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Kaimuki Neighborhood Board Minutes Posted for April 17, 2013 Meeting
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Courtesy of Neighborhood Commission Office
Source Neighborhood Commission Office
Kaimuki Neighborhood Board No. 4
CALL TO ORDER: Chair Lyle Bullock Jr. called the meeting to order at 7:05 p.m. with a quorum of seven (7) members present. Note -- This 11 member Board requires six (6) members to establish quorum and to take official Board action.
Members Present: Lyle Bullock, Jr., Paul Hoe, Marilyn Moniz-Kahoohanohano, Brian Kang (arrived at 7:25 p.m.), Abigail Leong, Russell McGuire, Sharon Schneider (arrived at 7:25 p.m.), Leonard Tam, and Lori Yamada.
Members Absent: None.
Vacancies: There are two (2) vacancies on the Board. One (1) vacancy in Subdistrict 1, East Kaimuki and Business District, and one (1) vacancy in Subdistrict 3, West Kaimuki.
Guests: Michael D. Formby (Mayor Kirk Caldwell's Office), Lieutenant Allen Nagata and Officer Chad Yamada (Honolulu Police Department); Captain Chris Miller (Honolulu Fire Department); Lorna Heller (Board of Water Supply); Jarret Yip (Councilmember Kobayashi's Office staff); Stephen Enos (Councilmember Stanley Chang's Office); S. Sonoda; Tobie Cancino (12th Ave. Grill); Representative Calvin Say; Yukie Tokuyama, Peter Williams; Saia Vzava, Caleb Mossman, Bobby Kara, Vincent Lee, S. Sunoda, Nathaniel Lee, Kathi Abe, Dennis Lee, Andrew Ghani; and Aisha A.C. Wang (Neighborhood Commission Office).
FILLING OF BOARD VACANCY: Chair Bullock opened the floor for nominations or volunteers to fill the two (2) vacancies on the Board (Subdistrict 1 and Sub-district 3). There were no nominations or volunteers at this time.
Honolulu Fire Department (HFD): Captain Chris Miller reported the following:
- March 2013 Statistics: Included 3 structure, 1 wild land, 2 rubbish fires, 80 medical emergencies, 4 search and rescue, and 38 miscellaneous emergencies.
· Fire Safety Tip: Building identification is critical for emergency responders to quickly identify the correct location. House numbering requirements from the Revised Ordinances of Honolulu (ROH), Chapter 2, Section 9.2(d)(2) are as follows: "All numbers shall be placed in such manner as to be readily seen from the street, roadway or lane, shall be of different color from the background on which they are placed in a permanent manner, chalk or other effaceable material not being permitted"
Honolulu Police Department (HPD): Lieutenant Nagata reported the following:
· March 2013 Crime Statistics: Included 24 burglaries, 1 robbery, 43 thefts and 19 unauthorized entries into motor vehicles (UEMV).
· Safety Tip: SCAM stands for Stop Criminals from Acquiring your Money! Call 911 anytime someone suspicious confronts you so that you avoid being scammed, call 911 to verify the business. Remember if anyone is requesting money, be suspicious.
Questions, comments, and concerns followed:
- Community Involvement: It was asked and clarified that community involvement is better than the weed and seed programs. The response was that any community involvement is better than nothing and both weed and seed as well as neighborhood watch programs are great ways to hinder scams.
- Parking Issue: The question was raised as to what constitutes illegal parking when there is no sidewalk. The response was not to wait and call 911 immediately to determine if the parking is illegal.
- Ticketing: It was asked why tickets aren't issued to vehicles that block driveways and are parked illegally. The response was that HPD can't be everywhere and citizens are encouraged to call 911.
Board of Water Supply (BWS): Lorna Heller reported the following:
· Main Break Report: There were no water main breaks reported in March 2013.
· Online Bill Payment (BWS ePay): Starting April 24, 2013 the BWS and the City Department of Environmental Services are planning to begin offering its customers the option to view and pay their combined water and wastewater bills online. Online bill payment through "BWS ePay" is being offered as an initial step towards enhancing customer services options. This payment option is also availale to water only customers of the BWS who may utilize private or individual wastewater services. To use BWS ePay, customers must first register for this service by clicking the "View Your Billl Online" Icon on the website , www.boardofwatersupply.com Doing so enables customers to:Pay their combined water and wastewater bill online, view and download copies of their current bill and past dozen bills; and "Go Green" by opting for paperless billing and bill notification via e-mail
BWS ePay will undergo a number of enhancements in the coming months. In the meantime, please note the following items regarding this service.
