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Kaimuki Neighborhood Board Meeting June 2019 Minutes
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CALL TO ORDER - Chair Sharon Schneider called the meeting to order at 6:33 p.m. A quorum was established with nine (9) members present. Note: This 11-member Board requires six (6) members to establish a quorum and to take official Board action.
Board Members Present - Calvin Hara, Paul Hoe, Marilyn Moniz, Sharon Schneider, Brian Kang, David Farrell, Becky Gardner, Mark Hagadone, and Molly Pierce.
Board Members Absent - Lori Yamada.
Guests - Captain Doug Hu (Honolulu Fire Department); Lorna Heller (Board of Water Supply); Lieutenant Christopher Lowell (Honolulu Police Department); Mark Wong (Mayor Kirk Caldwell's Representative); James Larson (Councilmember Ann Kobayashi's Office); Councilmember Tommy Waters and Davin Aoyagi; Leonard Hoshijo (Governor David Ige's Representative); Senator Stanley Chang; Representative Bertrand Kobayashi; Representative Calvin Say; Michelle Matson, Sarah Chinen, Pamela Chow, R. Kinslow, Roland Louie, N. Schneider, Samuel Biddle, (Residents); Chris Naylon (Neighborhood Commission Office). Note: Name was not included if not legible or on the guest attendance sheet.
Honolulu Fire Department (HFD) - Captain Doug Hu circulated a handout and reported the following:
• May 2019 Statistics - There was 1 nuisance fire, 1 cooking fire, 6 activated alarms, 91 medical emergencies, 6 mountain rescues, and 2 hazardous materials incident.
• Monthly Safety Tip: Cooking Safety: Did you know that cooking fires are the number one cause of home fires and home injuries? By following a few safety tips, you can prevent these fires: Cook with caution. Be on alert. If you are sleepy or have consumed alcohol, don't use the stove or stovetop. Stay in the kitchen when you're cooking. Keep anything that can catch fire, including oven mitts, wooden utensils, food packaging, and towels away from your stovetop. Keep children at least three (3) feet away from the stove. If you have a small grease cooking fire, smother the flames by sliding a lid over the pan and turning the burner off. Leave the pan covered until it is completely cooled. For an oven fire, turn off the heat and keep the door closed.
Questions, comments, and concerns followed:
1. Mountain Rescues - Hara inquired if the mountain rescues occurred at Diamond Head. Captain Yost responded that he was unsure.
2. Building Inspections - Chair Schneider inquired about recent commercial building inspections. Captain Yost responded that the HFD inspects buildings every two (2) years, however they may not be able to inspect every building due to the high density in Kaimuki. Chair Schneider inquired and Captain Yost responded that building owners can request inspections.
Honolulu Police Department (HPD) - Lieutenant Lowell was present; the following report was given:
• May 2019 Statistics: There were 7 motor vehicle thefts, 37 burglaries, 35 thefts, and 25 Unauthorized Entry into Motor Vehicle (UEMV). There were 6,028 total call for service.
• Hurricane Safety: Lieutenant Lowell disseminated handouts about Hurricane safety. Please visit www.honolulu.gov/dem for hurricane safety information. Please contact the Department of Emergency Management (DEM) for more information at (808) 723-8960 or dem@honolulu.gov.
Questions and comments followed:
1. Robberies: A resident noted the recent rise in burglaries within Kaimuki getting worse due to vagrants wondering through the community and asked where the HPD patrol officers within Kaimuki are. Lieutenant Lowell noted that HPD officers are assigned to beats within their entire district and stated that many HPD officers attend other calls within their District that are not within their beats. Lieutenant Lowell noted that 80 percent of HPD beats are staffed. Lieutenant Lowell asked that the community report any suspicious activity to 911. Resident noted that there is an issue with residents not filing incident reports. Lieutenant Lowell noted that utilizing HPD would be the best solution for reducing crime within your community. Lieutenant Lowell noted that the thefts are related to a large theft ring that is moving around the island.
