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With Permission / Courtesy of: City and County of Honolulu Neighborhood Commission Office
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01 icon acrobat  November 2019 Minutes



CALL TO ORDER: Chair Randolph Hack called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. Quorum WAS ESTABLISHED with seven (7) members present. Note: This 13-member board requires seven (7) members to establish a quorum and to take official Board action.

Board Members Present: Shane Albritton, Jesus Arriola, Randolph Hack, Beverly Mau, Rusti Onishi, Earl Shiraki, Darlene Nakayama (Arrived at 7:32 p.m.), and Jessica Welch.

Board Members Absent: Frank Farm, Joshua Frost, and Richard Skizewski.

Guests: Captain Chris Miller, Fire Inspector Ed Millard (Honolulu Fire Department); Lieutenant David Arden (Honolulu Police Department); Dominic Dias (Board of Water Supply); Councilmember Ann Kobayashi and Cliff Kaneshiro (Councilmember Ann Koabayashi's Office; Ross Sasamura (Mayor Kirk Caldwell's Representative); Cat Awakuni Colon (Governor David Ige's Representative); Speaker Emeritus Calvin Say; Senator Les Ihara Jr.; Becky Gardner, Julia Allen, Ann Harada, Laurie Chivers, Dave Watase, Jackson Sayama, Wallen Ellingson, Dean McColgan, Jay Ishibashi (Residents); Lindon Valenciano (Neighborhood Commission Office). Name was not included if not legible on the sign-in sheet.

Honolulu Fire Department (HFD): Captain Chris Miller reported the following:
October 2019 Statistics: There were 3 activated alarms (no fire), 30 medical emergencies, 1 motor vehicle collision, and 1 mountain rescue.
Safety Tip: Thanksgiving Cooking: HFD provided Thanksgiving fire safety tips.
o Stay in the kitchen when you are cooking. Do not leave the stove unattended.
o Set a timer as a reminder to check on the food being cooked.
o The HFD discourages the use of outdoor, gas-fueled turkey fryers which can lead to devastating burns, destruction of property, and other injuries.
o Keep children and pets at least three (3) feet away from the cooking area.
o If there is any doubt about extinguishing a small fire, get out of the house and call 9-1-1. Close the door behind you to help contain the fire.

Questions, comments, and concerns followed:
1. Mountain Rescue: Shiraki inquired and Captain Miller responded that they rescued a lost hunter on Lanipo trail above Wilhelmina Rise, noting he was not sure if the area was off limits. Onishi inquired and Captain Miller responded that mountain rescues costs is high because it factors in monetary value and risks.
2. Moped Accident: Shiraki inquired and Captain Miller responded that speed could be a factor in moped accident in front of the Fire Station, however they should refer to the Honolulu Police Department (HPD).
3. Fire Inspector: Regarding previous concerns, Fire Inspector Ed Millard reported he investigated the properties for fire hazards and he noted that having excessive storage is not a fire violation so they are not able to cite or enforce these issues. However, one location has been getting multiple complaints so he was not able to find a combustible violation. Chair Hack inquired and Millard responded they will be following up on the property to teach the residents about fire education.

Honolulu Police Department (HPD): Lieutenant Michael Nakada reported the following:
October 2019 Statistics: There were 8 motor vehicle thefts, 4 burglaries, 23 thefts, and 10 unauthorized entries into motor vehicles (UEMV). There were 6,170 total calls for service.
Safety Tip - Holiday Safety: The following online shopping safety tips were provided:
o Do not shop on shared computers. When you shop on a shared computer, your financial information can easily be accessed by the next person who happens to use that computer.
o Use credit and not debit. Credit cards are the safest method of payment for online purchases because you share responsibility of payment with the credit card company. If someone tries to scam you, they are also scamming the credit card company who will be on your side in a dispute.
o Look into an online account number service or a virtual account number. Some credit card companies offer highly secure credit card number specifically for internet purchases. These numbers are in no way connected to your main credit card accounts.
o Use smart passwords. Secure passwords are passwords that are unlikely to be guessed. Your password should be case sensitive and should include a series of both letters and numbers.
o Use your better judgment. If you are unsure about a site, it is better to avoid it completely than to take chances. Remember that if something seems too good to be true, it probably is. A legitimate online vendor will never ask you to send personal information via e-mail or instant message.

