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Diamond Head Neighborhood Board Meeting April 2019 Minutes
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CALL TO ORDER: Chair Richard Figliuzzi called the meeting to order at 6:31 p.m. A quorum was established with eight (8) members present. (Note - This 15-member Board requires eight (8) members to establish quorum and to take official Board action).
Members Present: Julia Allen, Judith Bowman, Richard Figliuzzi, Michelle Matson (arrived at 6:51 p.m.), Barbara Miller, Bert Narita, Don Persons, Laura St. Denis, Jerry Wanager, Winston Welch (arrived at 6:35 p.m.), and Linda Wong (arrived at 6:46 p.m.).
Member Absent: Ajay Bhatt, Mark Kamahele, and George West.
Guests: State Senator Les Ihara Jr.; State House Speaker Emeritus Calvin Say; State Representative Bertrand Kobayashi; Councilmember Anne Kobayashi and Cliff Kaneshiro (Office of Councilmember Anne Kobayashi); Councilmember Michael Formby; Kevan Wong (Office of Representative Scott Nishimoto); Captain Cory Apo (Honolulu Fire Department); Sergeant Romero and Lieutenant Christopher Lowell (Honolulu Police Department); Ann Wong (Board of Water Supply); Julius Fischer (Hawaii Green Growth); Scott Ballantyne, Carolyn Watanabe, Lily Ochoco, Ann Okubo, Carolyn Tanaka, Wayne Swan, Barbara Armentrout, Franklin Chung, Daisy Murai, Dave Arakawa, Angelina Dias, Jackson Dias, Natalie Iwasa, Arleen Velasco (Residents); and Thomas Baldwin (Neighborhood Assistant).
Honolulu Fire Department (HFD - Waikiki Station): Captain Cory Apo reported the following:
• March 2019 Statistics: There were 4 motor vehicle collisions with a pedestrian, and 7 motor vehicle collisions.
• Safety Tips - Escape Planning: Captain Apo advised residents to make a fire escape plan for their home. If a fire breaks out in your home, you may only have a few minutes to get out once it sounds. Escape planning tips: Make a home escape plan. Know at least two ways out of every room in your home. Have an outside meeting place and assign someone to discuss the situation with the fire department, especially in regards to missing individuals. Practice home fire drill at day and night. Teach children how to escape on their own. Close doors behind you as you leave. If the smoke alarm sounds at your home, go outside and stay out. Go below the smoke while escaping.
Welch arrived at 6:35 p.m. with nine (9) members present.
Honolulu Police Department (HPD) - District 6 Waikiki/ Diamond Head): Sergeant Romero reported the following: March 2019 Statistics: There were 11 robberies, 16 burglaries, 205 thefts, 32 unauthorized entry into motor vehicles (UEMV), 40 assaults, 0 sex crimes, 28 bicycle citations, 17 skateboard citations, 68 speeding citations, 565 parking citations, 4 loud muffler citation, 56 park closure warnings, 71 park closure citations, and 16 park closure arrests.
Questions, comments, and concerns followed: Abandoned Vehicles: St. Denis asked and Sergeant Romero responded that removing abandoned vehicles is out of their hands once they report it to CSD, adding that CSD tends to address abandoned vehicles within a reasonable time.
Honolulu Police Department (HPD - District 7 Kapahulu/St. Louis Heights): Lieutenant Lowell reported the following:
• March 2019 Statistics: There were 2 motor vehicle thefts, 20 burglaries, 38 thefts, and 21 UEMVs.
• Safety Tip - ATM Safety: Lieutenant Lowell provided the following safety tips regarding ATMs:
o Suspicious Activity: Avoid using ATMs if you notice suspicious activity nearby.
o Night Use: Avoid using ATMs at night. If you must use an ATM at night, use one in a well-lit area with many people around.
o Inside: Use ATMs inside of businesses instead of those outside.
o PIN: Memorize your PIN instead of writing it down. Avoid entering your PIN if someone can see the screen pad or is looking over your shoulder.
o Withdrawals: Do not withdraw large amounts of cash. When a transaction is completed, leave immediately. Do not count cash in front of the ATM.
Questions, comments, and concerns followed:
1. Motor Vehicle Thefts: St. Denis asked and Lowell responded that there have been incidents of motor vehicle thefts at gas stations. Lieutenant Lowell recommended that keys not be left in the vehicle at any time. If you have to leave your vehicle, take your valuables and keys with you and lock the car.
2. UEMV: Welch asked and Lieutenant Lowell responded that the high reports of UEMV's is due to a recent group of juveniles and young adults between Kalihi and the Kapahulu area. He reported that HPD is addressing concerns with the group, adding that one (1) of the individuals was caught recently in a stolen car.
Wong arrived at 6:46 p.m. with 10 members present.
