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Kaimuki Neighborhood Board Minutes Posted for January 19th, 2011 Meeting
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Source Neighborhood Commission Office
Kaimuki Neighborhood
Board No. 4
CALL TO ORDER: Chair Vernon Tam called the meeting to order at 7:15 p.m. with a quorum of seven (7) members present. Note – This 11-member Board requires six (6) members to establish quorum and take official board action.
Members Present: Abigail Leong (arrived 7:36 p.m.), Ginny Meade, John Cater, John Perez, Leonard Tam, Sharon Schneider, Vernon Tam, and Daniel Carvalho.
Members Absent: Lori Yamada, Daniel Nahoopii.
Vacancy: There is one seat vacant in Sub District 3.
Guests: Lt. C. Tong, A/Sgt. C. Hanuma, and Officer M. Mitchell (Honolulu Police Department); Fire Fighter D. Dougan (Honolulu Fire Department), Karen Yorimoto (Councilmember Ann Kobayashi’s Office staff), Councilmember Stanley Change, Steve Uyeno (Councilmember Stanley Chang’s Office staff), Brian Yamane, Candace Van Buren (Representative Scott Nishimoto’s Office staff), Lorna Heller (Board of Water Supply), Lydia Chock (Leahi Hospital), Julia Allen, and Gloria Gaines (Neighborhood Commission Office staff).
FILLING OF VACANT BOARD SEAT: There were no volunteers at this time.
Honolulu Police Department (HPD): Lt. C. Tong introduced Officer M. Mitchell, provided members with a report and highlighted the following:
Statistics for December 2010 – Included 27 burglaries, 2 robberies,
45 thefts, and 25 unauthorized entries of motor vehicles.
Safety Tip for Driving in the Rain – Exercise extreme caution after
a long dry spell. During a dry period, engine oil and grease build up on the
road over time; and when mixed with water from a new rainfall, the road becomes
extremely slick. Allow for more travel time. Brake earlier and with less force
than normal; and tap on your brake pedal lightly after crossing a puddle. Stay
towards the middle of the road to avoid deep standing puddles. Don’t use
cruise control. Don’t attempt to cross running water. Turn on headlights;
and watch out for pedestrians. For more information on safe driving in the rain,
visit the HPD website at;
or contact the Community Police Team at
Unattended Thefts – Unattended thefts occur when items are taken
from a resident’s property like garage. Residents can help each other by
being active in neighborhood security watch.
Honolulu Fire Department (HFD): Fire Fighter D. Dougan reported the following:
Statistics for December 2010 – Included 4 structure, 1 rubbish and
1 vehicle fire; 97 medical emergencies, 1 search and rescue, 13 miscellaneous
and 14 activated alarms.
Three Major Incidents – Included a swimmer in distress; a house
fire with no injuries reported; and a fire which was confined to the kitchen
area at the Aloha Lounge bar.
Fire Safety Tip – Fire, Building, and U.S. Postal Codes, along with
City ordinances, state that all property owners shall place house numbers so
that they're readily visible from the street, which assists HFD and other first
responders to locate an address more quickly in case of emergency. Also, when
calling in an emergency, please provide detailed description of the house
City’s Fireworks Regulations – Dougan reported the
o Changes
to the Sale and Use of Consumer Fireworks in the City Effective Sunday, January
2, 2011 – Consumers may purchase only firecrackers; must apply for a
permit for firecrackers no less than ten days before the date they wish to use
the firecrackers; and it is unlawful for any persons having the custody or
control of any minor to permit the minor to set off, ignite, or otherwise cause
to explode any firecrackers.
o No
Changes to the Following Requirements for the Sale and Use of Firecrackers
– A permit is required to use firecrackers on New Year’s Eve,
Chinese New Year’s Day, Fourth of July, and for cultural uses; Firecracker
permits must be displayed where firecrackers are used and state the
applicant’s name, age, and address and the date, time, and location of
firecracker use; each firecracker permit costs $25.00 and multiple permits may
be purchased; each permit authorizes the purchase of up to 5,000 firecrackers;
permits for the above-mentioned holidays are issued at Satellite City Halls;
permits for cultural uses are issued at the City’s Fire Prevention Bureau
(FPB) at 636 South Street; and firecrackers must be purchased from licensed
retailers no more than five days before the date they will be used. For
questions, call the FPB at 723-7162.
