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Kaimuki Neighborhood Board Meeting July 2018 Minutes
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WEDNESDAY, July 18, 2018
CALL TO ORDER - Chair Sharon Schneider called the meeting to order at 7:02 p.m. A quorum was established with nine (9) members present. Note: This 11-member Board requires six (6) members to establish a quorum and to take official Board action.
Board Members Present - Calvin Hara, Paul Hoe, Brian Kang, Molly Pierce, Sharon Schneider, Becky Gardner, Mark Hagadone, William Kokolus and Lori Yamada.
Board Members Absent -Marilyn Moniz-Kaho'ohanaohano.
Guests - Captain Ricky Mamiya (Honolulu Fire Department); Lieutenant Roy Hayamoto and Sergeant Cyrus Hanuna (Honolulu Police Department); Lorna Heller (Board of Water Supply); James Larson (Councilmember Ann Kobayashi's Office); Karen Yorimoto (Councilmember Trevor Ozawa's Office); Senator Les Ihara; Pankaj Bhanot, Director, Department of Human Services (DHS); Representative Calvin Say; Carol Hoshida and Louise Pagotto (Kapiolani Community College); Connie Moore, Lynn Morgan, Laurie Mizuno, Jan Kawamoto, Jeremy Low, Eric McCutcheon, Natalie Iwasa, and Sarah Chinen (Residents); Christopher Naylon (Neighborhood Commission Office).
ELECTION OF OFFICERS TO SERVE FROM SUNDAY, JULY 1, 2018 to THURSDAY, JUNE 31, 2019 [NP ¤2-14-120(b)]. The officers to be elected are the Chair, one or more Vice Chairs, a Secretary, a Treasurer, and any other officer(s) determined to be needed to conduct the board's business.
Chair: Chair Pro Tem Schneider opened nomination for the Chair. Hoe nominated Schneider. Schneider was ELECTED by UNANIMOUS CONSENT by HANDS VOTE, 9-0-0; (AYE: Hara, Hoe, Kang, Pierce, Schneider, Gardner, Hagadone, Kokolus and Yamada; NAY: NONE; ABSTAIN: NONE.)
Yamada motioned and Pierce seconded the motion for all officers to retain their positions, to keep meeting location and time, and Rules of Speaking from Sunday, July 1, 2018 until Thursday, June 31, 2019. The motion PASSED by UNANIMOUS CONSENT by HANDS VOTE, 9-0-0; (AYE: Hara, Hoe, Kang, Pierce, Schneider, Gardner, Hagadone, Kokolus and Yamada; NAY: NONE; ABSTAIN: NONE.)
Honolulu Fire Department (HFD) - Captain Ricky Mamiya reported the following:
• June 2018 Statistics: There were three (3) activated alarms (no fire), 63 medical emergencies, eight (8) motor vehicle crash/collision, seven (7) mountain rescues, and two (2) hazardous materials incidents.
• Fire Safety Tip: Hurricane Preparedness: The Honolulu Fire Department encourages every family to take necessary steps to prepare for the hurricane season that runs from Friday, June 1, 2018 until Friday, November 30, 2018. Everyone should have a plan in place, a survival kit, and a way of staying informed on impending disasters. Additional information can be found on the City and County of Honolulu's Department of Emergency Management's website at
Honolulu Police Department (HPD) - HPD circulated a handout and reported the following:
• June 2018 Statistics: There were seven (7) motor vehicle thefts, 16 burglaries, 25 thefts, 23 unauthorized entry into motor vehicles (UEMV) and 5,703 calls for service.
• Safety Tip: Due to the start of Hurricane Season, Sergeant Yue provided reading materials for the Board and guests. Material read as follows:
• Be aware of the issuance of a Hurricane WATCH and Hurricane WARNING:
• HURRICANE WATCH - Issued when the threat of hurricane conditions of high wind and storm surge are expected within 48 hours. Preliminary preÂcautions should be taken.