Questions, comments, and concerns followed: 
1. Robberies: Shiraki inquired and Lieutenant Arden responded that HPD is doing their best to catch robbers and hijackers, even chasing some suspected burglars.
2. Safety: Shiraki inquired and Lieutenant Arden responded that on the news, Sergeant Kim said to do nothing because HPD would rather see victims alive and losing their property than the confrontation escalating.
3. Investigation: Shiraki inquired about protecting family of the Kalihi shooting and Lieutenant Arden responded that there are a lot of details, noting that it is still an on-going investigation.
4. Firework Bombs: Resident Wallen Ellingson inquired and Lieutenant Arden responded that they cannot enforce loud firework bombs set off in the neighborhood because they need to see the violator in the act of lighting the bomb or fireworks. Lieutenant Arden also noted that people reporting it need to come forward and testify as a witness instead of remaining anonymous.
5. Abandoned Vehicles: Albritton inquired and Lieutenant Arden explained the process of abandoned vehicle reports, noting that tow companies do not show up to tow because there is no room in their yards.
6. City Property: Resident Donna Trusdell reported private vehicles parked on a City owned parcel on Waiomao Road. She reported the vehicles belong to a property owner and inquired if that was legal.

Nakayama arrived at 7:32 p.m., eight (8) members present.

Board of Water Supply (BWS): Dominic Dias distributed handouts and reported the following:
Main Breaks: Tuesday, October 29, 2019: eight (8) inch main on 2250 Waiomao Road.
Meter Reading Equipment Replacement Project: Over the next year, starting in January 2020, the Board of Water Supply (BWS) has contracted Royal Contracting Company to replace a part of its automated meter reading equipment in water meter boxes across Oahu. The BWS has been gradually replacing them over the last two (2) years and this project will accelerate that effort and, when finished, will notably increase drive-by meter reading rates and make the process more efficient. The BWS has contracted Royal Contracting Company to install the new transponders and EKNA Services, Inc., as the construction managers. The project tasks include:
o Notifying area customers 1-to-2 weeks prior to the work. Most meters are in the public right-of-way. For meter boxes on private property, arranging with the customer in advance to access the box.
o At the meter box, exchanging the old device for a new one, about 15 to 20 minutes per meter.
o Perform Quality Assurance/Quality Control work to ensure transponders are operating correctly.
Work Schedules: Work will be done seven (7) days a week, from 7:30 a.m. to 10:30 p.m., except on state highways where work is allowed only from 7:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. Water service will not be disrupted. Please note we are not replacing the meters, only a part in the meter box.
Project Information: The BWS will post project information on its website at, as well as on social media --Facebook, Twitter, and Nextdoor -- for customers to check on work in their area. No customer shall be asked for any type of payment by any BWS employee or contractor for this project. If customers spot suspicious activity or have questions about the project, they can contact the BWS via:
o Phone at 748-6500, 7:45 a.m. to 10:30 p.m., daily, including weekends.
IMPORTANT - - If calling before 7:45 a.m. or after 10:30 p.m., please leave your name and phone number so that we may return your call.
o Email at, 7:45 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Monday through Friday.
Provided is a handout containing information about the Meter Reading Equipment Replacement Project.
Red Hill Bulk Fuel Storage Facility Public Meeting: The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and the Department of Health (DOH) are holding a public meeting on the Red Hill Bulk Fuel Storage Facility on Tuesday, November 19, 2019 beginning at 6:00 p.m. at Moanalua High School.
2020 Conservation Calendars: Copies of the BWS's 2020 Water Conservation Calendar are available for the Board and community. These calendars feature the winners of last year's poster and poetry contests. Calendars are also available to the general public at BWS stating Monday, December 9, 2019.