List of Retailers – HFD will not have a list of firecracker
retailers until two weeks before the holiday
Board of Water Supply (BWS): Lorna Heller reported the following:
Board of Water Supply (BWS): Lorna Heller reported the following:
Chromium VI Concerns – The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is
in the process of reviewing health effects data to determine if a new standard
is needed and also developing guidance on monitoring for Chromium VI. The BWS
monitors its water supplies in compliance with the present EPA maximum
contaminant level and results show that our water meets the current contaminant
level for total chromium. A Consumer Confidence Report (CCR) is provided to BWS
customers each year. For more information visit the BWS website at;
or call the BWS Communications Office at 748-5041.
Annual Poster and Poetry Contests – This year’s theme is
“Me He Ahupua’a – Mai Uka I Kai, E Malama Wai” which
means “As an Ahupua’a – from Mountain to Sea, Conserve
Water”. Students are encouraged to artistically and poetically depict the
theme as a way to learn and better understand the value of water conservation
and resourcefulness. For a contest entry form, rules or general information,
visit the BWS website mentioned
Questions, comments, and concerns followed:
Questions, comments, and concerns followed:
1. Water
Filters – It was inquired whether the home water filters like Pure or
Brita “pull out” the chromium VI. Heller will follow up on this
2. Chromium VI
Concerns – whether the water is safe to drink; whether different
states have different standards for Chromium VI; that the only method to clear
the water from the chromium VI is by osmosis; and whether that this type of
Chromium VI is not covered by the Federal. Heller will provide responses at the
next Board meeting.
At 7:36 p.m., member Abigail Leong arrived; eight (8) members present.
Proposed Queen Lili1uokalani School Closure – Chair V. Tam stated that the Waialae-Kahala Neighborhood Board will be addressing this issue at their Thursday, January 20, 2011 Board meeting.
Left Turn Lanes on Harding Avenue and 11th and 5th Avenues – Brian Yoshida provided the following update:
Harding and 5th Avenue – Construction project is about 13% complete
in which the contractor completed the excavation on the Mauka side where Sacred
Hearts Academy is located; however, the project was delayed and needed to be
redesigned when the contractor ran into old HawaiianTel cables found underground
in the existing sidewalk area; that are not in use, but still active. The
construction at this location is expected to be completed by the end of May
2011.This will also cause the construction at Harding and 11th Avenue to start a
little later.
Street Lights on Harding Avenue – A resident stated that the street
lighting on Waialae Avenue has a total of 16 lights and 4 signal lights on each
corner; and compared to Harding Avenue, it is minimal and is very dark. Resident
requested that for the safety of pedestrians, Harding Avenue should be lighted
like Waialae Avenue and part of the commercial district of
Hawaii Correctional Industries – A representative was not present to report.
Request for Traffic Light at Harding and 12th Avenues – Mayor’s Representative Tim Steinberger reported on the following:
Hawaii Correctional Industries – A representative was not present to report.
Request for Traffic Light at Harding and 12th Avenues – Mayor’s Representative Tim Steinberger reported on the following:
Traffic Light Re-evaluation of Harding and 5th Avenue – the
City’s Department of Transportation Services (DTS) are re-evaluating the
traffic lights at both the 5th and 11th Avenue intersections of Harding Avenue;
monitoring each traffic signal and will make the adjustments as needed. The
exclusive left turn lane will remain even after adjustments to the timing of the
street lights are made. Mr. Bess was notified of DTS’s re-evaluation of
the traffic lights at the intersection.
Traffic Safety Study – DTS site inspection noted that signs were
faded and outdated and a work order to replace those signs. Included a
pedestrian crossing, a 25 mph speed limit, and a no parking anytime sign, was
Traffic Light Re-evaluation of Harding and 11th Avenue – DTS will
report findings of the traffic light re-evaluation study at the April 2011
meeting. Also, DFM will be upgrading the two street lights at this intersection
of Harding and 11th Avenue.