2. Homeless Community: A resident noted that there are issues with arresting homeless individuals and Lieutenant Lowell noted that HPD is fully aware of the homeless community in Kaimuki.
3. Drug Use: A resident asked if the crimes within Kaimuki are drug related and Lieutenant Lowell noted that they are uncertain. Lieutenant Lowell noted that some arrested individuals are under the influence of drugs.
4. District Staffing: A resident and Lieutenant Lowell stated that their District is 80 percent fully staffed.
5. HPD Reports: Gardner asked and Lieutenant Lowell noted that HPD reports are based off the Kaimuki Neighborhood Board boundaries. Lieutenant Lowell stated that the number of calls comes from the HPD District. Chair Schneider noted that reports were done by beat previously. Gardner asked that the Board be shown a map of HPD beats. Hagadone asked and Lieutenant Lowell stated that he is unsure why the number of call received is capped around 6,000 calls for service.
Board of Water Supply (BWS) - Lorna Heller (BWS) circulated a handout and reported the following:
• Main Breaks - There were no main breaks for May 2019.
• General Water Announcements: Annual Water Quality Reports: The BWS works hard to ensure that the water served to our customers is safe to drink. Each year, the BWS conducts thousands of tests on the water sources and distribution system to ensure that municipal water meets or exceeds all federal and state safe drinking water standards. The results of those tests are shared with customers in our annual water quality report, which will be mailed out to customers on Monday, July 1, 2019. Digital copies of the water quality reports and additional water quality information is available on our website, www.boardofwatersupply.com/WQR or by contacting BWS Water Quality Division at 748-5080.
• Reminder: New Water Rate Schedule Effective Monday, July 1, 2019: As a reminder, a new water rate schedule and other changes to the existing rate structure start on Monday, July 1, 2019. The new rates will allow BWS to continue our investments in repairing and replacing our water system infrastructure, while also accelerating our pipeline replacement program. Notable changes to the rate schedule include:
o Gradual Increases to the water rates.
o The monthly billing charge will move to a monthly customer charge based on meter size.
o Adding an Essential Needs Tier that all residential customers will be given for the first 2,000 gallons of water used, to promote affordability.
• Contact Information: For more information on the new water rate schedule, visit BWS's website at www.boardofwatersupply.com/rates or call the BWS Communications Office at 748-5041.
Questions, comments, and concerns followed:
1. Use of Round Up: Kinslow asked about the excessive amount of Round Up used by BWS and noted that it is killing grass and plants at regional parks. Kinslow asked that BWS have better care or use less of the chemical. Ferrell noted his concern with the use of the chemical near water sources due to it being a carcinogen. Gardner asked and Kinslow stated that he witnessed the use of the chemicals. Kinslow noted that BWS cares for the grass at Mauna Lani Community Park. Gardner asked and Kinslow noted that he is unsure if park personnel use the chemical.
2. Water Quality: Ferrell asked and Heller noted that the water is tested and stated that any chemicals would have shown up within their Water Quality Report that can be found at www.boardofwatersupply.com/WQR or by contacting BWS Water Quality Division at 748-5080.
Maunalani Circle: Kinslow noted that a neighbor on Maunalani Circle is cutting down and poisoning City and County of Honolulu trees. Kinslow asked what the legal aspect of damaging these trees would entail. Hagadone asked and Kinslow noted that the neighbor had admitted to cutting down the trees.
Walk Wise Hawaii: Chow noted that there will be a Walk Wise Hawaii event on Wednesday, August 21, 2019. Chow stated that the event will be free to participants and noted that they will attend the July 2019 Meeting.
73rd Annual Kaimuki Christmas Parade: Hara noted that the 73rd Kaimuki Christmas Parade will be held on Thursday, December 5, 2019. They will be accepting applications for volunteers on Monday, July 1, 2019. Hara stated that they will be looking for parade marshals, the staging area, and sponsors. For more information on the parade please contact Calvin Hara at (808) 426-7852 or c.hara@mckaimuki.com. Please visit www.kpbahawaii.com for more information.