??? HURRICANE WARNING Ñ Issued when the threat of hurricane condiÂtions of high wind and storm surge are expected within 36 hours. Actions for protection of life and property should be rushed to completion. Evacuations are generally ordered during a HURRICANE WARNING.
• Evacuation Zones Ñ Hurricane storm surge can be deadly along our shoreÂlines. Most hurricane related deaths occur when residents do not evacuate coastal areas. Review evacuation maps in the Disaster Preparedness secÂtion of your telephone book or visit the department web site at www.honolulu.govidem.
• Shelter-in-place - If you live in a newly constructed home outside of the coastal evacuation and flood zones, consider sheltering in place. Pre-identify a "Safe Room' such as an interior bathroom, large walk-in closet, or enclosed hallway to take refuge in. Remember, all of your emergency supplies should be brought into the safe room. Safe rooms can be an excelÂlent option to a public evacuation shelter.
Learn Ñ Educate yourself on disasters that can affect you and your Family.
Plan Ñ Create and exercise a Family Disaster Plan. Locate a secondÂary meeting place and designate an off island contact.
Individual, Family and Business Disaster Planning Ñ Disaster planÂning is everyone's business. Carefully review this information and take the time today to discuss preparedness planning with family, friends, neighbors and co-workers.
Develop a 14-Day Disaster Supplies Kit
Your disaster supplies kit should contain enough of the following items to last for 14-days minimum:
• Water - One gallon of water per person per day for 14 days for drinkÂing and sanitation
• Food - Non-perishable food that does not require cooking. Survival
foods such as Peanut Butter, Protein Shakes, Dried Fruits, Nuts
• Eating Utensils Ñ Plates, mess kits, forks and chop sticks. Don't forget a non-electric can opener for canned foods
??? Radio - Battery-powered or hand crank radio with NOAA Weather alert
• Light - Flashlight and or a portable fluorescent light
• Spare batteries - Check annually
• First Aid Ñ Get a good kit and consider enrolling in a certified first aid course
• Whistle Ñ Important for signaling for help. A whistle carries much
farther than the human voice and uses less energy than yelling
• Dust Mask Ñ Helps to filter contaminated air
• Sanitation - Moist towelettes, heavy duty garbage bags, hand saniÂtizer gel, toilet paper, baking soda/kitty litter to absorb odors, gloves and plastic ties for personal sanitation
• Tools - Wrench or pliers to turn off utilities, duct tape
• Maps - Local area maps
• Prescription Ñ Special medications, glasses and medical devices
• Pets - Pet food and extra water for your pet
• Miscellaneous - Infant Formula, diapers, incontinent supplies, femiÂnine products
Questions, comments, and concerns followed:
1. Service Calls: A resident asked about the amount of service calls compared to 2017 and HPD responded that they received 1 million service calls last year but was unable to compare that to 2018.
2. Donations: A resident asked and HPD responded that all donations for police officers injured or killed in the line of duty should be sent to State of Hawaii Police Officers' Union (SHOPO).
Board of Water Supply (BWS) - Lorna Heller reported the following:
June 2018 Main Breaks: There was one main break: Thursday, June 31, 2018.
July Tip: Halawa Xeriscape Garden - The BWS and Friends of Halawa Xeriscape Garden (FOHXG) 30th Annual Open House and Unthirsty Plant Sale is scheduled for Saturday, August 4, 2018. The event will include a dozen drought-tolerant plant nurseries, water conservation workshops, partner booths, cactus displays, Ohana activities, and garden tours. Admission is free with street parking and free shuttles on Iwaena Street. More information is available at and 748-5041.
Questions, comments, and concerns followed: Manalani Circle: Chair Schneider raised concerns about the lack of communication between BWS and Department of Facilities Maintenance (DFM). Schneider stated there was a lack of garbage or bulky item pickup services during the recent main break and subsequent repairs.
FILLING OF VACANT BOARD SEATS - Chair Schneider opened nominations for the vacant Board seat in Sub-District One (1) but there were no volunteers.
Kapiolani Community College (KCC): Carol Hoshida announced the new Chancellor for KCC: Dr. Louise Pagotto.
