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Kaimuki Neighborhood Board Minutes Posted for September 14, 2011 Meeting
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Source Neighborhood Commission Office
Kaimuki Neighborhood Board No.
CALL TO ORDER: Chair Vernon Tam called the meeting to order at 7:05 p.m. with a quorum of eight (8) members present. This 11-member Board requires six (6) members to establish quorum and take official board action.
Members Present: Kyle Bullock, Paul Hoe, John Perez, Sharon Schneider, Lisa Shorba, Leonard Tam, Vernon Tam, Lori Yamada (arrived 7:16 p.m.), and Jonathan Young.
Members Absent: None.
Vacancies: There are two vacancies: Subdistrict 1 (East Kaimuki and Business District) and Subdistrict 3 (West Kaimuki).
Guests: Tim Houghton (Mayor’s Representative), David Kimball (UH/RCUH), Gordon Tam, Randy Iwashita (Sacred Hearts Academy), Bennett Chan (Party Pizzazz), Michael Goodish and Met Leban (Oceanic Time/Warner Cable), Warren Chaiko (Hawaii Pacific Health), Deena Dray (Diamond Head Theatre), Director Wayne Yoshioka (City Department of Transportation Services), Alan Nakamura, Mark Miyahira and Cecelia Chang (City Prosecuting Attorney’s Office staff); Lt. A. Nagata, Sgt. S. Medeiros, and Officer M. Mitchell (Honolulu Police Department); Lydia Chock (Leahi Hospital), Daniel Yoko (BOH), Jeff Niebling (NS & Niebling/KBPA), Candace Van Buren (Representative Scott Nishimoto’s Office staff), Ian and Roungie Beattie (NZ Salon), Martha Smith (Kapiolani Medical Center), Steve Uyeno (Councilmember Stanley Chang’s Office staff), Brian Chappel, Karen Yorimoto (Councilmember Ann Kobayashi’s Office staff), Lorna Heller (Board of Water Supply), Kris Ludwig (High Tech Glass), Gil Ho, Acting Capt. K. Dougan (Honolulu Fire Department), Joan Shinn (Representative Barbara Marumoto’s Office staff), S. Sonoda, House Speaker Calvin Say, Abigail Leong, Senator Les Ihara, Mr. Elwood, and Gloria J.P. Gaines (Neighborhood Commission Office staff).
FILLING OF VACANT BOARD SEATS: There were no volunteers or nominations for Subdistrict 1 or Subdistrict 3 vacancy.
Honolulu Police Department (HPD) – Officer M. Mitchell reported the following:
CALL TO ORDER: Chair Vernon Tam called the meeting to order at 7:05 p.m. with a quorum of eight (8) members present. This 11-member Board requires six (6) members to establish quorum and take official board action.
Members Present: Kyle Bullock, Paul Hoe, John Perez, Sharon Schneider, Lisa Shorba, Leonard Tam, Vernon Tam, Lori Yamada (arrived 7:16 p.m.), and Jonathan Young.
Members Absent: None.
Vacancies: There are two vacancies: Subdistrict 1 (East Kaimuki and Business District) and Subdistrict 3 (West Kaimuki).
Guests: Tim Houghton (Mayor’s Representative), David Kimball (UH/RCUH), Gordon Tam, Randy Iwashita (Sacred Hearts Academy), Bennett Chan (Party Pizzazz), Michael Goodish and Met Leban (Oceanic Time/Warner Cable), Warren Chaiko (Hawaii Pacific Health), Deena Dray (Diamond Head Theatre), Director Wayne Yoshioka (City Department of Transportation Services), Alan Nakamura, Mark Miyahira and Cecelia Chang (City Prosecuting Attorney’s Office staff); Lt. A. Nagata, Sgt. S. Medeiros, and Officer M. Mitchell (Honolulu Police Department); Lydia Chock (Leahi Hospital), Daniel Yoko (BOH), Jeff Niebling (NS & Niebling/KBPA), Candace Van Buren (Representative Scott Nishimoto’s Office staff), Ian and Roungie Beattie (NZ Salon), Martha Smith (Kapiolani Medical Center), Steve Uyeno (Councilmember Stanley Chang’s Office staff), Brian Chappel, Karen Yorimoto (Councilmember Ann Kobayashi’s Office staff), Lorna Heller (Board of Water Supply), Kris Ludwig (High Tech Glass), Gil Ho, Acting Capt. K. Dougan (Honolulu Fire Department), Joan Shinn (Representative Barbara Marumoto’s Office staff), S. Sonoda, House Speaker Calvin Say, Abigail Leong, Senator Les Ihara, Mr. Elwood, and Gloria J.P. Gaines (Neighborhood Commission Office staff).