Keanu Street - Elizabeth Street: A resident noted that the sidewalk on the corner of Keanu Street and Elizabeth Street is damaged and stated that it creates a safety issue for the community. The resident asked that the entire sidewalk be repaired.
Sea-Level Rise Resolution: Dudley asked the Board for their support in his resolution for his Special Sea-level Rise Storm Surge Impact District. Dudley noted that the residents that are willing to move into Kakaako should pay into a fund to alleviate the cost of future sea-level mitigation technology.
Monster Homes: Chinen asked that Department of Planning and Permitting (DPP) attend Board meetings to speak about monster homes within Kaimuki. Chinen noted that there are still monster homes being built. Chinen asked how the community can combat the rise of monster homes.
Panel: Background information of Ala Wai Watershed
• Julius Fischer, Hawaii Green Growth (HGG), gave the following report:
o Hawaii Green Growth: There are over 60 stakeholders within Hawaii Green Growth. The Ala Wai flood plains has become a priority. Fischer noted that there are many companies trying to clear the Ala Wai Canal waterways. The State has recommitted to creating a more sustainable future. Please visit www.alawai.hawaiigreengrowth.org for more information about the Ala Wai Watershed Collaboration. Fischer detailed proposed designs to reactivate and better utilize the Old Stadium Park.
o Make Ala Wai Design Challenge: There was a design challenge that was held island wide for students between the grades of Kindergarten and college. The challenge offered over 10,000 dollars in prizes to the winning teams.
o Project Challenges: Fischer noted that there are cesspools across Oahu that make the water quality issue worse. Fischer stated that maintenance is a concern due to challenges with jurisdiction and the large sect of land that no one (1) department could maintain.
o Community Investment Vehicle (CIVic) Watershed District Core Functions: CIVic is attempting to plan, execute, and maintain distributed green infrastructure projects across public-private jurisdictions that provide recreation, ecosystem and flood resilience benefits to the community and economy. CIVic is attempting to grow and support existing place-based curricula and cultural programs that facilitate fulfilling connections to place for students, residents, and visitors, and coordinate communication of these stories for the Ala Wai watershed. CIVic supports volunteer-based stewardship activities, coordinates and funds consistent monitoring and maintenance of trash removal devices, and water quality data. CIVic serves as a permanent pathway for shared decision-making among stakeholders on watershed-related projects and initiatives to balance stakeholder priorities.
Questions and comments followed:
1. Homeless: Gardner noted that homeless population living around Old Stadium Park and Fischer stated that renovations and reactivation of the park can help deter the homeless from the region.
2. Waterway Contaminant: A resident asked about the contaminants within the Ala Wai and Fischer stated that there were natural sediments, car debris, heavy metals, and other chemicals found within the canal during dredging.
3. Canal Details: A resident asked and Fischer noted that the Ala Wai Canal has a natural lining.
4. Cultural Groups: Watson noted that there were no cultural groups that signed the US Army Corps of Engineers' (USACE) Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) and Fischer noted that Kamehameha Schools has been assisting.
5. Hawaii Green Growth: Watson asked if the Neighborhood Boards are involved in the HGG projects. Watson asked and Fischer noted that none of their workers are contracted by USACE. Fischer noted that previous stakeholders had worked with USACE before the Ala Wai Canal Project.
6. Kapiolani Park: A resident asked about future plans for Kapiolani Park. Fischer noted that community importance of the future park plans and stated that there are no plans currently for Kapiolani Park.