3. Package Theft: Allen expressed concerns with vehicles in the neighborhood following closely behind UPS trucks to steal packages.
4. Tour Groups: Resident Murai expressed concerns with the public disturbance in the neighborhood from individuals of tour groups, and Lieutenant Lowell responded that these incidents did not appear to be violating any rules.
5. Sex Crimes: Resident Carol Hoshiko asked and Lieutenant Lowell responded that specifics regarding sex crimes are handled by specialized units. Those looking for more detailed information regarding sex crimes in their area should contact these units.
Michelle Matson arrived at 6:51 p.m. with 11 members present.
Board of Water Supply: Ann Wong of the BWS reported the following:
• Main Breaks: There were no main breaks in the month of March 2019.
• Public Outreach Events: BWS employees will be participating in several public events to meet with residents to discuss water conservation, water emergency preparedness, and share valuable information. Events include:
o Mauka to Makai Environmental Expo at the Honolulu Aquarium on April 20, 2019.
o Ellison Onizuka Day of Exploration at Neal Blaisdell Center on April 27, 2019.
o Eastside Disaster Preparedness Fair at Kahala Mall on May 11, 2019.
o Mililani Emergency Preparedness Fair at Mililani Town Center on May 11, 2019.
o Windward Coast Emergency Preparedness Fair at Windward Mall on May 11, 2019.
o Hawaii Hotel and Restaurant Show at the Hawaii Convention Center from May 29 to 30, 2019.
Questions, comments, and concerns followed:
1. Ala Wai Golf Course: Resident Chung asked and A. Wong responded that she would get an update on BWS items related to the Ala Wai Golf Course.
2. Red Hill: Wong requested an update on the Red Hill tanks in light of recent events in the Legislature.
Mayor Kirk Caldwell's Representative - Tim Houghton of the Department of Environmental Services (ENV) reported the following:
• Parking Rates: Houghton reported that parking rates were raised on February 13, 2019. The City is finishing changing coin meters from $0.75 to $1.50. He added that credits increased from 1.50 to 3.00 per hour.
• Bulky Item Pick Up Pilot Project - Tim Houghton distributed a handout, gave a presentation and reported the following:
o Current System: Houghton reviewed the current bulky item pickup system in the neighborhood.
o Problems: Houghton discussed the problems with the current system. The current system experiences delays beyond the three (3) to four (4) days expected pick-up window. The current system also experiences frequent illegal dumping, which can escalate to provide pedestrian and general safety risks. In addition, the increased load requires City vehicles that will more quickly damage the roads. From 2008 - 2018, ENV saw a rise of bulky item pickup tonnage from 6500 tons to 11600 tons.
o Pilot Project: Houghton reported that they will introduce an appointment based system in June 2019. Residents and Property Managers will need to make appointments to have their bulky items picked up. The pilot project's range is specifically in Honolulu. ENV is creating a website for residents to schedule appointments. Residents wishing to call for bulky-item pick up appointments should call 768-3200. Houghton commented on the available functions of the websites. The crew will only pick up the items specifically requested for pickup. Inspectors will join them to help educate those wrongfully adding their items to a pile. They will also encourage donations of the objects through the website. Once a scheduled date is made, residents and property managers will receive reminders up to the date of the appointment. Bulky items can be set out the night before or early morning of a pickup. The appointment system will allow for prompt pick-ups.
o Public Engagement: Houghton reported that they will send mailers in April 2019.
Questions, comments, and concerns followed:
1. Recycling: Welch expressed concerns with recycling efforts and Houghton responded that recycling has become very difficult due to the Chinese market. He commented that Hawaii recyclables are shipped to the mainland and then somewhere else. He added that this shipping is not environmentally friendly. Welch asked and Houghton responded that he cannot speak to the recycling practices on the mainland.
2. Recycling - Opportunities: Matson commented on potential opportunities to reuse materials locally once local businesses can manufacture goods out of recyclable materials. She added that such an opportunity would create businesses, jobs, and diversify the economy.
3. Pilot Project - Abuse: Matson expressed concerns with the outcome of non-listed items being left before a bulky item pickup appointment. Houghton responded that their ENV inspectors will follow collection trucks to identify what else has been put out and speak with neighbors to identify those who leave items in another's bulky item pile. During the pilot project, those ENV IDs in this way would be educated, not fined. Houghton commented that over the long term, they hope to change the public's behavior towards bulky item picks up. He added that their methodology and program will adjust as they gather data. Wong expressed similar concerns with pileups of trash, and Houghton responded that ENV would do their best, keeping in mind that changing behaviors is difficult. He added that a part of the education would be teaching individuals to make appointments to do it themselves.
4. Pilot Project - Picking Up Certain Items: Resident Murai expressed concerns with ENV's history with not picking up certain bulky items when lacking proper vehicles for transport. Houghton responded that ENV will continue to go out either a rear loader or flatbed truck to accommodate items of varying dimensions.