BWS ePay accepts MasterCard and Visa credit cards -- debit cards are not accepted. Storage of credit card information for recurring payment is not available at this time. Payment must be made in full. BWS ePay does not allow for partial payment. Payment is not posted in real time; instead payment will be posted to a customer's account within 24 to 48 hours, and will not be reflected on BWS ePay until the next billing cycle. Customers will receive a receipt of the online payment via e-mail. Once payment is made online, please do not attempt to pay again and BWS ePay should not be used by customers who are delinquent or have received a Final Notice and are at risk of water services being disconnected.
Should you have any questions about this service, please visit the BWS website to view an online FAQ, call 748-5000 or e-mail contactus@hbws.org.
7:25 p.m. Board members McGuire and Schneider arrive; a quorum of nine (9) members present.
APPROVAL OF THE FEBRUARY 20, 2013 REGULAR MEETING MINUTES:: Hoe moved and Kang seconded the minutes of the regular meeting minutes of the February 20, 2013 The motion was UNANIMOUSLY ADOPTED, 9-0-0, (Aye: Bullock, Hoe, Moniz-Kahoohanohano, Kang, Leong, McGuire, Schneider, Tam, and Yamada).
APPROVAL OF THE MARCH 20, 2013 REGULAR MEETING MINUTES:: Hearing no objections, the minutes of the regular meeting minutes of the March 20, 2013 were UNANIMOUSLY ADOPTED, 9-0-0, (Aye: Bullock, Hoe, Moniz-Kahoohanohano, Kang, Leong, McGuire, Schneider, Tam, and Yamada).
Treasurer's Report: Treasurer Schneider reported the March 2013 expenditures were $35.70 for printing and the postage of agenda and minutes; leaving a current balance of $661.60. The report was filed.
- Traffic Lights at Royal Hawaiian and Kalakaua Avenue: The traffic lights at the corner of Royal Hawaiian and Kalakaua are reported to be not working properly and the lights are out at the corner of Kuwana and Kolohala.
- Left Hand turn: It was requested that a left hand turn not be put at the corner of 16th and Waialae avenues because it creates more of a back log.
- Benchmarks in Statistics: It was noted that the audience would benefit more from comparisons to past statistics in HPD and HFD presentation to show trends that are occurring rather than just the current statistics.
- Water Dumping: It was reported that a water truck dumped what appeared to be green water at Kapaolama Field at 12th Avenue.
Waialae Avenue Rehabilitation Project Update (DTS): Director Michael Formby brought a map to show the area of 12rth Avenue that was going to be used as an example for Complete Streets. Formby says that the problem is that if thes corridor of the highway is marked and brought an engineer from the department to state that there is a system in place to maintain a balanced flow of traffic in the heavier known areas.
12th Ave Grill: Toby Cancino, Manager of 12th Ave Grill, informed the board that they are requesting the support to hold a celebration for the restaurant and their guest before the grand opening of their new location at the old Victoria Inn Restaurant at 1120 12th Avenue. The plan for a soft and grand opening is scheduled for early August 2013. The celebration will be in the alley way right in front of their restaurant, parallel to Waialae Avenue between 12th Avenue and Koko Head Avenue. The celebration would be on Sunday, June 23, 2013 from 4:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. with hopes of closing off the area from noon to 10:00 p.m. for the set up and break down of the tables and chairs. The restaurant chef will serve contemporary American cuisine with local products using a wood burning grill for the expected 200 guests. The business requests a letter for Sunday May 3, 2013 to hold the opening and has the support of the Neighborhood Board No. 04.
Questions, comments, and concerns followed:
1. Alcohol Service: A board member inquired about the service of alcohol. Cancino stated that they are going to apply with the Liquor Commission for a permit to serve beer.
2. Restaurant Layout: A board member asked if they would use both levels of the restaurant. Cancino informed that they would only use the bottom level for service and the second floor will be used for offices and banquet rooms.
3. Recommendation: A member of the community mentioned that the 12th Ave Grill was recommended for American cuisine.
McGuire moved and Schneider seconded for the boards support of the grand opening event. The motion to support the event was UNANIMOUSLY ADOPTED, 9-0-0 (Aye: Bullock, Hoe, Moniz-Kahanohano, Kang, Leong, McGuire, Schneider, Tam Yamada).
Mayor's Representative: Director Michael Formby reported
· Response from February: A status update was provided to the Board from the Department of Facilities Maintenance (DFM) who is awaiting the disposition of the trees on 16th Avenue. There should be an answer as soon as the disposition is resolved and the sidewalks will also be repaired.
· Illegal Nursing Homes: In response to the concerns over illegally operated nursing homes being operated in private residences around 16th Avenue. The Department of Planning and Permitting (DPP) cannot verify illegal nursing homes without specific addresses -- please provide specific address.