FILLING OF VACANT BOARD SEATS: There were no volunteers or nominations for Subdistrict 1 or Subdistrict 3 vacancy.
Honolulu Police Department (HPD) – Officer M. Mitchell reported the following:
Statistics for August 2011 – Included 23 burglaries, 2 robberies,
49 thefts, and 15 unauthorized entries to a motor vehicle.
Disaster Preparedness – Disaster preparedness is the safety tip of
the month. Know where to shut off the water, power, and gas and place the
appropriate tools at each location. Make an emergency plan and know escape
routes and meeting places. Fuel and service family vehicles. Have clean,
airtight containers on hand to store at least two weeks of drinking water (1
gallon per person per day). Ensure that you have enough non-perishable food for
at least two weeks. Keep a small cooler with frozen gel packs handy for packing
refrigerated items. Check prescription medicines; obtain at least 10 days to two
weeks supply. Stock up on extra batteries for radios, flashlights, and lanterns.
Check condition of emergency equipment, such as flashlights and battery-powered
radios. Check and replenish first-aid supplies. Prepare a survival kit for home
use or to take to a shelter. For further information and assistance, contact the
City’s Department of Emergency Management
for the disaster preparedness list.
Community Police Team – Lt. A. Nagata informed residents that they
may call-in their non-emergency concern to Officer Mitchell at
Neighborhood Security Watch – Officer Mitchell reminded residents
the Neighborhood Security Watch (NSW) training is available for residents
interested in starting up a NSW program in their area by contacting him at
Questions, comments, and concerns followed:
Questions, comments, and concerns followed:
1. Car
Thefts – A resident was concerned about the increase of car thefts.
Lt. Nagata was unable to provide any information regarding the increase of car
thefts. Also reminded residents to always lock your cars, protect yourself, and
put away valuable items.
2. Mau`umae
Nature Park Lookout – Member L. Tam reported as of 11:00 a.m.
Wednesday, September 21, 2011 a couch, motor scooter, and other trash remains at
the Mau`umae Nature Park Lookout. Nearby residents observe the lookout being
vandalized, dumping trash over the side, and dealing drugs at the lookout. It
was requested that HPD monitor the lookout during the early mornings and in the
3. Liholiho
School Traffic – Member Bullock reported the traffic backs up
at Maunaloa Avenue and there is no crossing guard for students crossing the
street. HPD officers will be notified of the situation and will contact the
4. Arrests
– A resident mentioned he would like HPD report on the number of arrests
as well as crimes committed.
5. Lock Down
Alert – Member Perez raised a concern of whether there is a
school-based emergency lock down system to alert other schools. Lt. Nagata was
unaware of a school-based emergency lock down alert
At 7:16 p.m., Member Yamada arrived; nine (9) members present.
Honolulu Fire Department (HFD) – Acting Capt. K. Dougan reported the following:
At 7:16 p.m., Member Yamada arrived; nine (9) members present.