Board Member Concern – Leong raised a concern about the traffic
congestion extending to the H-1 freeway and suggested that the traffic light be
eliminated at the 6th and Harding Avenue
Mayor Peter Carlisle’s Representative – Tim Steinberger responded to the following concerns:
Mayor Peter Carlisle’s Representative – Tim Steinberger responded to the following concerns:
1. Bulky Pick
Up – Steinberger explained that on January 13, 2011, extreme rains
caused flash flooding in the Waianae area that included the Waimanalo Gulch
Landfill’s active area and the landfill was closed. Residents were asked
to put out only the “white goods”, washing machine, dryers, stove,
and refrigerators; these go to recyclers. As broadcast on the news, residents
were asked to be considerate, not to put out mattresses or furniture items on
the street for bulky item pick up, and to store items until further notice. An
evaluation of the landfill is being done and there will be a public announcement
as to when the landfill will resume operation.
2. Medical
Waste – The landfill is permitted to handle special waste which
includes treated medical waste; which means medical waste must be sterilized
before entering the landfill. The treated medical waste was land filled in the
proper manner. It was a fresh landfill cell in the upper part of the canyon and
was downstream of the surface runoff, resulting in the carrying of the medical
waste to the ocean.
3. Landfill
Alternative – Board member Leong stated Mayor Hannemann did not accept
the alternative landfill site that was selected. Leong could not recall the name
of the alternate landfill site; Steinberger was asked to check the records.
Leong also added that the needles do not belong in the landfill and should be
sent back to the needle manufacturers.
4. Tree
– A City tree on the sidewalk on 13th Avenue of the Kaimuki Christian
Church is “hollowed out” and a request was made that the tree be
removed. The tree presents a safety issue as the weakened tree might collapse
onto a car or
Councilmember Ann Kobayashi – Karen Yorimoto provided members with a report and was available for questions.
Councilmember Stanley Chang – Councilmember Chang introduced staff Steve Uyeno and Rebecca Soon; and reported on the following:
Councilmember Ann Kobayashi – Karen Yorimoto provided members with a report and was available for questions.
Councilmember Stanley Chang – Councilmember Chang introduced staff Steve Uyeno and Rebecca Soon; and reported on the following:
Landfill Concern – As Chair of the Public Works and Sustainability
Committee, Councilmember Chang with Gabbard-Tamayo will visit the Waimanalo
Gulch Landfill site Thursday January 19, 2011. Both are concerned with the
medical waste issue. City Council is holding a Special Meeting about the
landfill issue on Monday January 14, 2011; the public is invited. The
Mayor’s Task Force on Landfill Site Selection is also meeting Thursday
January 20, 2011 at 9:00 a.m., third floor at the Mayor’s Conference
Potholes – The pothole hotline is the best way to report a pothole;
and the number is 768-7777. The City relies on citizens’ complaints in
reporting potholes. Councilmember Chang is looking into the coordination of
City/State facilities regarding road construction projects and road maintenance.
Also being reviewed by Councilmember Chang are better road conditions in the
Waikiki area for the upcoming APEC conference in November
Questions, comments, and concerns followed:
Questions, comments, and concerns followed:
1. Wilhelmina
Rise –The Wilhelmina Rise residents are concerned about when the sewer
and Board of Water construction projects will end; and, along with the projects,
the many potholes. Also, when called the City to fill the potholes, Board member
Schneider was told that filling the potholes is part of the road surfacing
project that needs to go through City Council first. Residents are frustrated
and would like to know when the roads will be paved.
2. Alohea
Avenue – The potholes that were filled on Alohea Avenue are now pot
“hills”. It seems that the filling is not being tampered evenly;
thus creating the pot
State Senator Les Ihara – A representative or report was not available.
State Representative (House Speaker) Calvin K. Y. Say – A report was provided to the members. Representative Mark Hashem stated that Representative Say remains as House Speaker and is currently re-organizing the House. At this time, Rep. Hashem asked to provide members with his report; however, was reminded of the agenda order.
State Representative Barbara Marumoto – Rep. Marumoto provided members with a report and highlighted the following:
State Senator Les Ihara – A representative or report was not available.
State Representative (House Speaker) Calvin K. Y. Say – A report was provided to the members. Representative Mark Hashem stated that Representative Say remains as House Speaker and is currently re-organizing the House. At this time, Rep. Hashem asked to provide members with his report; however, was reminded of the agenda order.