5. Pilot Project - Other Items: Allen asked and Houghton responded that, when making an appointment, all bulky items that do not fall under a pre-defined category can be listed as "other".
Governor David Ige's Representative - No representative was present; no report was given. Representative: Matson recommended Mary Evans from the Office of Planning to be the Governor's Representative and that a request be made to this effect. Resident Chung recommended a member of the Department of Land and Natural Resources (DLNR), specifically Chair Susanne Case, be appointed as the Governor's Representative to the Board. He reasoned that a DLNR representative would be able to answer the community's frequent questions related to land under DLNR jurisdiction.
Tour Helicopter Noise: Resident Jeanne Herbert expressed concerns with significant tour helicopter noise in the community. She commented that recent route changes over Diamond Head Crater have exacerbated these concerns. She commented that tourism should not regularly disrupt the residents from living a quiet and peaceful life and requested assistance from the Board in community in addressing these concerns
Questions, comments, and concerns followed:
1. Community Efforts: Matson commented that they have been speaking with members of the Kahala Neighborhood Board, Hawaii Kai residents, Kailua residents, and elected officials. Matson added that she had a recently had a meeting with Congressman Ed Case who is personally interested in the issue. She commented that this provides an opportunity to work with the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA), concluding that a resolution was drafted to this effect. Matson expressed concerns that SB1069, which would have regulated air traffic, was amended from a regulatory bill to a tax credit and passenger tax bill. She commented that these amendments have made the bill less effective.
2. Website: Welch commented that more information can be found at
Monster House Bill 79: Matson reported that the DPP Director and a DPP Chief planner have been working with them on Bill 79. She commented that the The City Council's Planning and Zoning Committee has been active on the issue and largely drafted Bill 79. Matson reported that she will keep the Board updated on progress and dates of the Council hearings.
Diamond Head Inclinator: Resident Peter Dunchin distributed a handout and reported the following: Details: Resident Dunchin reported that residents have expressed concerns with a property owner on Diamond Head Road between the lookout and Triangle Park, who has applied for two (2) permits to build an inclinator down to the 40 foot setback line. Resident Dunchin reported that those responsible for permitting related to shoreline management have given some pushback. He clarified that the property owner wants to construct an inclined elevator up to the Diamond Head Monument. DPP approved the permit of construction. He commented that the issue could have unforeseen consequences for the rest of the Diamond Head Crater, commenting that no mechanical device should be on the slopes of Diamond Head. He requested the Board advise against this construction.
Questions, comments, and concerns followed:
1. Kahala Neighborhood: Matson commented that this issue is shared by both the Kahala Neighborhood Board and the Diamond Head Neighborhood Board. She added that the Kahala Board shared the resolution with her.
2. Shoreline Management Timeline: Matson asked what the timeframe would be to work with DPP while the property owner adjusts for the permitting concerns with the shoreline setback. Resident Dunchin responded that the appeal timeline is three (3) weeks for the building permit. He added that he is unsure when the hearing of appeal for shoreline setback will occur. Matson asked and Chair Figliuzzi responded that Matson could discuss this with DPP to clarify related processes.
3. Legal Review: Vice Chair Narita requested the resolution related to this issue be reviewed by the Executive Secretary of the NCO and the Office of Information Practices (OIP) to ensure the resolution would not overstep the authority of the Board. He expressed concerns that the board could be sued. He added that he does agree with the intent of the resolution. He commented that environmental factors will make factors will make the construction rust, corrode, and fail. Matson responded that they are working with the City on the issue. She commented that the resolution is only a preliminary effort of gathering information, bringing it back to the board, and coming up with something reflective of public interests and concerns.
Ala Wai Canal Project: Resident Dave Watase reported the following:
• Resolution: Resident Watase that many Neighborhood Boards in the Ala Wai Basin have adopted resolutions asking for the USACE to put a hold on advancing the Ala Wai Canal Project and requesting the State not to fund the project.
• Funding: Resident Watase reported that Senate Bill (SB) 77 was not heard by the House Finance Committee, and is deferred for at least one (1) year. He expressed concerns with other funding options that can still move the project forward.
• Working Group: Resident Watase reported that Senate Concurrent Resolution (SCR) 184 requests the creation of a working group composed of community stakeholders to investigate alternatives the project.
• Manoa District Park Meeting: Resident Watase reported that the USACE attended a public meeting on the project at Manoa District Park. He expressed concerns that the meeting was unproductive and uninformative. He expressed concerns that USACE claims they want to partner with the community while not responded to what they would do with the community concerns.
• Development of Project: Resident Watase reported that the project was approved and vetted by several levels on the mainland before being finalized and funded by Congress. He commented that there appears to be no willingness to change the plan for community interests, beyond aesthetic changes. He commented that exploratory work and site inspections have begun.