• KCC Culinary Institute: Pagotto announced that the KCC Culinary Institute is within Phase Two (2) of their project and stated that the KCC Signature Restaurant will be opening soon.
Questions followed: Restaurant Location: Chinen asked and Pagotto answered that the restaurant will be on the hills of Diamond Head overlooking the ocean.
Unimproved Sidewalks: A resident stated that they were cited for parking on an unimproved sidewalk near their home and Chair Schneider stated that this issue should be addressed by the Department of Transportation Services (DTS). A resident stated that HPD will cite any vehicle in the region after they receive calls or complaints about illegally parked vehicles and believed that DTS could better explain the issue. Hagadone noted that residents may deny their citations by explaining their circumstance to the judge. A resident stated the citations only occurred recently and Chair Schneider stated that the street may be a private road.
Master Plan: Chinen stated that the City and County of Honolulu does not have a Master Plan online for review and noted that there is a General Plan that is display on their website.
12th Avenue & Koko Head Avenue: A resident stated that the intersection at 12th Avenue and Koko Head Avenue creates a dangerous situation for residents and noted the need for intersection improvements.
18th Avenue: Yamada raised community concerns from the community about 18th Avenue. Yamada stated that the road is a private roadway and noted recent parking citations for residents parking on unimproved sidewalks. The resident wants to know if it is possible to expand their property line towards the roadway since the road is private.
Mayor Kirk Caldwell's Representative - Director Mark Wong of the Department of Information Technology (DIT) was not present; Chair Schneider read a memo for the record:
Mayor's Representative, Mark Wong, is unable to attend tonight's meeting. I am submitting the following "MEMO FOR THE RECORD", regarding the concern(s) that were raised at the board's last meeting.
1) Paula Drive: Residents raised concerns about the current state of 1610 Paula Drive. Residents stated that the road is in disrepair and creates a dangerous situation for drivers.
• The Department of Design and Construction: Paula Drive has been identified for road resurfacing and is included in the Rehabilitation of Localized Street Phase 14C project. The project was recently advertised for bids and the start of construction will be pending the execution of the construction contract and the contractor obtaining the required permits.
2) Pukalani Place development: Residents are worried that the developer has been using less than reputable methods while creating this housing development. They are concerned that not all the proper environmental surveys were completed.
• The Department of Permitting and Planning: The Pukalani Place Development Project in question is at 3841 Pukalani Place in Palolo (Tax Map Key 3-3-017: 030). The 54,743-square-foot site is in the R-5 Residential District. At present, no building permit applications have been submitted for the development of any housing. However, grading permit and construction plan applications to prepare the site for eight proposed dwelling units have been submitted to the Department of Planning and Permitting. The Project does not trigger Chapter 343, Hawaii Revised Statutes. Therefore, no Environmental Assessment is required. The site is large enough to accommodate eight dwelling units without requiring a Cluster Permit. The lot area for purposes of determining the number of dwelling units allowed is 51,261 square feet after the access easements in favor of other lots are removed. One dwelling unit may be built for each 5,000 square feet of lot area. Therefore, at most the site could have 10 single-family dwelling units. However, more than eight dwelling units require a Cluster Permit.
3) Parked Vehicles on Anuhea Street: Update from March 21, 2018. Cars Not Moving on Anuhea Street between 16th Avenue and Wilhelmina Rise, there is only enough room for one car to get by at a time forcing cars to move over and wait. A lot of cars will not move over to let the car with the right of way pass by forcing cars to skim pass each other with little to no room almost causing accidents. Cars are speeding down this road with not enough time to move over and there is a huge blind spot which can cause a head on collision. Will DTS please assess the area and see what kind of signage they can put in to stop cars from speeding and to let them know to move over.