Honolulu Fire Department (HFD) – Acting Capt. K. Dougan reported the following:
Statistics for August 2011 – Included 1 structure fire, 68 medical
emergencies, and 26 miscellaneous calls for service. There was one major
incident involving a search for a missing scuba diver off Kahala Beach Park from
Monday, August 29, 2011 to Thursday, September 1, 2011. There were more than six
fire companies, 1 air search, and 34 boats involved with the
Fire Safety Tip – In a fire, medical, or other emergency, it is
critical that emergency responders quickly identify the correct location. Fire,
building, and U.S. postal codes and City ordinances state that property owners
shall place their house numbers so it is legible and readily visible from the
street. This will assist first responders in quickly locating your house in the
event of an emergency. If your property is difficult to locate and/or access,
provide 911 dispatchers with additional information to assist them in locating
your property during an emergency.
Comment – A resident stated that the University of Hawaii has
surface current data that may be used as a tool searching for missing persons in
Board of Water Supply (BWS) – Lorna Heller reported the following:
Board of Water Supply (BWS) – Lorna Heller reported the following:
Water Rate Increase – The BWS Directors will consider the public
comments as part of the public hearing process before making a final decision.
Customers and neighborhood boards will be notified of the decision on the
proposal. For more information visit
or call the BWS Communications Office at 748-5041.
Water Emergency Preparedness – Natural disasters, power outages,
blackouts, or other unexpected events can disrupt water service to the
community. Prepare for water emergencies by ensuring basic emergency kits are
ready. The kit should include at least one gallon of water per person per day
(for drinking and sanitation) for at least five to seven days. For information
on how to store water visit BWS website at
Opposition to Bikeway – Business owners on Waialae Avenue were opposed to the proposed bikeway and were concerned that with the bikeway, Kaimuki would be a “ghost town” and it would not be good for the merchants. It was suggested that the bikeway should be for Harding Avenue instead. The amount of traffic on Waialae makes it a dangerous route for cyclists and would be used by only the hardcore cyclists.
Chair V. Tam reminded residents that the Board supported the “complete street” concept, not the method.
Bikeway Study on Waialae Avenue – City Department of Transportation Services Director Wayne Yoshioka provided an update of the bikeway study on Waialae Avenue.
Opposition to Bikeway – Business owners on Waialae Avenue were opposed to the proposed bikeway and were concerned that with the bikeway, Kaimuki would be a “ghost town” and it would not be good for the merchants. It was suggested that the bikeway should be for Harding Avenue instead. The amount of traffic on Waialae makes it a dangerous route for cyclists and would be used by only the hardcore cyclists.
Chair V. Tam reminded residents that the Board supported the “complete street” concept, not the method.
Bikeway Study on Waialae Avenue – City Department of Transportation Services Director Wayne Yoshioka provided an update of the bikeway study on Waialae Avenue.
Three-Day Study – The three-day study started Tuesday, September
20, to Thursday, September 22, 2011. The center lane was coned off on Waialae
Avenue and the purpose was to see if Waialae Avenue can function on four lanes.
Waialae Avenue has already been identified as a primary bike route.
Notification – DTS staff spoke to all business owners on Waialae
Avenue informing them of the proposed bikeway. Director Yoshioka also visited
all the neighborhood boards in the area, a news article was posted in the
Star Advertiser, schools were informed, and did the best they could to
notify the public ahead of time.
Sharrows – Sharrows are lanes shared by motorists and bicyclists.
The sharrow symbol is a chevron with a bicycle that will be painted on the road
to make everyone aware that the lane is shared by motorists and cyclists.
Sharrows were found to be an effective way of increasing public awareness.
Sharrows might be the option if the bikeway is not feasible and would be used in
a lane heading in the Koko Head direction. The width of a sharrow lane is
according to the national standards which is 10 and 12 feet wide.
Preliminary Results – The preliminary results of the three-day
study should be completed in a month and be reported at next month’s Board
meeting. Director Yoshiko stated the final plan will be a consensus decision by
the community with everyone working towards an agreeable
Questions, comments, and concerns followed:
Questions, comments, and concerns followed:
1. Traffic
– Motorists were looking for alternate routes to avoid the traffic backed
up from the three-day study.