Questions, comments, and concerns followed: 
1. Main Break Cause: Albritton inquired about the cause of the water main break.
2. Red Hill: Shiraki noted that the Red Hill tanks are leaking and should be moved. Dias noted that the community should read up and be engaged with this issue.

REAL ID: Chair Hack noted the REAL ID flyer and if people are planning on traveling within the United States, they will need the gold star on their ID cards by October 2020.

FILLING OF VACANT BOARD SEATS: Chair Hack petitioned the public for a volunteer to fill the vacant Board seats, no volunteers came forth.

Councilmember Ann Kobayashi: Councilmember Kobayashi distributed a newsletter and reported the following:
Ala Moana Playground: Councilmember Kobayashi noted that the usual topics are discussed at City Council such as Kakaako being a possible playground location instead of Ala Moana.
Ala Wai Forum: Councilmember Kobayashi thanked the community for their efforts and putting on the meeting regarding the Ala Wai Flood Mitigation Project.
Bill 40: Councilmember Kobayashi noted that Bill 40 started off with good intentions with banning of single-use plastic like straws and plastic bags, however the amendments put local companies and manufacturers at a disadvantage because mainland companies do not have to follow the same guidelines. There will be a hearing on Thursday, November 14, 2019 and she hopes they can revert closer to the original bill.
Homeless Outreach and Navigation of the Unsheltered (HONU) Project: Councilmember Kobayashi noted the HONU pilot project starting in Waipahu and is looking at Old Stadium Park for the next location.

Questions, comments, and concerns followed: 
1. Bill 40: Shiraki inquired and Councilmember Kobayashi responded that Bill 40 is big concern because plastic ends up in the ocean, noting that it is human error and the need to educate the people with anti-litter programs including getting more trash cans available.
2. Homeless: Shiraki noted that states on the mainland are sending their homeless here on one-way tickets and that we should take care of our own homeless problem first.
3. Trash in Streams: Albritton noted the stream clean-up efforts with 3,000 pounds of trash collecting at the intersection of the Manoa and Palolo streams. Albritton noted the need to reduce producing plastic regarding Bill 40 and Councilmember Ann Kobayashi responded that they need to find a compromise to move forward.

Mayor Kirk Caldwell's Representative: Ross Sasamura, Department of Facility Maintenance (DFM) Director, reported the following: 
Department of Transportation Services (DTS) Requests: Regarding Waialae solid line and 10th Avenue "No Right Turn on Red" sign requests, DTS will perform an investigation, which will include a (site inspection, speed study, review of the traffic collision history, etc.) and take appropriate action as warranted by their analysis. DTS will contact Shiraki if any additional information be required during their investigation.
Demark Bike Lane: Motorists may legally cross over the bicycle lane while turning right from Waialae Avenue onto 11th Avenue. In accordance with Section 291C-123 (a) (1) of the Hawaii Revised Statutes, "No person shall drive any vehicle other than a bicycle or moped upon a bicycle lane or bicycle path exceptÉin the process of executing a legal turn, lane change, or parking maneuver." As such, the striping on Waialae Avenue will not be revised.
10th Avenue No Right Turn on Red: DTS will perform an investigation, which will include a (site inspection, speed study, review of the traffic collision history, etc.) and take appropriate action as warranted by their analysis. DTS will contact Shiraki if any additional information be required during their investigation. 
Waiomao/Kuahea Work Status: The Department of Design and Construction (DDC) noted that the work to stabilize Kuahea Street will be performed in phases. The initial phase involved the demolition of the existing structures on 2327 and 2331 Kuahea Street. The City will be demolishing the existing structure on 2334 Kuahea Street, installing tieback anchors, regrading, and relocating utilities within City-owned property and the City right-of-way. The City is monitoring the Waiomao Road and Kuahea Street areas and has performed roadway repairs as necessary. A sidewalk railing, sidewalk cracks, pavement cracks, and a catch basin along Waiomao Road have been identified for repair. The scheduling of repairs are pending contractor availability.
Fire Hazards: Sasamura noted that the fire hazard concern was already addressed by Fire Inspector Millard earlier in the meeting.
Orchid Street Water Leak: BWS noted that between Friday, October 4, 2019 and Friday, October 11, 2019 BWS personnel from Customer Care and Field Operations investigated the water leak report. They confirmed puddling of water near the pothole in front of 2310 and 2314 Orchid Street. They observed that the area was heavily saturated and that water was flowing from the top of Orchid Street, down the hill. Leak correlation and leak logging equipment were used to identify possible leaks on the water system between Narcissus and Orchid Streets. No leaks were detected on the BWS water system. If you have any questions, please contact Supervising Water Service Investigator, Derek Ah Quin at 748-5398.
DTS Requests: Sasamura noted a letter addressing concerns from resident Scanlan.