• The Department of Transportation Services (DTS): DTS has completed their investigation, which included a speed study, an evaluation of the traffic history, and a field inspection. Their speed study confirmed that the majority of motorists were traveling at or below the posted 25 mph speed limit on Anuhea Street, between Wilhelmina Rise and 16th Avenue. A review of the traffic history within the past three years did not indicate any unusual trends, incidents or conditions such as a blind stop, which would necessitate additional traffic controls. In addition, the DTS follows the guidelines set forth in the Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (MUTCD), which is approved by the Federal Highway Administrator as the national standard. Such signs informing drivers to "move over" to allow two-way traffic are not in compliance with the MUTCD. The DTS' field inspection showed that parking is restricted on the entire makai side, between Koko Head Avenue and 16th Avenue. Parking is also restricted intermittently on the mauka side, between Wilhelmina Rise and 16th Avenue. Further field inspection by the
• Traffic Signs: DTS revealed that existing "Speed Limit 25" signs are visible and in good condition except for one faded speed limit sign. In addition, several "No Parking Anytime" signs are faded. The DTS will issue a work order (reference Paint & Sign Work Order 3961) to the Department of Facility Maintenance to replace the faded regulatory signs.
4) Announcement: Kapiolani Boulevard Contraflow - Afternoon Modifications:
Councilmember Trevor Ozawa has asked the Department of Transportation Services to eliminate the afternoon contraflow coning on Kapiolani Boulevard to allow left turns for West bound motorists at McCully Street and
Atkinson Drive.
Kapiolani Boulevard: Contraflow coning on Kapiolani Boulevard will be eliminated from Atkinson Drive to McCully Street beginning Tuesday, July 17. Left turns will be allowed at McCully Street and Atkinson Drive during the peak afternoon periods. Afternoon coning on Kapiolani Boulevard from Atkinson Drive to Ward Avenue will remain the same.
Kalakaua Avenue: Afternoon coning on Kalakaua Avenue will also be terminated. Left turns from Kalakaua Avenue in the Ewa bound direction will be allowed during the afternoon peak period.
Traffic signal phasing at McCully Street, Atkinson Drive and Kalakaua Avenue will operate the same as regular day non-contraflow hours. DTS will collect and evaluate relevant data during the modification period into September to capture traffic conditions while public and private schools, and the University of Hawaii are in session. Data collected prior to school being in session may not reflect typical conditions.
Morning contraflow coning on Kapiolani Boulevard and Kalakaua Avenue will not be affected.
Questions and comments followed:
1. Department of Motor Vehicles: Chinen raised concerns about the issues residents are encountering while attempting to obtain their driver's license and vehicle registration appointments. Yorimoto stated that Kapalama Hale is best equipped to deal with large amounts of residents. Chinen stated that reisdents should plan their appointments two (2) or three (3) months in advance. Yorimoto noted that the DMV will be opened on Saturdays to help alleviate the issue. The Driver Licensing Centers schedule is as follows:
o Driver License Centers:
o Kapolei: 8:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m.
o Koolau: 8:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. (closed Saturday, July 21, 2018 for prescheduled maintenance)
o Kapalama: 8:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m.
o Wahiawa: 8:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m.
Councilmember Ann Kobayashi - No representative was present; a newsletter was disseminated.
Councilmember Trevor Ozawa - Karen Yorimoto circulated a handout and reported the following:
• Street Rehabilitation: Yorimoto stated that 16 million dollars have been allocated for the rehabilitation of City and County of Honolulu roadways.
• Flood Maintenance: Yorimoto stated that 53.5 million dollars have been allocated for the improvement of flood control regions and 1 million dollars being allocated for the maintenance of streams, channels, and ditches.
Comments followed: Request for Investigation and Service Report (RISR): Yamada asked and Yorimoto stated that RISR's are done to help communities resolve their issues. Gardner asked and Yorimoto stated that any resident can submit a RISR to their Council Members.
Governor David Ige - Pankaj Bhanot, Director, Department of Human Services (DHS) was present; a newsletter was circulated and reported the following:
• Cause of Homelessness: Bhanot stated that homelessness in Hawaii is caused by mental illness, the lack of affordable rent, and the fact that many people believe that finding work within Hawaii is easy.
• Myth: Bhanot stated that it is a myth that other states give homeless individuals one-way tickets to Hawaii.