• Community Perspective: Resident Watase reported that many residents do not want retention basins.
• Board Permitted Interaction Group (PIG): Resident Watase reported that other Neighborhood Boards are forming PIGs to better coordinate a response to the project.
Paki Avenue Damage: Resident Daisy Murai expressed concerns with damage on Paki Avenue by Bus Stop No. 16. The damage is causing scratch marks to cars lower to the ground as well as skidding. She requested action be taken to remedy this before an accident occurs.
Congressman Ed Case - No representative was present; no report was given.
Council Chair Pro Tem Ann Kobayashi - Cliff Kaneshiro distributed a newsletter and reported the following:
Council Calendar: Kaneshiro summarized this month's legislative calendar, reporting the next full Honolulu City Council meeting on Wednesday, April 17, 2019 and Committee meetings the following week.
Honors: Kaneshiro reported that City Council honored educator Sarah King of Ala Wai Elementary School.
Councilmember Michael Formby - Councilmember Formby distributed a newsletter and reported the following:
• Bill 8: Councilmember Formby reported that Bill 8 will be before the Council on April 17, 2019 as a Council Draft (CD) 1. They are currently working on a CD2 for the bill. He reported that they are working on blackout dates to allow directors to designate days in the year that are particularly busy in Waikiki. Councilmember Formby commented on a resolution from the Waikiki Neighborhood Board No. 9 to reduce the number of lottery parades. He commented that the current proposal is to reduce the number of lottery parades from between 12 to six (6). Councilmember reported that a number of lottery parades between 12 and six (6) will likely be agreed upon.
• Ala Wai Canal Project: Councilmember Formby reported that he met with Legislators, Resident Dave Watase, and USACE. He said the meeting seemed encouraging for legislators. He reported that the design process could take two (2) years and could require a supplemental Environmental Impact Statement (EIS). He reported that this would be an opportunity to make changes beyond aesthetics. He added that betterments (additions not within the purview of the original design) must be paid for. He commented that if someone does not sign a legal agreement by the deadline at the end of July 2019, there is no project. He added there are other means to move the project forward without immediate funding.
• Waikiki Public Visitor Safety Project: Councilmember Formby reported on the Waikiki public visitor safety conference. He reported that the conference discussed keeping Waikiki and Oahu safe for visitors and locals.
Questions, comments, and concerns followed:
1. Ala Wai Project: Welch asked and Councilmember Formby responded that if there is no partner by the end of July 2019 to find a partner, USACE would have to decide whether or not to provide an extension to maintain the funding. He commented that without a partner, they would need an appropriation from Congress. He commented that to keep the FEMA funding, they would need a partner by July 2019 or look to deferred funding.
2. Permitted Interaction Group: Matson asked if Councilmember Formby would be willing to stay on the Council's Permitted Interaction Group (PIG) related to the Ala Wai Project, and Councilmember Formby reported that he can ask but does not believe he could participate once he is no longer a councilmember.
Senator Stanley Chang - No representative was present; a report was distributed.
Senator Les Ihara Jr. - No representative was present at this time (see page 6)
Representative Bertram Kobayashi - Representative Kobayashi distributed a newsletter and reported the following:
• House Bill (HB) 1326: Representative Kobayashi reported that House Bill (HB) 1326 is dead, commenting that it was a controversial. He added that discussion of the bill were too focused on Alexander & Baldwin, commenting that dozens are affected by the scope of the bill.
• Highway Funding: Representative Kobayashi reported that Hawaii State Department of Transportation (HDOT) did not receive highway funds for the third year in a row. He commented that HDOT administrators have been returning over the last three (3) years with the same proposals which are dismissed.
• Community College Promise Program: Representative Kobayashi reported that there is general agreement that the UH community college program promise program should be continued and expanded to allow all community college students to go to community college without tuition. He added that a similar program for the 4 year UH has not progressed.
• Preschools: Representative Kobayashi reported on State Department of Education preschools. He reported that there was unusual conflict between the DOE superintendent and the head of the preschool program for the State of Hawaii. He said that, from the perspective of House representatives, it appears that early education administrators are winning that conflict. Representative Kobayashi provided background on early education (pre-Kindergarten) administration in the State of Hawaii. He reported that the early education administration set up under former Governor Abercrombie was an attached agency to the Department of Health (DOH). He reported that attached agencies are substantively separate from the agency under which it sits. He reported that from the beginning the Pre-K program was an attached agency and not directly controlled by the superintendent.
• Election Reform: Representative Kobayashi reported that Senate Bill (SB) 216 related to mandatory vote recounts will likely pass both the House and Senate.