• Dr. Giuseppe Torri, Assistant Professor, Department of Atmospheric Science, University of Hawaii at Manoa
o Weather Details: There are two (2) main season in Hawaii: the raining season from November to March and the dry season from May through October. During the summer, northeastern winds create rain on the windward side of the island. During the winter, mid-latitude systems can bring large amounts of rain. Most of the rainfall occurs between November and April. There is a high rainfall variability at the annual and decadal time scales. Winter rainfall is strongly modulated by large-scale weather patterns. Trade winds blow from the north/northeast and are responsible for most of the summer rainfall. Kona Lows occur during the cool season and come from a westerly direction. Kona Lows create a significant amount of annual rainfall for the island of Hawaii. Kona Lows are also associated with waterspouts/tornadoes, hail, and flash floods. Tropical Cyclones typically occur between June and October, are primarily fueled by heat in the ocean, thrive in low wind shear conditions, cause significant amounts of rainfall, and their storm surges can cause flash floods. Torri noted that warmer oceans helped attribute to a busy hurricane season in 2018.
o Future Effects: Overall, a warmer atmosphere will be capable of holding more water. The artic is warming faster that the tropics and have had recorded temperatures of the region register 60 degrees above the average temperature. Torri noted that a slowing of the Jetstream may lead to a more varied weather pattern.
Questions and comments followed:
1. Cloud Mapping: Hagadone asked about cloud coverage and Torri stated that cloud mapping technology is not designed for the Hawaiian climate. Torri stated that this leads to great cloud uncertainty in Hawaii.
2. Recent Data: A resident asked about recent weather data and Torri noted that the studies that he was using were over a decade old.
• Dr Kevin Hamilton, Emeritus Professor of Atmospheric Science, University of Hawaii at Manoa
o Ala Wai Canal Project Details: Hamilton noted that flood mitigation is the main reason for the USACE canal project. The EIS Appendix noted that there could be two (2) to seven (7) feet worth of flooding by 2075. USACE has focused on large catastrophic rainfall events and has planned to mitigate the potential flood regions of the 100 year flood on Oahu. USACE has been unable to find a trend for hurricanes within Hawaii, while the effects of global warming could lead to more hurricanes hitting landfall within the Hawaiian isles.
Questions and comments followed:
1. Ala Wai Canal Project: Watson questioned why the Ala Wai is the focus of the studies and projects. Watson noted that there are mitigation methods that are less invasive and more effective than plans that utilize ground hardening. Hamilton noted that the plan may focus on the financial base for Oahu. Chinen asked for Hamilton's opinion on the project and Hamilton noted that the USACE project will focus on catastrophic flooding events. Hamilton noted that he is unsure if they are a good idea. Hagadone noted that the EIS Appendix stated that USACE is 99 percent certain of their mitigation plans and Hamilton noted that there are many variable that would determine their decision. Chair Schneider noted that the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) did not have a representative available and noted that the Department of Land and Natural Resources (DLNR) has information on the national flood mitigation plans.
2. Water Plain: Garnder asked about the flooding caused in Oklahoma by torrential rainfall and Hamilton noted that Hawaii's flooding issues differ from Oklahoma. Hamilton noted that the water plains in Hawaii are high elevation and short in length. Hamilton noted that Hawaii's issues with rainfall occurs with larger amounts of rainfall.
3. Recent Data: A resident asked about the data used and Hamilton noted that he used older data due to availability. Resident noted that this data would not show the recent increase in hurricanes.
Mayor Kirk Caldwell's Representative - Mark Wong, Department of Information Technology (DIT) Director, reported the following:
• Salvation Army Lot for Sale: The Department of Land Management (DLM) stated that they understand that the Salvation Army will be listing the property for sale and will consider best value offers given the residential zoning R3.5. Please seek the Department of Park and Recreation's (DPR) opinion on whether they would like to install a park at this site.
• Sierra Drive Manhole Covers: The Department of Design and Construction (DDC) stated that as of Wednesday, May 22, 2019, the contractor started paving the streets in Maunalani Heights. The current schedule indicates the paving of upper Sierra Drive, from 3700 Sierra Drive to Halehoola Place, to start at the end of June. The adjustment of the manhole frames and covers to grade is expected to follow shortly after the paving completion. Lower Sierra Drive, from Waialae Avenue to Koko Head Avenue, will be paved last which will be around the end of October 2019, weather permitting.
• Delayed Left Turn: Naylon disseminated a link from the Department of Transportation Services (DTS) to the Board about a delayed left turn at the intersection of 16th Avenue and Waialae Avenue.