• Humane Solutions: Bhanot stated that DHS is searching to find the most humane solution for balancing the current homelessness issue.
Questions and comments were as followed:
1. Federal Lands: Kokolus spoke about Federal lands that are unable to be utilized for privatized homes and noted that this has been one cause of the homelessness issue. Bhanot stated that Congress must create lawas to alleviate the homelessness issue. Bhanot stated that these Federal Lands would need to have infrastructure built before homeless could move into these regions. Kokolus noted that these lands are unable to be used and Bhanot stated that Congress has the ability to free the use of these lands.
2. Homeless: Chinen stated that homeless use drugs within City and County of Honolulu parks and Bhanot stated that this issue is part of a discussion about returning City and County of Honolulu facilities back to the communities.
Senator Stanley Chang - Senator Chang was present; a handout was disseminated and the following was reported: Kalani Cottage: On Tuesday, June 19, 2018, the Kalani Cottage was torn down and removed from the Kalani High School Campus.
Questions and comments were as followed: Dual Utility Lines: Hagadone asked and Chair Schneider answered that Hawaii Telcom is attempting to remove the dual utility lines by September 2018.
Senator Les Ihara: No representative was present; no report was provided.
Representative Calvin K.Y. Say - Representative Say was present; a newsletter was circulated:
• 16th Avenue & Waialae Avenue: A resident stated concerns about the street lights at the intersection of 16th Avenue and Waialae Avenue.
• Mental Health: Gardner stated a lack of resources for individuals with a mental illness or that are mentally unstable. Say stated that residents should call the Institute for Human Services (IHS) to get these individuals assistance.
• Public Testimony: Hara asked and Say answered that Public Testimony is the period of time where legislators receive and scrutinize resolutions written by the Neighborhood Boards. Hara stated that these out-of-session periods are the times for residents to have their voices heard.
• Kupuna: Say stated that there will be concerns over kupuna gaining access to resources and subsidies going forward. Say noted that inflations will continue to affect the kupuna population negatively and believed that programs like Medicare and Medicaid could be subsidized.
• Transient Accommodations Tax (TAT): Say noted that the City and County of Honolulu should acquire more of the TAT to help alleviate the infrastructure problems.
• Population Increase: Hagadone asked and Say stated that population increase has been miniscule, except for in Eastern Oahu where population numbers are rising.
• Minimum Wage: Say noted support for a higher minimum wage but believed that the restructuring of the tax bracket would be a needed process.
• Permitted Interaction Group (PIG): Chair Schneider asked if the Board should pursue a PIG pertaining to the monster homes issue and Say advised against the PIG. Say noted that legislature is currently addressing the monster homes issue.
• Sewers: Say stated that the rehabilitation of private infrastructure and sewers has become a prominent issue in the Kaimuki area.
Representative Bertrand Kobayashi - No representative was present; a handout was disseminated.
Kokolus left the meeting at 8:13 p.m.; eight (8) members present.
Approval of Wednesday, June 20, 2018 Regular Meeting Minutes - Hara moved. Kang seconded. The motion for the Wednesday, June 20, 2018, regular meeting minutes be APPROVED AS WRITTEN. The motion passed by UNANIMOUS CONSENT, 8-0-0; (AYE: Hara, Hoe, Kang, Pierce, Schneider, Gardner, Hagadone, and Yamada; NAY: NONE; ABSTAIN: NONE.)
Treasurer's Report - Kang reported an expenditure of $23.38 and a remaining balance of $114.22.
1. August is Pedestrian Safety Month and there is an effort to have some educational talks and events to bring awareness of this issue.
2. The State Department of Transportation will attend our Neighborhood Meeting quarterly starting next month.
3. The next Regular Board Meeting will be on Wednesday, August 15, 2018.
ADJOURNMENT - Chair Schneider adjourned the meeting at 8:14 p.m.
Submitted by: Christopher Naylon, Neighborhood Board Assistant
Reviewed by: Dylan Whitsell, Public Relations
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