Questions, comments, and concerns followed:
1. Senate Concurrent Resolution (SCR) 40: Matson expressed concerns with the deferment of SCR40, a concurrent resolution relating to getting the sea wall in or near the seaward boundaries on Kalakaua Avenue. Representative Kobayashi responded that he does not know why the resolution was deferred. He added that there was firm opposition from DLNR as well as the Attorney General's Office.
2. Diamond Head Sea Wall: St. Denis asked and reported that DLNR said that the sea wall was built to protect the property. St. Denis reported that the date of the construction of the sea wall is not known. She added that the top of the wall is where repairs are needed.
State Representative Scott Nishimoto: Kevan Wong of Representative Nishimoto's Office distributed a newsletter and reported the following: Condorama: Wong announced the next Condorama on Saturday, April 13, 2019.
House Speaker Emiretus (HSE) Calvin Say: HSE Say distributed a newsletter and reported the following:
• Council Bill 7: HSE Say stated his support of City Council Bill 7 which would provide 21,000 units on apartment zoned lands.
• Wahila Bridge: HSE reported that the St. Louis Heights Association will be providing input for the Wahiala Ridge Construction project in regards to the design phase.
• Street Lights: HSE distributed corresponded related to street light concerns to Welch.
• AirBnB: HSE Say discussed community concerns with AirBnB, and recommended those wishing for a suspected AirBnB be investigated should contact the Chief of the DPP Residential Branch at 768-8161.
Questions, comments, and concerns followed:
1. Ala Wai Canal Project Legislation: Welch asked if the language of SB77 could be inserted into another bill. HSE Say reported that present leadership seems to be intent on listening to the community. He added that House leadership will likely not support the bill. He added that he was surprised that the SCR to develop a workforce group was not heard. Representative Kobayashi commented that members of the House Finance Committee expressed a desire for the City to take a share of the funding. He commented that this fiscal discussion has not taken place. He concluded that the Finance committee members are reluctant to allow the State to be the sole partner with the federal government for this project.
2. Utility Poles: Narita reported on an anticipated utility pole replacement project by HECO at the intersection of Robert Place and St. Louis Drive on Thursday, April 25, 2019. He commented that due to major traffic flow disruption, all sub-district residents ought to be notified. HSE commented that there are many utility pole replacement projects at this time. He concluded that the company in charge of this is HECO for those that have overhead lines.
3. AirBnB: HSE Say requested input on the possibility of legalizing AirBNB by having the Department of Taxation to tax the non-compliant businesses in the residential district.
State Senator Les Ihara Jr.: Senator Ihara reported the following: Water Rights Bill: Senator Ihara reported that, according to the court, rolling revocable permits does not represent proper management of trust waters. He commented that the State will have to seek responsible uses for the both public and private benefit. He reported that House Bill (HB) 1326 would extend those permits for seven (7) years for A&B as well as ranchers and farmers. He reported that the Senate Caucus needs more time for a consensus, and support the decision to defer the bill this year. He added that the Senate wants to ensure that small farmers and ranchers are not negatively impacted, which could be alleviated by a gut and replace measure. He added that a gut and replace could pose some issue in court, as the bill would need to have three readings with enough public notice.
Questions, comments, and concerns followed: Green Infrastructure: Matson asked and Senator Ihara responded that HB588 related to green infrastructure passed both the house and senate. He commented that a defective date remains in the bill. He added that the bill will go to conference. He commented that Senate Concurrent Resolution (SCR) 124 relates to planting four (4) million trees.
Ekiden Relay Run: Resident Brent announced the 7th annual Ekiden Relay Run on May 19, 2019. He reported that the relay run represents a cultural exchange between Japan and Hawaii, and will extend from Kapiolani Park through Diamond Head, 18th Avenue, Kilauea, to Kanianiole. The runners will return through Kilauea, and Diamond Head Road. There will be 2000 runners for the event. Diamond Head Road and Kapiolani Park will be closed on the Mauka side from 5:00 a.m. to 11:30 a.m.
March of Dimes/ March for Babies: Diane Ostein reported that the 49th annual March for Babies on April 20, 2019 will be 3.1 miles down Paki to Diamond Head Road and to the lookout before returning down to Kalakaua Avenue and into Kapiolani Park. The lane closure will be from 6:30 a.m. to 10:00 a.m. She reported that that the mission of their organization is to prevent premature birth, birth defects, and infant mortality.
Questions, comments, and concerns followed: Kalakaua Avenue: Wong asked and Ostein responded that they will not close Kalakaua Avenue.