Questions, comments, and concerns followed:
1. Lane Usage Clarification: Shiraki inquired and Sasamura clarified that people are legally allowed to cross over the bike lane if it is deemed safe.
2. Waiomao/Kuahea Project: Albritton inquired and Sasamura responded that the Waiomao/Kuahea project budget is public record and is available on the City website by looking at the approved capital improvement budget. Albritton inquired and Sasamura responded that the project specific timelines like the demolition are also available in the capital improvement budget.
3. Storm Water Quality Branch: Sasamura recommended utilizing Storm Water Quality Branch to support clean-ups such as those offered in Make-a-Difference month, noting they can assist by providing support such as trash bags and removing them when completed.

Governor David Ige's Representative: Cat Awakuni Colon reported the following:
Year-end Newsletter: There will be a combined newsletter available in December 2019.
Legislature Budget: Colon acknowledged that they are working the legislature budget and will be delivered to legislature on Monday, December 16, 2019.
HPD Assisting on Big Island: Regarding previous concerns, HPD assisted with Mauna Kea because Hawaii County requested assistance and HPD responded to fulfil the request.
Voting Procedure: Colon noted that with Act 136 which requires statewide collection of ballots by mail, however, there will be poll service locations where you can drop off your ballot in-person.
Ala Wai Project: Colon noted corresponding with Watase and Lynch regarding the Ala Wai project.

Questions, comments, and concerns followed:
1. Grants: Chair Hack inquired about Grants In Aid authorized last legislative session.
2. Mail-in Ballots Clarification: Shiraki inquired and Colon clarified that you can turn in a mail-in ballot in person at a poll service location. Shiraki responded this only affects those who vote because those who do not vote don't care either way.

House Speaker Emeritus (HSE) Calvin Say: HSE Say reported the following:
Sewer Update: HSE Say reported a sewer line update on Kalua Road and 9th Avenue.
Gratitude: HSE Say thanked Councilmember Kobayashi and Director Sasamura for their efforts regarding bulky items from apartments near the Laundromat.
Utility Poles: HSE Say reported there are both old and new utility poles on Waialae and 8th Avenue.
Overgrowth: HSE Say noted an update from resident Toraki regarding overgrowth into her property.
Ala Wai: HSE Say noted a small victory for Ala Wai Watershed project with a temporary restraining order and State conducting the EIS.
Firework Bombs: HSE Say noted he will follow-up with HPD regarding bomb concerns and he noted the easy access to bomb instructions online. HSE Say noted his efforts with collaborating and assisting residents with problems such as feral chickens.
Interim Director: HSE Say suggested that the Board invite the interim director to a future meeting to speak and meet with the community.

Questions, comments, and concerns followed: Cut Fence: Albritton inquired and HSE Say responded coordination with school administration, officials, and security to combat people cutting holes in the Kaimuki High School fence by Crane Park and smoking marijuana. Resident Jackson Sayama noted his outreach experience with the homeless in the area and that students are doing this because the homeless try not bring unnecessary risk to them.

Senator Les Ihara Jr.: Senator Ihara reported the following:
Special Session: Senator Ihara noted the Senate adjourned for special session to confirm three (3) judges. 
Kupuna Caucus: Senator Ihara reported the Kupuna Caucus will be on Tuesday, December 3, 2019.
Kuaheka Update: Senator Ihara gave updates on Kuahea Place and Waiomao Road, noting some solutions like opening the statute of limitations or buying the properties.
Grant and Aides: Senator Ihara noted that a list with amounts is on the website. Chair Hack noted there has been delay in receipt of Grants In Aid by organizations. Senator Ihara noted this.