Customers – Merchants along Waialae Avenue depend on the customers
using metered parking fronting their businesses.
3. Bikes
– DTS performed a visual check of bike riders while monitoring Waialae
Avenue during the study.
4. Schools
– It was mentioned that having a bikeway might be a safety issue for
5. Traffic
Lights – Harding and 12 Avenues does not meet the requirement for
signalization. DTS is working on better visibility for that intersection. DTS is
working with the City Department of Design and Construction on street lights for
that area.
6. Sharrows
– It was mentioned that cyclists are always in danger of getting hurt on
sharrow lanes because of car doors opening without warning. Cyclists will have
to slow down which causes traffic to slow down and then backing up.
Chair V. Tam stated this item will be on the agenda next month and expressed his appreciation for Director Yoshioka and his staff for the update on all their projects.
OLD BUSINESS: There was no old business to report.
Hawaii Pacific Health Capital Campaign for the New Expansion and Remodeling of Kapiolani Hospital – Chief Operating Officer Martha Smith presented a power point of Kapiolani Hospital’s expansion and remodeling master plan:
First Phase – Includes a new parking structure of which the top
level will be parking for employees. There will be 996 parking spaces. The
parking structure is currently underway and to be completed by December
Next Phase – Includes demolition of the Bingham Building between
the parking structure and the main hospital and build a new Pediatric Care Unit
and a Neonatal and Intensive Care Unit. The two expanded units will be equipped
with modern technology and will also create a family environment center with
private rooms. The Pediatric Care Unit will have 14 private rooms. There will be
expanded from a 47-bed unit to a 70-bed private room Neonatal and Intensive Care
Construction Plans – Comparisons slides showed the current and
newly constructed buildings of Kapiolani Hospital.
Donor Names Plates – Donating a sizable amount of money to
Kapiolani Hospital will get you a nameplate sign on the
Drug Houses in the Community – City Deputy Prosecuting Attorney (DPA) Mark Miyahira provided members with a handout on Drug Nuisance Abatement about what the community can do to close down “drug houses” through use of civil lawsuits and civil retraining orders.
Drug Houses in the Community – City Deputy Prosecuting Attorney (DPA) Mark Miyahira provided members with a handout on Drug Nuisance Abatement about what the community can do to close down “drug houses” through use of civil lawsuits and civil retraining orders.
How Can You Help – Using tough love if illegal drug use is found in your
family. Be tolerant to ice activity in your neighborhood, be vocal, and take
action. Get involved by joining neighborhood security watch and report observed
illegal drug activity to police. Sign anti-drug neighborhood petitions or
letters that are sent to property owners where drug dealers reside.
Drug Dealer – If you suspect someone is dealing drugs in your
neighborhood, call the Honolulu Police Department Narcotics Vice Division at
529-3101 and ask to file a complaint. You may report suspicious drug activity
online at
Information – To help investigators with your complaint include exact
address or description of location; suspects’ names, height, weight, hair
color, eye color, complexion, type of clothing worn, ethnic background; vehicle
license plate numbers, color, two or four doors and type of drug being sold or
used. Explain activity occurring, eg. Vehicles coming and going at all hours,
loud parties all the time, people coming and going, etc. Give dates and times
activities occur. Leave a contact number.
Surveillance Camera – The use of a surveillance camera can be used in a
civil case. In a criminal case, a surveillance camera that would show the
“traffic” of people could be
For more information, contact DPA Miyahira at 768-7504 or e-mail at
Kaimuki Business and Professional Association (KBPA) 65th Annual Christmas Parade – KBPA President Daniel Yokoo stated the 65th Annual Kaimuki Christmas Parade will be on Thursday, December 1, 2011. Mr. Yokoo seeks the Board’s support of the parade and partial closure to Waialae Avenue from St. Louis School (3rd Avenue) to Koko Head Avenue for the parade on Thursday, December 1, 2011. Hoe moved and Bullock seconded that the Kaimuki Neighborhood Board No. 4 support the 65th Annual Kaimuki Christmas Parade and partial closure to Waialae Avenue from 3rd Avenue, St. Louis School to Koko Head Avenue on Thursday, December 1, 2011. The motion WAS ADOPTED UNANIMOUSLY, 9-0-0 (AYES: Bullock, Hoe, Perez, Schneider, Shorba, L. Tam, V. Tam, Yamada, and Young; NAYS: None; ABSTENTIONS: None).