• Damaged Sidewalks: The Department of Facility Maintenance (DFM) noted that a masonry crew applied a temporary concrete patch on Wednesday, May 15, 2019 and installed concrete bollards as requested by DTS. It appears the sidewalk was being damaged by vehicles cutting across the corner that damaged the sidewalk and the grass in the planter strip. When resources are available, permanent repairs to the damaged concrete sidewalk will be performed.
Questions, comments, and concerns followed:
1. Kilauea Avenue: Kang asked about parking on Kilauea Avenue between 9th and 12th Avenue. Wong asked that the residents call 911 to report illegally parked cars. Kang noted that the residents are confused about parking on unimproved sidewalks and Wong noted that parking on unimproved sidewalks is prohibited. Wong asked that residents use the Honolulu 311 App to report non-emergencies and noted that their reports would be sent to the requisite department.
2. Sierra Drive and Pualele Place: A resident noted that there is a section of damaged sidewalk on Sierra Drive and Pualele Place near the telephone poles. The resident stated that the issue has gone unattended for the last two (2) months.
3. Keanu Street: A resident noted that there is an abandoned vehicle on Keanu Street. Wong noted that there are regulations to the removal of vehicles due to military personnel and stored property ordinances. Wong noted that there is also a storage issue with the removal of abandoned vehicles.
4. Pualele Place: A resident noted that there is a company using a residential lot for commercial storage.
5. Center Street: Gardner noted that the City did a good job on repaving Center Street and stated that it has led to drivers speeding along the roadway. Gardner asked if speed bumps could be utilized to deter speeding.
6. Maunalani Community Park: Gardner asked if the DPR is using Round Up at Maunalani Community Park and other regional parks. A resident noted that better training could help mitigate the amount of concern. Hagadone noted that there are regulations with the use of Round Up and similar chemicals. A resident noted that the BWS workers have been using chemicals within Kuliouou. Wong noted an attempt to use artificial grass on medians where applicable.
Councilmember Ann Kobayashi - Councilmember Kobayashi's representative, James Larson circulated a handout and reported the following:
• Budget Bills: The City's Legislative, Executive Operating, and Capital Improvements Budgets have all been adopted and are available for public review as Bill 9, Bill 10, and Bill 11. Additionally, the Budget Committee will review HART's Operating and Capital Budgets, Bill 32 and Bill 33.
• Hurricane and Tropical Storm Preparedness: Larson noted that Hurricane Season began on Saturday, June 1, 2019 and will continue until November 2019. State emergency managers recommend residents to have 14 days' worth of supplies, with an emergency kit that includes: non-perishable foods, one (1) gallon of drinking water per person per day, a battery-powered or hand crank radio, tools, duct tape, plastic sheeting for shelter, and personal sanitation items.
• 2019 Mo'ili'ili Summer Fest: Larson stated that the community is invited to attend to 2019 Mo'ili'ili Summer Fest. This free event is the largest Japanese Bon Dance in Honolulu and will have fresh local foods and local vendor pop-ups.
Councilmember Tommy Waters - Councilmember Waters reported the following:
• Sea Level Rise: Councilmember Waters noted that the Office for Climate Change Sustainability and Resiliency (CCSR) will be giving a report to the City Council about the proposed changes to building code due to the effects of sea-level rise.
• Speed Mitigation Projects: Councilmember Waters noted the research on Seattle's traffic and their attempts to help reduce the traffic fatalities with speed mitigation projects.
• Bill 85 & 89: Councilmember Waters noted that Bills 85 & 89, in regards to illegal rentals, were both passed by the City Council. The Bills would require the registration and permitting of short term rentals and Air BNB within Oahu. Pre-existing permitted renters would be grandfathered into the proposed system. Councilmember Waters noted that Mayor Caldwell indicated his preference to pass Bill 89.
• Office Personnel: Councilmember Waters introduced Davin Aoyagi and (blank) to the community.