State Representative Barbara Marumoto – Rep. Marumoto provided members with a report and highlighted the following:
Bills Introduced – Rep. Marumoto will introduce bills dealing with
all-terrain safety, requiring helmets on two-wheeled vehicles, no riding in
pickup truck beds, DNA collection from arrestees of violent crimes and sex
offenses against minors, sanctions on owners who own several unkempt properties,
removing the statue of limitation for rape cases, establishment of a LUPUS task
force in the State Department of Health, and several others.
Residents Featured in Publications – Included pioneer open-heart
surgeon, Dr. Richard Mamiya who was a star letterman at St. Louis High School
and the University of Hawaii.
Arthritis and Exercise – Rep. Marumoto and the Arthritis Foundation
held a forum at Kahala Nui Retirement Community. A panel of experts talked about
the disease and how exercise and stretching can help relieve symptoms. To view
this meeting, see
Diamond Head Mental Health Clinic – the Diamond Head Mental Health
Clinic will hold a fundraiser on Thursday February 24, 2011 at Dave and Busters.
Director Paul Newell would appreciate the community’s support by calling
Inside Out Recognition – “JJ’s Bistro & French
Pastry” desserts were featured at he Kahala Hotel’s holiday
The Best Poke – Tamura’s shoyu poke on Waialae Avenue was
mentioned in the Honolulu Weekly.
Special Education Center of Hawaii (SECOH) – The SECOH is
located off of 22nd Avenue and its mission is to serve disabled people of all
ages. For more information visit the website at
Green House – A green house located on 22nd Avenue was built with
donations from Building Industry Association members. It will feature
photovoltaic, energy-saving appliances, water-saving plumbing, and landscaping,
an aquaponic garden, and many other sustainable features. The public will be
invited in two months before the owners move in.
Lili’uokalani School – Rep. Marumoto recognized Lori Yamada
in trying to get the BOE to keep QLE School open. The DOE held a meeting at
Kalani High School in which Speaker Say testified that the State would not be
saving a lot of money because the teachers will continue to be paid at their
higher salary; and also may “bump” a teacher at a lower salary. Rep.
Marumoto requested that the Board pass a resolution to keep the Liliuokalani
School open to the public. Chair V. Tam stated that before passing such a
resolution the Board will wait for Ms. Yamada’s return for her report.
This item to remain on
State Representative Scott Nishimoto – A report was submitted.
State Representative Mark Hashem – Rep. Hashem reported the following:
State Representative Scott Nishimoto – A report was submitted.
State Representative Mark Hashem – Rep. Hashem reported the following:
Employment Security – Rep Hashem explained that it is difficult for
an owner-operator to claim unemployment benefits because the owner-operator must
prove involuntary separation; thus, is unable to fire oneself if the individual
is the boss and the employer. This bill is to alleviate this issue making
owner-operator its own category.
Income Tax Exemption – This requires that new businesses claiming
the exemption to have either been in existence for less than three years, or
earned less than $100,000 in gross sales during any of the first three taxable
years. There was a concern that bars often re-open under new management and
would thereby evade taxes.
Foreign Company – Foreign companies must follow the rules and
regulations of new companies opening in Hawaii.
APPROVAL OF MINUTES FROM NOVEMBER 17, 2010 MEETING: Cater moved and Meade seconded that the Board approve the regular meeting minutes of November 17, 2010. The Board unanimously ADOPTED the motion, 8-0-0 (Ayes: Leong, Meade, Cater, Perez, L. Tam, Schneider, V. Tam, and Carvalho).
TREASURER’S REPORT: Vice Chair Sharon Schneider reported for December 2010 a previous Operating Balance of $400.97; current expenses were $41.20 for printing and postage of agenda and minutes; leaving a balance of $359.77. The Publicity Balance remains at $826.54.
ANNOUNCEMENTS: The next meeting of the Kaimuki Neighborhood Board will be Wednesday, February 16, 2011 from 7:15 p.m. to 9:00 p.m.
ADJOURNMENT: The meeting adjourned at 8:35 p.m.
Submitted By: Gloria Gaines, Neighborhood Assistant
Reviewed By: Vernon Tam, Chair
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