Noise Concerns Related to Industrial-Grade Generator & Air Conditioning Equipment on Alohea Avenue Residential Property owned by Time Warner/Oceanic – Time Warner/Oceanic Vice (TW/O) President, Michael Goodish stated they operate about 17 utility facilities on Oahu and Kaimuki has one of the largest. Mr. Goodish reported the following:
For more information, contact DPA Miyahira at 768-7504 or e-mail at
Kaimuki Business and Professional Association (KBPA) 65th Annual Christmas Parade – KBPA President Daniel Yokoo stated the 65th Annual Kaimuki Christmas Parade will be on Thursday, December 1, 2011. Mr. Yokoo seeks the Board’s support of the parade and partial closure to Waialae Avenue from St. Louis School (3rd Avenue) to Koko Head Avenue for the parade on Thursday, December 1, 2011. Hoe moved and Bullock seconded that the Kaimuki Neighborhood Board No. 4 support the 65th Annual Kaimuki Christmas Parade and partial closure to Waialae Avenue from 3rd Avenue, St. Louis School to Koko Head Avenue on Thursday, December 1, 2011. The motion WAS ADOPTED UNANIMOUSLY, 9-0-0 (AYES: Bullock, Hoe, Perez, Schneider, Shorba, L. Tam, V. Tam, Yamada, and Young; NAYS: None; ABSTENTIONS: None).
Noise Concerns Related to Industrial-Grade Generator & Air Conditioning Equipment on Alohea Avenue Residential Property owned by Time Warner/Oceanic – Time Warner/Oceanic Vice (TW/O) President, Michael Goodish stated they operate about 17 utility facilities on Oahu and Kaimuki has one of the largest. Mr. Goodish reported the following:
Alohea Avenue Property – The property was purchased late 1990's for
the purpose of housing a distribution hub for the TW/O communication system. A
Conditional Use Permit Type A waiver was granted for a utility substation.
Two homes were built on the lot to camouflage the utility hardware. Two
employees with their families occupy each dwelling. Over time equipment was
expanded on that site.
Communication Services – Some of the communication services this
hub system includes road runner high-speed data, telephone and video services,
and high definition efforts to surrounding residences of about 50,000 homes.
Also provide services commercially from Waikiki to Kuliouou and free wi-fi
connection to places like Kahala Mall. Also transports information for Diamond
Head Crater State Civil Defense for Oahu and neighbor islands and data
connection between University of Hawaii and Community Colleges.
Next Phase – The next phase was to replace existing generator to a
larger generator and air conditioning units. In responding to the neighbor's
concern about the potential noise from the generator and air conditioners, a
smaller generator will be used and be repositioned between the trees; and a wall
will be built surrounding the air conditioning
Questions, comments, and concerns followed:
Questions, comments, and concerns followed:
1. Zoning –
TW/O were limited to locations available when the decision was made to purchase
the Alohea Avenue property.
2. Generator
– A concern was whether all the hub sites have generators. Mr. Goodish
stated that all hub sites do have generators; however, the size of the generator
depends on the size of the utility site. Generators are not on 24 hours a day,
seven days a week. The generator is for emergency use only.
3. Alarm –
There is no alarm on the facility. The alarm a resident complained about was
from another property nearby.