• Aviation Safety: Councilmember Waters noted that the City and County of Honolulu cannot regulate helicopters due to the Supremacy Clause and the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA). Councilmember Waters noted Congressman Case's resolution for aviation safety and stated that the congressman will take the resolution to the FAA.
Governor David Ige's Representative - Leonard Hoshijo, Deputy Director of the Department of Labor and Industrial Relations, circulated a handout and reported the following:
• Deadline for Vetoes: Hoshijo reported that Tuesday, July 9, 2019 will be the deadline for vetoes and stated that all Bills that are not vetoed by this date will be passed, even without a signature.
• Governor's Priorities:
o Homelessness: 27.6 million dollars were allocated for key priorities, including Housing First, Rapid Rehousing, the Family Assessment Center, outreach and civil legal services, and stored property and enforcement.
o Education: There was an allocation of 700,000 dollars for the Hawaii Promise for UH community college students, 1.5 million to expand Early College programs, 1.4 million for the opening of 10 new public pre-k classrooms, funding to sustain 18 existing public charter school pre-k classrooms, and 6.5 million in general obligation bonds to retrofit 10 Department of Education (DOE) classrooms to expand public pre-k.
State Senator Stanley Chang - Becky Gardner circulated a handout and reported the following:
• Contact Information: Gardner asked that the community contact Senator Chang with any questions or concerns at (808) 586-8420 or by email at senchang@capitol.hawaii.gov.
Questions and comments followed: Senate Bill (SB) 1292: Chinen noted her opposition to SB 1292 and asked that Governor Ige veto the Bill.
State Senator Les Ihara - No representative was present; no report was given.
Speaker Emeritus Representative Calvin Say - Representative Say circulated a handout and reported the following:
• Senate Bill (SB) 1292: Representative Say asked that the community contact Governor Ige with their concerns about SB 1292. Residents can contact Governor Ige at https://governor.hawaii.gov/contact-us/contact-the-governor/.
State Representative Bertrand Kobayashi - Representative Kobayashi circulated a handout and reported the following:
• Bills Signed: Mayor Kirk Caldwell signed 64 Bills during the 2019 legislative session.
• Homelessness Funding: Every aspect of homelessness mitigation has seen an increase in funding except for Stored Property Ordinances (SPO). Representative Kobayashi noted that some funds will rollover into Fiscal Year 2020 and stated that there may not be an effect on the SPO.
• Community College Promise Program: Representative Kobayashi noted that the funds allocated to the Promise Program will increase the amount of free tuition available to community college users.
Questions and comments followed:
1. Kupuna Care Bill: Hara asked and Representative Kobayashi stated that the Kupuna Care Bill has not been signed. Representative Kobayashi noted that kupuna care funds have not decreased in Fiscal Year 2020.
2. Stored Property Ordinance (SPO): Hagadone asked about storage of SPO and Representative Kobayashi noted that SPO items must be held for 60 days before its disposal.
3. Ready Hawaii App: Pierce asked about the Ready Hawaii App and Representative Kobayashi is unsure about the app.
4. Community Recognition: A resident wished Representative Kobayashi a Happy Birthday. Chair Schneider thanked Board members Hagadone and Hara for their work within the community.
Congressman Ed Case - No representative was present; no report was given.
Resolution: Supporting the establishment of a Special Sea-Level Rise Storm-Surge Impact District: Kang recused himself from the Agenda Topic.
Hoe MOVED and Moniz SECONDED the Resolution: Supporting the establishment of a Special Sea-Level Rise Storm-Surge Impact District. The MOTION FAILED by HANDS VOTE; (1-4-3). (Aye: Hoe; Nay: Ferrell, Hagadone, Hara, and Moniz; Abstain: Gardner, Pierce, and Schneider.)
Gardner MOVED and Pierce SECONDED the MOTION to DEFER the Agenda Topic: the Resolution: Supporting the establishment of a Special Sea-Level Rise Storm-Surge Impact District; until the July 2019 Meeting. Hearing no objections, the MOTION PASSED UNANIMOUSLY; (8-0-0). (Aye: Ferrell, Hagadone, Hara, Hoe, Gardner, Moniz, Pierce, and Schneider; Nay: None; Abstain: None.)