Bill 8 - Parade Bill: Wong gave a presentation and reported the following: Parades: Wong reported that there are four (4) types of parades that affect the residents of Monserrat Avenue: Legacy parades (which are parades of 15 consecutive years), Waikiki Special District parades, Mayor's Waiver parades, and Lottery parades. Before the bill, there are between 16 and 18 Legacy Parades, 15 Waikiki Special District Parades, 10 mayor's waiver parades, and 15 lottery parades (five per trimester) every year. The Council Draft (CD) 1 of the bill proposes reducing the Waikiki Special District down to 12 and the mayor's waiver parades down to six (6). A resolution passed by the Waikiki Neighborhood Board No. 9 proposes reducing the Mayor's Waivers down to three (3). Wong reported that her proposed resolution is in concurrence with the Waikiki Neighborhood Board No. 9. She added that many of these parades avoid regulations by avoiding Kalakaua Avenue. Wong expressed her concerns with the impact of the volume of these parades which all cause street closures on Monserrat Avenue, and proposed a resolution that would regulate those parades that go through Monserrat Avenue. Wong proposed the Board adopt a resolution to reduce the mayor waiver parades to six (6) waivers for parades and activities in the Waikiki Special district per calendar year, that of the Waikiki Parades and other Activities on Streets number not more than 12 permits per year for a parade or activity, strongly supports Waikiki Neighborhood Board in its request for a further reduction of 6 less, to a maximum of 6 permits per year for a parade or activity for Waikiki Parades and other Activities per year, that a list of Legacy Parades and Activities on Streets shall be displayed on the DTS webpage, and that permits for Parades and Activities on streets on Monsarrat Avenue shall be limited to no more than 12 (twelve) per calendar year.
Wong moved and St. Denis seconded that Diamond Head, Kapahulu, St. Louis Heights adopt the proposed resolution.
Discussion Followed: Amendments: Matson recommended that the resolution be amended to include language to distribute this to officials. She added that there ought to be an amendment to clarify statistics of the various parades in the language.
Hearing no objection, Chair Figliuzzi deferred the item to later in the meeting to allow Wong to adjust the resolution appropriately.
Ala Wai Watershed Collaboration - Julius Fischer of Hawaii Green Growth reported the following:
• Hawaii Green Growth: Hawaii Green Growth is a 501c3 non-proft organization with a staff of five (5), coordinating with other non-profit, state, city, and private sector organizations in a partnership committed to cross-sector issues like plastics, energy use, water, and resource management.
• Ala Wai Watershed Collaboration: The Ala Wai Watershed Collaboration is an initiative to facilitate bringing needed attention to the Ala Wai Watershed. The Collaboration is a network of over 100 partners and 60 different watershed stakeholders who meet quarterly to connect the dots towards the vision of the watershed.
• Hawaii Green Growth (continued): Current efforts include storytelling, connection to place, trash pickup, restoration, green infrastructure, green finance, and facilitating space to ensure these conversations can take place.
• Infrastructure Needs: Fischer reviewed the larger issues of the Ala Wai Watershed, including flood risks, the ecosystem, and disconnection between people and place.
• Community Investment Vehicle (CIVic): Fischer gave an overview of CIVic, a proposed entity that would support the planning, implementation, and maintenance of watershed projects (community and ecosystem improvements). The jurisdiction of CIVic would cover the whole watershed and coordinate across different boundaries. The proposed entity would have a balanced board with five (5) of each: business, government, and community members.
• Events: Fischer announced the Hokule'a Homecoming on April 19, 2019, from 8:30 a.m. to 4:00 p.m., and the Malama Aloha Aina stream cleanup workday with students on April 20, 2019.
• Local2030 Sustainability Hub: Fischer reported that the United Nations recognized Hawaii Green Growth as a U.N. Local2030 Sustainability Hub.
Questions, comments, and concerns followed:
1. Storm Drains and Opihi: Vice Chair Narita commented that St. Louis Heights has inadequate storm drains, which leads to pollution of the Palolo Stream. He expressed concerns that the City suggests that natural rainfall be channeled through the streets and wahila ridge area. He commented that the Manoa Palolo Stream, adjacent to the Kaimuki band room, has a thriving colony of fresh water opihi which is a threatened species. He added that there is exposed lime stone, and is the only environment conducive for mollusks to grow. He requested efforts be made to protect this species. Regarding storm drains, Fischer responded that their organization is already looking at adjustments to redirect water and storm drains in their other project. Regarding opihi, he responded that there is a marine biologist on staff, and are concerned with ecosystem restoration.
2. Iolani School: St. Denis expressed appreciation with their coordination with Iolani School, as they it was this school that discovered the flesh eating bacteria in the Ala Wai Canal.
3. Impervious Surfaces - Bill 79: Matson commented on Bill 79 related to monster homes, commenting on the section related to the percentage of impervious services. She said they had hoped for 50% per lot of impervious surfaces, but was set by the City Council to 25%. She asked what alternatives might be available to amend this and Chair Figliuzzi recommended that the item be referred to the Planning and Zoning committee.
Hearing no objections, Chair Figliuzzi returned to the Parade Bill item.