4. Site Visit
– Member Tam visited the Alohea Avenue property and observed the
o Dwellings
on Property – There were two two-story dwellings connected by the hub
situated in the middle. Both the Ewa and the Koko Head side of the property have
two more two-story dwellings with windowed air conditioners. The windowed air
conditioners made more noise than the air conditions for the hub.
o Hub
– The hub has no windows, has three split-system Mitsubishi air
conditioners, air compressors, and one large Mitsubishi split system compressor
on the Koko Head side of the hub. The compressors and air conditioners are
running 24 hours per day, seven days a week and are not noisy.
o Generator
– The commercial generator is located outside the Ewa wall of the hub and
is used when electric power goes out. The Oceanic personnel run the generator
once a week during the day to ensure the generator will work when needed. If the
power does go out, Oceanic will run the generator until the power comes back on
to keep the equipment in the hub operating and to keep the air conditioners
operating to prevent the equipment in the hub from overheating. Member Tam
suggested a buffer around the generator to minimize the noise.
5. Noise – A
concern was whether the State Department of Health can monitor the noise level
from the
Chair V. Tam recommended that the Mr. Goodish follow up with wall to buffer the noise and report back and update the Board. Also that he keep in touch with the neighbors on those changes.
Construction of Roadway on Wilhelmina Rise – A representative or report was not available.
Vandalism and Dumping of Trash at the Mau'umae Park Lookout – Member L. Tam did a site visit today and noticed a couch, motor scooter, and other trash items were at the Mau`umae Park lookout. It was also mentioned that residents have observed that the look out point is being vandalized; trash is being dumped over the side, as well as illegal activity occurring at the site. Residents requested HPD monitor the vehicles and people at the lookout in the early mornings and in the evenings.
Mayor’s Representative – Tim Houghton reported the following:
Chair V. Tam recommended that the Mr. Goodish follow up with wall to buffer the noise and report back and update the Board. Also that he keep in touch with the neighbors on those changes.
Construction of Roadway on Wilhelmina Rise – A representative or report was not available.
Vandalism and Dumping of Trash at the Mau'umae Park Lookout – Member L. Tam did a site visit today and noticed a couch, motor scooter, and other trash items were at the Mau`umae Park lookout. It was also mentioned that residents have observed that the look out point is being vandalized; trash is being dumped over the side, as well as illegal activity occurring at the site. Residents requested HPD monitor the vehicles and people at the lookout in the early mornings and in the evenings.
Mayor’s Representative – Tim Houghton reported the following:
· Asian
Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) Conference – The City is preparing
for numerous events to take place during the APEC Conference on Monday, November
7 to Sunday, November 13, 2011. Residents were reminded that during that period
allow yourself more time when driving in to Honolulu or use an alternate route.
Use the bus when possible, monitor the daily traffic report on the radio or
television, and check the City’s traffic cams along your route at, traffic.
· Alohea
Avenue Property – The City Department of Planning and Permitting spoke
to Mr. Met Lebar, Director of Transmission Systems at Oceanic, who said the
existing emergency generator was installed about four years ago and is located
11 feet from the property line. He explained that they have not installed the
replacement generator that was approved under Waiver No. 2010/W-73 and building
permit No. 668010 earlier this year. He confirmed that the generator is not
on “24/7” as noted in the complaint. Rather, it is on only
once a month for testing purposes. The test runs for less than 30 minutes
during normal business or daylight hours. The last test was conducted on
August 15, 2011, at about 8:10 a.m. He noted that there is no alarm
attached to the generator. The Oceanic staff person who lives on the site
surmises that the alarm noted in the complaint is on an adjacent property, and
it just happened to go off during the same time period in mid-August. He
said that the Applicant is aware that generally new structures, including
air-conditioning equipment, must comply with the applicable LUO
provisions. Oceanic representatives will be attending the regular
Neighborhood Board meeting in September to address issues and concerns about the
o Land
Use Ordinance (LUO) – Section 21-2.130 of the LUO allows waiver of
certain development standards for public or public/private uses and structures,
and utility installations. The subject hub station is classified as a
utility installation, type A, as defined by the LUO. It is a permitted use in
the R-5 Residential District and subject to the required 30-foot front yard and
15-foot side and rear yard setbacks for nonresidential uses. The
above-referenced waiver and building permits were issued earlier this year to
allow replacement equipment, including a back-up generator and main service
equipment panels, in the same location as the existing equipment within the
15-foot side yard. The maximum encroachment permitted onto the 15-foot
side yard is 4.5 feet for the generator and 9.5 feet for the main service
equipment panels.
