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  • Emergency Preparedness Handbook | Hawaiian Electric Available At All 8 City Mill Locations On Oahu

Hawaiian Electric Companies Provide Safety Tips for Hurricane Season

Hurricane Season is officially underway, and the National Weather Service is predicting another potentially busy storm season. The Hawaiian Electric Companies urge all customers to make plans to safeguard themselves and their families and to consider the following safety tips:

  • Gather emergency supplies, such as a battery-powered radio, flashlights, lanterns, and batteries. Be prepared to monitor storm-related communications issued over emergency broadcast radio stations.
  • Store enough water, non-perishable food, medicine, and personal hygiene supplies for your family members and pets to last at least seven days.
  • Routinely use high-quality surge protectors to help protect household appliances that incorporate electronics, computer equipment, home entertainment systems, and motors.
  • Unplug all unnecessary electric appliances and equipment during a storm or a power outage. Do not plug the equipment back in until power has been restored and remains on steadily.
  • Consider having a backup generator if you are dependent on an electrically powered life support system. Or, make plans to go to an alternate location where electricity will be available. Be prepared to take your medical equipment and medications with you.
  • If you need to evacuate to safer shelter, shut off your electricity at the main breaker or switch.

Handbooks are available at all 8 City Mill locations on Oahu as well as available as a free download on

If there is a major power outage, the Hawaiian Electric Companies will provide safety information to local media, including power restoration updates. Outage notifications are also proactively issued on the companies' Twitter accounts, with the following hashtags:



Twitter Handle

Hashtag for Outages


Hawaiian Electric




Maui Electric




Maui Electric




Maui Electric



Hawaii Island

Hawaii Electric Light



If a storm knocks down a power line, stay at least 30 feet away from it. To report a fallen line or a power outage, call your electric utility's trouble line:

Hawaii Island










For more safety tips, refer to the Hawaiian Electric Companies' Information Handbook for Emergency Preparedness online at, or call (808) 543-7511 to request a copy. It's available in Cantonese, English, Ilocano, Korean, and Vietnamese.

Homeowner's Handbook to Prepare for Natural Hazards

You may also be interested in the Homeowner's Handbook to Prepare for Natural Hazards published by the University of Hawaii Sea Grant College Program. This handbook is in part a compilation from numerous publications associated with natural hazards and hazard mitigation.

To order copies of this publication contact the University of Hawaii Sea Grant College Program at (808) 956-7410.

Hawaiian Electric Companies Provide Safety Tips for Hurricane Season

Hurricane Season is officially underway, and the National Weather Service is predicting another potentially busy storm season. The Hawaiian Electric Companies urge all customers to make plans to safeguard themselves and their families and to consider the following safety tips:

  • Gather emergency supplies, such as a battery-powered radio, flashlights, lanterns, and batteries. Be prepared to monitor storm-related communications issued over emergency broadcast radio stations.
  • Store enough water, non-perishable food, medicine, and personal hygiene supplies for your family members and pets to last at least seven days.
  • Routinely use high-quality surge protectors to help protect household appliances that incorporate electronics, computer equipment, home entertainment systems, and motors.
  • Unplug all unnecessary electric appliances and equipment during a storm or a power outage. Do not plug the equipment back in until power has been restored and remains on steadily.
  • Consider having a backup generator if you are dependent on an electrically powered life support system. Or, make plans to go to an alternate location where electricity will be available. Be prepared to take your medical equipment and medications with you.
  • If you need to evacuate to safer shelter, shut off your electricity at the main breaker or switch.

Handbooks are available at all 8 City Mill locations on Oahu as well as available as a free download on

If there is a major power outage, the Hawaiian Electric Companies will provide safety information to local media, including power restoration updates. Outage notifications are also proactively issued on the companies' Twitter accounts, with the following hashtags:



Twitter Handle

Hashtag for Outages


Hawaiian Electric




Maui Electric




Maui Electric




Maui Electric



Hawaii Island

Hawaii Electric Light



If a storm knocks down a power line, stay at least 30 feet away from it. To report a fallen line or a power outage, call your electric utility's trouble line:

Hawaii Island










For more safety tips, refer to the Hawaiian Electric Companies' Information Handbook for Emergency Preparedness online at, or call (808) 543-7511 to request a copy. It's available in Cantonese, English, Ilocano, Korean, and Vietnamese.

Homeowner's Handbook to Prepare for Natural Hazards

You may also be interested in the Homeowner's Handbook to Prepare for Natural Hazards published by the University of Hawaii Sea Grant College Program. This handbook is in part a compilation from numerous publications associated with natural hazards and hazard mitigation.

To order copies of this publication contact the University of Hawaii Sea Grant College Program at (808) 956-7410.

About Hawaiian Electric Company (HECO)
For more than 100 years, Hawaiian Electric Company has provided the energy that has fueled the islands' development from a Hawaiian kingdom to a modern state. Hawaiian Electric Company, Inc. (HECO), and its subsidiaries, Maui Electric Company, Ltd. (MECO), and Hawaii Electric Light Company, Inc. (HELCO), serves 95% of the state's 1.2 million residents on the islands of O`ahu, Maui, Hawai`i Island, Lana`i and Moloka`i.

The energy we use is an essential but limited resource necessary to maintaining our quality of life. In a changing world, Hawaiian Electric has evolved to offer more than electricity.

Today, the company also provides energy solutions to help customers save money and use energy more efficiently. Hawaiian Electric also continues to pursue the use of more clean, renewable energy alternatives to help ensure a sustainable future for our islands.


Hawaiian Electric Company is dedicated to our community in which we live, work and serve. Rooted in Hawaii and one of the largest companies in the State, Hawaiian Electric takes the concept of malama pono -- to care for and serve -- to heart. The company and our employees have a long tradition of contributing with dollars, time and talent. Corporate citizenship is crucial to Hawaiian Electric's overall business plan because strong communities are essential to the success of the company, our employees and our customers.

Company and employee volunteerism is encouraged and every month, employees walk, run or provide manpower to dozens of non-profits throughout the State. Hawaiian Electric's corporate giving philosophy gives priority to projects that help families, promote education and protect the environment.

The company also sponsors robotics programs and events that promote STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering & Mathematics) education, as well as the SunPower for Schools program bringing solar electric power to select schools, the Solar Sprint event where students design, build and race cars using solar power, and the Home Energy Challenge, a school-based competition encouraging elementary school students and their families to reduce energy use at home, among other programs.

For nearly a decade, Hawaiian Electric volunteers have provided manpower, bucket trucks and ladders to install Christmas lights at the Kaimuki Community Park and playground before the annual Kaimuki Christmas Parade in December.

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