
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