· Trees at
13th and Harding Avenues – Member Perez submitted photos of City trees
at 13th and Harding Avenues that required attention due to heavy winds. On
Wednesday, August 10, 2011 City Division of Urban Forestry (DUF) removed a
fallen City Yokewood tree branch and pruned the tree at the Ewa/makai side of
13th Avenue near Harding Avenue. The City Yokewood tree at the Ewa/mauka side of
13th Avenue near Harding Avenue was recently inspected by a DUF supervisor
appear to pose an immediate public safety concern, maintenance is warranted.
This tree will be pruned to lower its canopy as much as possible without
compromising the tree’s health or stability. DUF anticipates this work to
be performed before the end of October 2011. DUF does not have any control over
inclement weather conditions that may contribute to tree concerns, including
broken, hanging, or fallen branches. It is the City’s goal to preserve as
many trees as possible. However, those that are dead, dying, diseased, and/or
damaged may be removed for public safety. On Thursday, August 11, 2011, due to
existing conditions, the City Yokewood tree that was at the mauka/diamond head
side of 13th Avenue near Harding Avenue was removed.
· Waialae
and Koko Head Avenue – Representative Barbara Marumoto raised a
concern about trash bags on the street that may either belong to the burrito
and/or Chinese restaurants located at Waialae and Koko Head Avenue. These
identified businesses receive City Refuse Collection service. The inspectors
will discuss proper preparation and set-out procedures with the
· Laukahi
Street – Representative Marumoto also raised a concern that Laukahi
Street is very wide and motorists tend to speed when the road is wide. She
suggested that bike lanes be painted on the road to slow traffic down. The
community association is willing to donate the paint. DTS will conduct an
investigation which may require field and site assessments, research, traffic
history and data analysis. DTS will inform the Board of the status of their
investigation by the November 2011 Board meeting.
· Sierra
Drive – None of the City departments worked in the Sierra Drive
area. Mr. Houghton will follow up on the steel plates and huge potholes on
Councilmember Ann Kobayashi – Karen Yorimoto provided members with a report and was available for questions.
Councilmember Stanley Chang – Steve Uyeno provided members with a report and reminded residents of the community clean up and anti-graffiti event Saturday, October 29, 2011 from University Avenue to Waikiki. Mr. Uyeno expressed his appreciation to Member Ho for the volunteers.
Councilmember Ann Kobayashi – Karen Yorimoto provided members with a report and was available for questions.
Councilmember Stanley Chang – Steve Uyeno provided members with a report and reminded residents of the community clean up and anti-graffiti event Saturday, October 29, 2011 from University Avenue to Waikiki. Mr. Uyeno expressed his appreciation to Member Ho for the volunteers.
· Debt
– Member L. Tam raised a concern of how much debt does the City and
County of Honolulu owe, and how much are the residents of Oahu paying on this
debt? Also how much more money will the City be borrowing during the rest of
this fiscal year? Mr. Uyeno will follow up with the City’s Department of
Fiscal Services.
Senator Les Ihara – Senator Ihara reported on the following:
Senator Les Ihara – Senator Ihara reported on the following:
Legislative Session – The new session will start up Wednesday,
January 18, 2012. Senator Ihara is in the process of developing legislation for
next year and welcome ideas from the residents.
· Web
Cast – The Senate tested a web cast video screening from each Senate
rooms. There will be two simultaneous web streams. The community will be able to
view inside the Senate rooms.