Parade Bill Discussion (continued): Councilmember Formby clarified some of the amendments made by Wong in the resolution. Wanager expressed his concern with the bill limiting the right of people to act, and feels more thought be put into the bill.
The Diamond Head/ Kapahulu/ St. Louis Heights Neighborhood Board No. 5 adopted the Resolution related to Parade and Activities on Streets by ROLL CALL VOTE; 10-1-0 (AYE: Allen, Bowman, Figliuzzi, Matson, Miller, Narita, Persons, St. Denis, Welch, Wong. NAY: Wanager ABSTAIN: None. ) Amendments are as follows: Strike "10" and replace insert "six" before "waivers for parades and activitiesÉ"; Strike "15" and insert "12" before "permits per year for a parade or activityÉ"; Insert "a list of Legacy Parades and Activities on Streets shall be displayed on the DTS webpage and that permits for Parades and Activites on streets on Monsarrat Avenue shall be limited to no more than 12 (twelve) per calendar year." after "CD1 relating to Parades and Activites on Streets be amended to include."
Manoa Neighborhood Board No. 9: Welch reported that he attended that April 2019 meeting of the Manoa Neighborhood Board No. 7, with discussion about the removal of trees at Noelani Elementary School. The discussion also evinced feelings that the communities are not adequately consulted regarding proposed changes in their community.
City Council Hearing on Monster Home Bill: Matson reported that she attended the City Council meeting on the Monster Home Bill.
State Legislature: Matson reported attendance at several legislative hearings attended on multiple bills.
Congressman Case: Matson reported attendance at a recent Congressman Case public event, commenting that the Congressman is interested in the Ala Wai Canal Project, Red Hill, and Helicopter noise.
Planning and Zoning: Committee Chair Matson, in accordance with the report of the previous committee meeting to be attached to the minutes, recommended the Board form a Permitted Interaction Group (PIG) to investigate the Ala Wai Canal Project.
Parks and Recreation: Laura St. Denis reported that there were five (5) trees that came down at Kapiolani Park in the last year. Three (3) were blown down in March 2019.
Narita left at 8:59 p.m. with 10 members present.
Approval of Thursday, January 10, 2019 and Thursday, February 14, 2019 Meeting Minutes
Matson moved and Persons seconded to adopt the Thursday, January 10, 2019 and Thursday, February 14, 2019 Meeting Minutes as amended. The minutes were adopted as AMENDED by UNANIMOUS CONSENT; 10-0-0 (AYE: Allen, Bowman, Figliuzzi, Matson, Miller, Persons, St. Denis, Welch, Wong. NAY: Wanager ABSTAIN: None. ) Amendments are as follows:
January 10, 2019:
??? Page 4 - Residents/Community Concerns:
"Aircraft Noise Petition - Matson reported that signatures on the petitions are steadily increasing in response to due to the significant impact of south shore aircraft noise from the Diamond Head area to Hawaii Kai. . . . Questions, comments, and concerns followed: Aircraft Noise: Resident Lani Blissard expressed her concerns that after countless of noise complaints complete with date and time logs, aircraft noise problems in their neighborhood have not changed."
• Page 5:
"Hawaii Planning/Dole Street Zone Change - Dennis Silva of Hawaii Planning LLC reported that they presented this project of described the proposed residential zone change from P2 to R5 at the September Neighborhood Board meeting, adding that and due to DPP's requirement for a wider update, he must appear before the Board again. . . . Questions, comments, and concerns followed: Matson commented that on the site plane plan, noting that there is no distance between the property line and the corners of the garage. She asked and Silva responded that the structure was grandfathered in. Matson asked and Silva responded confirmed that this is not to be reconstructed or used as a monster home.
"Time Limits ??? Chair Pro Tem Narita explained that prior to the meeting he was unaware of the request for presentations subsequent to the meeting, and is following procedure. . . . "
"Biki Docking Station - Resident Mary Jones reported that she and the Principal and Vice Principal of Waikiki School expressed their concerns with the safety of installing a bike station in front of Waikiki School . . ."
"Leahi Avenue Permitted Interaction Group (PIG) - . . . Matson reported that because the makai half of the ownership of Leahi Avenue belongs to the Kapiolani Park Trust, the Board of Kapiolani Park Trustees willl would likely be get involved.
February 14, 2019
• Page 1: Ala Wai Project Resolution - Discussion
"Status of the Project: Resident Dave Watase reported on the project intended to provide flood mitigation for Waikiki, adding that Congress recently approved $345 million for the project. He commented that the next stage involves the State passing the $125 million in matching funds."
"Project Construction Impacts: . . . He reported that the project involves the impacts of several retention
basins to be installed in Palolo, Manoa, Makiki, and Kanewai Park, as well as impacting Ala Wai Golf Course and Ala Wai Park, turned into retention basins as well as. A a four (4) foot solid concrete wall is planned to be installed around the Ala Wai Canal."