Mau exited the meeting at 8:22 p.m., seven (7) members present.

Old Utility Poles: Senator Ihara noted that there needs to be an incentive to remove the old poles quicker.
Fence Holes: Senator Ihara noted Kaimuki High School and non-profits collaborating to create a walkway.

Ala Wai Watershed Project: Resident Dave Watase gave an update for the flood mitigation project, thanking the Board for passing and supporting the resolution requesting the Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) to pause and engage with the public to find better alternatives. Regarding the lawsuit, Watase reported the judge was in favor of Protect Our Ala Wai Watersheds on the same day as their forum. Watase noted that the USACE are allowed to make recommendations to the project, however, proof is needed that the USACE are willing to make modifications instead of only exploring alternatives. Watase noted they are a non-profit organization and requested support by googling "gofundme Ala Wai" and to visit for more information. He also reported attending the USACE presentations at McCully and Manoa Neighborhood Board meetings, noting that USACE models still showed detention basins and predicted the areas still got flooded.

Mau returned to the meeting at 8:25 p.m., eight (8) members present.

Fireworks: Resident Ellingson reported about the firework situation with bombs going off and can't sleep because it is disrupting the neighborhood. He noted that people are dropping bombs in storm drains or 50-gallon drums to amplify the sound. Ellingson suggested the NextDoor application to hear others and voice your own concerns. He concluded that he feels fireworks should not be banned and out of residential neighborhoods.


Permitted Interaction Group (PIG) Kuahea and Waiomao Road Earth Movements: 
Albritton noted the presentation at last meeting and apologized for inactivity for the past month on the issue due to personal issues, noting he will be active once settled.

Albritton MOVED and Mau SECONDED the Amend the Permitted Interaction Group (PIG) to investigate the earth movement and propose possible solutions at Kuahea and Waiomao Road. The Motion WAS ADOPTED by UNANIMOUS VOTE, 8-0-0; (AYE: Albritton, Arriola, Hack, Mau, Nakayama, Onishi, Shiraki, Welch; NAY: None; ABSTAIN: None).

Approval of Minutes of the October 2019 Meeting: Mau MOVED and Shiraki SECONDED the Motion to approve the October 2019 Minutes as written. The Motion WAS ADOPTED by UNANIMOUS VOTE, 8-0-0; (AYE: Albritton, Arriola, Hack, Mau, Nakayama, Onishi, Shiraki, Welch; NAY: None; ABSTAIN: None).

Treasurer Report: Welch reported a remaining balance of $314.81.

The P lolo Neighborhood Board's Next Meeting: Wednesday, December 11, 2019 at 7:00 p.m. at P lolo Elementary School Cafeteria with a Board-sponsored holiday potluck to follow.
Bulky Trash Pick-Up: Appointment System Pilot Program for pick-up. Please visit or call 768-3200 for general information, then press "0" for appointment requests. 
Farmers' Market: Every Wednesday from 6:30 a.m. to 7:20 a.m. at P lolo District Park.
'Olelo Broadcast Slots: The P lolo Neighborhood Board No. 6 meetings are tentatively aired on Channel 49 the first and third Sundays of the month at 12:00 p.m. and the 4th Thursday at 9:00 p.m. or online, anytime at 
Social Media: Join us informally at the "P lolo Valley Community" or "Palolo Neighborhood Board No. 6" pages or "Palolo Neighborhood Board No. 6 Friends" group on Facebook at Also stay connected with the P lolo community at 
Agenda Requests: No Later than seven (7) days prior to meeting, contact Chair Hack at 753-0710.
Designated Board Members to Assist to Close-Up: Mahalo for your cooperation!

ADJOURNMENT: The meeting adjourned at 8:38 p.m.

Submitted by: Lindon Valenciano, Neighborhood Assistant 
Reviewed by: Christopher Naylon, Neighborhood Assistant
Finalized by: Randolph Hack, Chair

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