· Hawaii
Revised Statutes (HRS) – The HRS is now available on the Senate web
· Access
Hawaii – Senator Ihara is a member of Access Hawaii Committee and
encouraged residents to visit
to access the legislative calendar as well as the schedule of
· Public
Lands Development Corporation (PLDC) – Senator Ihara is working on
amending the PLDC which currently gives corporations exemptions from a number of
statutes. The unions are concerned about corporations not following development
standards. The City is also concerned about exemptions from building
· Social
Studies Credit – The State Board of Education turned their decision
around and will not be eliminating the Social Studies Credit from the public
high school curriculum.
· Online
Voter Registration – Senator Ihara stated Governor vetoes online voter
registration. Hawaii having one of the worst voter turn out in the nation,
Senator Ihara is working with other States for federal funding from the Help
America Vote Act to increase voter participation nationally.
· Co-Chair
Appointment – Senator Ihara was appointed Co-Chair for the National
Council of State Legislators Legislative Effectiveness Committee which oversees
ethics, campaign reform, voter elections, voter registrations, etc. Senator
Ihara will help lead a national project to develop training for legislators in
Questions, comments, and concerns followed:
Questions, comments, and concerns followed:
1. Broad Band – Chair
V. Tam was concerned that Hawaii lacks the undersea cable infrastructure to
achieve higher broad band rates. Because of that, there would still be a problem
with high speed connectivity to the mainland. Senator Ihara will find out if
there are plans at the state level to improve communication connectivity from
Hawaii to the East or West.
2. Queen Liliuokalani
School Property – Member Bullock raised a concern regarding
current Department of Education use of the school as offices and whether that
meets the “Public Use” criteria for the property which may be zoned
3. Debt – Member L. Tam
is concerned of how much debt does the State of Hawaii owe, and how much are the
residents of Hawaii paying on this debt? Also how much more money will the State
be borrowing during the rest of this fiscal year. Senator Ihara will check with
House Speaker Calvin Say.
House of Representative Speaker Calvin K. Y. Say – A report was submitted.
Representative Barbara Marumoto – A report was submitted.
Representative Scott Nishimoto – A report was submitted.
State Representative Mark Hashem – A representative or report was not available.
APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Hoe moved and Young seconded that the Kaimuki Neighborhood Board No. 4 approved the August 17, 2011 meeting minutes as circulated. The motion WAS ADOPTED UNANIMOUSLY, 9-0-0 (AYES: Bullock, Hoe, Perez, Schneider, Shorba, L. Tam, V. Tam, Yamada, and Young; NAYS: None; ABSTENTIONS: None).
ANNOUNCEMENTS: The next meeting of the Kaimuki Neighborhood Board No. 4 will be Wednesday, October 19, 2011 from 7:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m.
Submitted By: Gloria J.P. Gaines, Neighborhood Assistant
Reviewed By: Vernon Tam, Chair
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Foodland Grocery Store Sales, Coupons, Discounts
Get Foodland Super Market Grocery sales sheet, coupons, discounts for the Kaimuki community.
Foodland Super Market Job Listings and Careers
Work for one of the best/stable Super Markets in Hawaii!Looking for jobs at Foodland Super Market? We are sure to have a career that is perfect for you.
Kaimuki Hawaii.Com Home Page
View our featured events, news, businesses and primary links on our home page.Featured Sponsors
Great offers from our sponsors who support the Kaimuki Honolulu, Hawaii community. More...
Kaimuki Hawaii Directory
View Kaimuki, Hawaii primary directories. businesses, non profits, public, government and jobs.Calendar
Check out things to do in Kaimuki on the calendar of events.News and Newsletters
Keep up with the latest news and happenings in your Kaimuki community.Kaimuki Hawaii Featured Pages
View our directory of feature pages showcasing all the great things Kaimuki, Honolulu, Hawaii has to offer. Go Green in Kaimuki, restaurants, shopping, WiFi Hot Spots, fitness, health, real estate, home and garden, 80+ more directories... More...
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