• Page 2:
"Concerns: . . . He distributed resources documents to the Board and community related to the impact of the project, emphasizing that many areas of the Ala Wai watershed will still see severe flooding despite the construction of retention basins, and described the negative impact on the streams, as well as the poor modeling for the 100-year flood event that the designs were based on."
"Expanded Project Scope: Wong commented that in a discussion with the Army Corps of Engineers in the past, only a few retention basins near the Ala Wai Golf Course were disclosed. She clarified that the new retention basins as well as the condemning of properties is information not previously disclosed with the community. She expressed concerns with the impact of the project on the surrounding neighborhoods, commenting that the project ought to be put on hold to reassess the designs with the community in mind. Vice Chair Narita asked and Wong responded that she was speaking with the Army Corps of Engineers as a resident, and was not representing the Diamond Head/ Kapahulu/ St. Louis Heights Neighborhood Board No. 5 at the meeting. Vice Chair Narita reminded all Board members that if they state in similar meetings that they are or are affiliated with the Neighborhood Board, that the Board must grant permission to the member to represent the Board."
• Page 5-6: Mayor's Representative - Questions, comments, and concerns
"2. Kapiolani Park - Surf School and Outdoor Gym: Matson expressed concerns with the commercial activities of the surf school and outdoor gym at Kapiolani Park, citing the Kapiolani Park Trust's prohibitions limitations of viable on commercial activities encroaching on Trust lands compared to those with specific revocable permits issued by the City. She commented that the City must enforce against the illegal commercial activities on park grounds. She requested the City find a solution and provide the Board with their findings."
• Page 6:
"5. Attendance of Department Representatives: . . . Welch commented that, without communication, it is difficult for the community to evaluate the purpose and effectiveness of their DES and DTS decisions. . . ."
• Page 7: Resident/Community Concerns
"Na Wahine Festival: Resident Pazenza announced the 21st Na Wahine Festival Triathalon . . . Questions, comments, and concerns followed: . . . Resident Pazenza responded that the 10K does not go through Monsarrat Avenue. . . St. Denis asked and Pazenza responded that the traffic will be diverted . . . She asked and Pazenza responded that during the route, the short period of time early in the morning will mitigate traffic. . . ."
"Kapiolani Community College (KCC): . . . Questions, comments, and concerns followed: . . .Welch requested that Johnson Controls address the LED light pollution concerns as seen with the city's street lights and other projects. . . ."
• Page 8: Elected Officials
"Senator Stanley Chang - Questions, comments, and concerns followed: 1. Kakaako Development: . . .Tam responded that the bill was deferred, adding that the bill started a significant conversation was strongly opposed based on the in testimony provided. . . Welch asked and Tam responded that at this stage, they do not expect the language to the effect of the discussed contents of the bill to return be revived this session."
"Senator Les Ihara - Questions, comments, and concerns followed: Board Resolution on the Project: Matson clarified that the Board's Resolution itself did not take opposition to the project itself, but it noted She commented that there are many aspects of the project that are unacceptable."
"Representative Bert Kobayashi - Construction Rockfall Remediation below Diamond Head: Representative Kobayashi reported that construction efforts by the City is are underway to mitigate the risk of falling rocks just below Diamond Head Road."
• Page 9:
"Congressman Ed Case - Questions, comments, and concerns followed: 2. Aircraft Noise above Diamond Head: Matson expressed concerns with the aircraft flights over Diamond Head as it relates to the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA). She commented that, according to the FAA Flight Standards District Office, they have radar control over the above 4000 feet altitude above at Diamond Head per its airport classification as Class B air space. She commented that under that below 4000 feet there is no control of the tour helicopter flights above or around Diamond Head. She requested an opportunity to hold a meeting among south shore area Neighborhood Board Members, and community representatives, Congressman Case, the State DOT Airports Division, and FAA representatives. . . ."
• Page 10: Standing Committees
"Planning and Zoning - . . . City Council Bill 79: Committee Chair Matson reported that Bill 79 related to Monster Homes was deferred due to development of new formulas being adopted that will consider other metrics for density beyond square footage. . . ."
Treasurer's Report: Wanager reported a remaining balance of $275.14.
Sub-District 1: Allen reported that the St. Louis Heights Community Association will meet on Monday, May 13, 2019 at 7:00 p.m. and Hokalani Elementary School.
Sub-District 2: No report.
Sub-District 3: No report.
Next Regular Board Meeting: The next regular Board meeting will be at Ala Wai Club House on Thursday, May 9, 2019.
ADJOURNMENT: As there was no further business before the Board, Chair West adjourned the meeting at 9:04 p.m.
Submitted by: Thomas Baldwin, Neighborhood Assistant
Reviewed by: Janelle Nomura, Neighborhood Assistant
Finalized By: Richard Figliuzzi, Chair
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