· Affects of Bill 7: It was asked how will the passing of Bill 7 will affect street performers and the response was that Bill 7 only relates to sidewalk nuisance, which is defined as "any object or collection of objects construed, erected, installed, maintained, kept or operated on or over any sidewalk, including but not limited to stalls, stands, tents, furniture, and containers and any of its contents or attachment." Recentl, the City Council amended the definition to also include "objects affixed to a city property with a sidewalk" Given this definition, it probably does not apply to most street performers.
Questions, comments, and concerns followed:
1. Mayor's Budget: It was asked if the $1.6 million federal funding to improve the sewer system is included in the plans for this year's budget. Fromby stated that all funds set aside for sewer improvements are placed in the budget for the current year to be spent and is in the books for this fiscal year.
2. Synchronized: It was asked if the lights really are synchronized to control traffic control. An engineer from the Department of Transportation Services (DTS) explained that there was a system in place to control the flow of traffic.
Councilmember Ann Kobayashi: Jarret Yip distributed the Councilmember's report and highlighted:
· Bulky Items: Beginning on May 1, 2013 the bulky item program starts. The confusion is that there are two bulky items; regular bulky items and recyclable items.
· Website: There were a number of useful websites on the City website and helpful resources to navigate how government works and timely news from the Mayor's office.
· Complete Streets: There will be a workshop on Complete Streets at the Christ United Methodist Church at 1639 Keeaumoku Street on Tuesday April 30, and Monday May 4, 2013 from 5:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m.
· Bill 7: Relating to obstruction of sidewalks passed today in City Council.
Councilmember Stanley Chang: Micah Munekata distributed the Councilmember's report and highlighted;
· Old Waialae Vandalism: Problems with Old Waialae Theatre on Waialae and Center Street. DPP has sent a letter suggesting owners remove fence to deter vandalism.
· 16th and Noeau Street: Report of a damaged storm drain was sent to DFM.
Questions, comments and concerns that followed:
1. Bill 3: Relating to Homes that appear to be abandoned properties is being discussed in Council.
2. Bill 72: Relating to the smoking of cigarettes on both City owned and private beaches. This Bill has passed full council.
Governor's Representative: Not present. Chair read letter from the representative.
Senator Sam Slom: A representative or report was not available.
Senator Les Ihara: A representative was not present and no report available.
Representative Calvin Say: Representative Calvin Say explained that the legislature is in conference which means that they are no longer hearing testimony and are crunching numbers to come up with an agreeable budget for the fiscal session. Made himself available for concerns.
Questions, comments and concerns that followed:
1. A community member wanted to know about the flow of work at the Department of Permitting and Planning and the Department of Land and Natural Resources (DLNR). He is trying to obtain a permit to re-build a roof on his house and it is not a historic site, so his roof has fallen through the cracks and he keeps being told by one department that it's the other responsibility.
Senator Bertrand Kobayashi: Senator Bertrand Kobayashi was not available; no report available.
· Next Board Meeting: The next meeting of the Kaimuki Neighborhood Board No. 4 will be on Wednesday, May 15, 2013, 7:00 p.m. at the Kaimuki Christian Church, Fellowship Hall, 1117 Koko Head Avenue.
ADJOURNMENT: The meeting adjourned at 8:37 p.m.
Submitted By: Aisha Wang, Neighborhood Assistant
Reviewed By: Leland Ribac Neighborhood Assistant II;Reviewed and Finalized By: Lyle Bullock Jr., Chair
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Kaimuki Neighborhood Board No. 4
Come learn about what's going on in the Kaimuki community!- Honolulu City Council District IV 4 - Trevor Ozawa
Hawaii State Senator District 10 - Les Ihara, Jr.
State Senator from 1994-present. Senator Ihara is a leader on legislative issues involving government transparency, public integrity, campaign and election reforms, environmental and consumer protection, aging and civil rights issues, public access and engagement, and the legislative process.Hawaii State Representative District 18 - Mark J. Hashem (18th District)
- Hawaii US Representative - Congressional District 1 - Colleen Hanabusa
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- Honolulu City Council District V 5- Ann H. Kobayashi
- Hawaii US Senator - Mazie K. Hirono
- Hawaii State Representative District 19 - Bertrand Kobayashi (19th District)
- Hawaii Governor - David Ige
- Hawaii Lieutenant Governor Shan Tsutsui
- Hawaii State Representative District 20 - Calvin K.Y. Say (20th District)
- Hawaii State Representative District 21 - Scott Y. Nishimoto(21st District)
- Hawaii State Representative District 22 - Tom Brower
- Hawaii US Senator - Brian Schatz
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