Resolution: Relating to Commercial Tour Helicopters - Diamond Head Neighborhood Board: Michelle Matson from the Diamond Head/Kapahulu/St. Louis Heights Neighborhood Board No. 5 was present to answer questions:
Discussion Followed:
1. Board Support: Matson stated that many Boards are actively working on the issue of commercial helicopter flights and noted Congressman Case's resolution that steers the communities in the right direction. Matson asked that the Board form a Permitted Interaction Group (PIG) for the study of aviation safety. Matson noted that PIGs can meet outside of publicly posted meetings. Gardner asked and Matson noted that Kailua, Diamond Head, and Kahala have all taken various actions towards aviation safety. Gardner noted that the Board may not need a PIG. Pierce asked if hasty action is needed and suggested that the Board pass a bare bone resolution. Matson noted that need for a comprehensive and consistent plan for our federal legislators. Gardner noted the timeliness of PIGs and noted that the Board members could report on other PIG that they attend. Matson asked whom would be volunteering for these PIG. Pierce asked and Matson noted that they will have their PIG members after their July 2019 meeting. Moniz asked and Chair Schneider stated that they should have the item on the July 2019 Agenda. Matson noted that 83 percent of residents asked for aviation safety increases in a recent poll. Hara noted that a simple resolution could assist in bringing public interest to the issue. Pierce agreed that a concerted and concise statement would assist with accelerating the process. Hagadone asked if the Board knows current aviation regulations and Matson noted that the regulations are not extensive enough. Matson noted that interim work with a PIG could be helpful. Chair Schneider asked and Matson stated that she will be continuing her work to find a solution. Moniz noted the need to have a completed resolution at the July 2019 meeting and stated that it does not need to be comprehensive.
2. Kailua Helicopter Crash: Hagadone stated a need to investigate the Kailua helicopter crash and Matson noted that an investigation could take one (1) to two (2) years.
3. Topic Deferment: Ferrell noted that he does not believe that Board is ready to vote on the topic and asked that the Board defer the topic until July 2019. Pierce noted that the July Initial Convening will introduce new Board members that will be uninformed on the topic.
Resolution: Concerning Tour Helicopters - Congressman Ed Case
Moniz MOVED and Hoe SECONDED the Resolution: Concerning Tour Helicopters from Congressman Ed Case as AMENDED. The MOTION PASSED by UNANIMOUS CONSENT, (9-0-0). (Aye: Ferrell, Gardner, Hagadone, Hara, Hoe, Kang, Moniz, Pierce, and Schneider; Nay: None; Abstain: None.)
Approval of Wednesday, May 15, 2019 Regular Meeting Minutes - Hoe moved and Pierce seconded the MOTION to APPROVE the May 2019 minutes as drafted. The MOTION PASSED by UNANIMOUS CONSENT, (9-0-0); (Aye: Ferrell, Gardner, Hagadone, Hara, Hoe, Kang, Moniz, Pierce, and Schneider; Nay: None; Abstain: None.)
Treasurer's Report - Kang reported an expenditure of $ 35.16 in May 2019 and a balance $142.56.
Members Attendance at Other Meetings - No reports.
A. The Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) will be attending our Neighborhood Board
Meeting in July 2019 to discuss the Ala Wai Watershed Project.
B. There will be a sign waving event on August 21, 2019 5pm-6pm with Walk Wise Hawaii for
Pedestrian Safety along Waialae Avenue.
C. The next regular meeting of the Kaimuki Neighborhood Board will be on July 17, 2019 at 6:30 pm at Kaimuki Christian Church, Fellowship Hall.
ADJOURNMENT - Chair Schneider adjourned the meeting at 9:20 p.m.
Submitted by: Chris Naylon, Neighborhood Assistant.
Reviewed By: Harry Cho, Public Relations Officer
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