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Palolo Neighborhood Board OCTOBER 2021 Minutes
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Palolo Neighborhood Board No. 6
October 2021 Minutes
CALL TO ORDER: Chair Pro Tem Hack called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. Quorum WAS ESTABLISHED with nine (9) members present. Note - This 13-member board requires seven (7) members to establish a quorum and to take official Board action.
Board Members Present: Jesus Arriola, Randy Hack, Juanita Kawamoto, Beverly Mau, Dean McColgan, Darlene Nakayama, Rusti Onishi, Benton Pang, Earl Shiraki, and Derek Turbin (entered at 7:05 p.m.).
Board Members Absent: Joshua Frost.
Guests: Lieutenant Taro Nakamura, Sergeant Adam Lipka (Honolulu Police Department); Captain Miller (Honolulu Fire Department); Dominic Dias (Board of Water Supply); Councilmember Calvin Say; Joy Barua (Mayor's representative); Catherine Awakuni-Colon (Governor Ige's representative); Representative Jackson Sayama; Senator Les Ihara Jr.; Randall Wakumoto (Storm Water Quality Division); Freedom Dennis, Rojelle Bohol (Residents); Lindon Valenciano (Neighborhood Assistant) were among the 32 total in attendance.
Honolulu Police Department (HPD): Lieutenant Taro Nakamura reported the following:
• September 2021 Statistics: 12 motor vehicle thefts, 13 burglaries, 21 thefts, and 9 unauthorized entries into a motor vehicle (UEMV), and 7,500 total calls for service. More information can be found at www.honolulupd.org.
• Safety Tip: Halloween safety tips were provided.
Turbin entered the meeting at 7:05 p.m.; 10 members present.
Questions, comments, and concerns followed: Speeding: McColgan inquired and Lieutenant Nakamura replied that they can request patrols to check for chronic speeding on 8th, 9th, and 10th Avenues and/or request a speed trailer if available. Resident Freedom Dennis reported that speeding is problem in the valley and requested speed humps on La'i Road. Shiraki requested installing a 15 mph on turn sign near the Palolo Chinese care home.
Honolulu Fire Department (HFD): Captain Miller reported the following:
• September 2021 Statistics: 2 nuisance fires, 1 activated alarm (no fire), 41 medical emergencies, 1 motor vehicle crash collision, and 3 mountain rescues.
• Safety Tip: Halloween safety tips were provided.
Questions, comments, and concerns followed: Fines: Shiraki noted the need to charge for certain rescues because they are putting HPD personnel in danger.
Board of Water Supply (BWS): Dominic Dias reported they adopted their six (6) year Capital Improvement Project (CIP) program for pipe replacements with updates provided at https://www.boardofwatersupply.com/.
Questions, comments, and concerns followed:
1. Red Hill: Shiraki noted that people needs to protest Red Hill and remove the tanks to protect the water. Dias shared their position, noting that updates are provided on the website. Chair Pro Tem Hack inquired if BWS was aware of the earthquake because such event could cause a leak.
2. La'i Road Leak: Resident Dennis raised concern of a leak that BWS did not completely fix on La'i Road because it could be undermining the road.
REPORTS OF MEMBERS ATTENDANCE AT OTHER PUBLIC MEETINGS: Turbin reported that he and community members met with Department of Design and Construction (DDC) Director Alex Kozlov to discuss the Kuahea/Waiomao stabilization project. Turbin noted to email him if they want the answers provided by Kozlov.
FILLING OF VACANT BOARD SEATS: There is one (1) vacancy in Subdistrict 2 and one (1) vacancy in Subdistrict 4. There were no volunteers.
Councilmember Calvin Say: Councilmember Say provided updates regarding the Police Commission appointment, Reapportionment Commission, BWS fee information, rental evictions, Kuahea/Waiomao project correspondence, various constituent concerns, and suggested a certificate to recognize Palolo resident Carissa Moore.
Questions, comments, and concerns followed: Kuahea/Waiomao Project: Onishi thanked Turbin for all the work regarding Kuahea/Waiomao project.
Mayor Rick Blangiardi's Representative: Joy Barua provided Grants-in-Aid (GIAs) information for those interested.
Questions, comments, and concerns followed:
1. Basketball Hoops: McColgan inquired when the basketball hoops will be replaced at the park along 7th Avenue and Kaau Street.
2. Zoning: McColgan inquired who is responsible for the tree wells and streetscape affronting businesses. Barua noted that it could be overlapping departments but will check.
3. Leak: Shiraki reported a water leak on the left side of 10th Avenue below Waiomao Road and noted concern of undermining and eroding the road, adding that there is a need to find the source to redirect it.
Governor David Ige's Representative: Catherine Awakuni-Colon shared the newsletter which highlights Covid-19 numbers decreasing but stressed importance to be vigilant, climate change, and affordable housing.
Questions, comments, and concerns followed:
• University of Hawaii (UH): Shiraki suggested stronger enforcement for UH games and those violating the regulations. Turbin inquired and Janel Denney from Councilmember Say's office noted that the first UH game will be friends and family only.
• Accuracy: Chair Pro Tem Hack reported Covid-19 numbers are more accurate on Thursdays and Fridays.
Representative Jackson Sayama: Representative Sayama reported that Jarrett Middle School Principal Dr. Reid Kuba recognition for school and community efforts, Palolo Chinese Home new building, redistricting preliminary maps, Congress member Case's Kaimuki business tour, and a number or various vaccination efforts updates.
Questions, comments, and concerns followed: Support: On behalf of Palolo Chinese Home, Nakayama thanked Representative Sayama for the support at the open house and noted that are 100% vaccinated and are only accepting vaccinated residents.
Senator Les Ihara Jr.: Senator Ihara reported that they are in the interim and they will convene in January 2022 with special sessions to confirm judges in the meantime.
Strom Water Utility Update: Randall Wakumoto, the Department of Facility Maintenance (DFM) Storm Water Quality Division, provided an update regarding the storm water utility, a dedicated method of funding services needed to maintain Oahu's storm water system, streams, and near shore waters by creating funding certainty and improved programs to be preventative and proactive instead of reactive. Everyone will pay this utility based on the impervious area on a property, however there will be credits, rebates, and provisions available. A timeline of the process was provided with the first bills sent at the end of 2023, early 2024.
Questions, comments, and concerns followed:
1. Basketball Hoops: McColgan inquired when the basketball hoops will be replaced at the park along 7th Avenue and Kaau Street.
2. Zoning: McColgan inquired who is responsible for the tree wells and streetscape affronting businesses. Barua noted that it could be overlapping departments but will check.
3. Leak: Shiraki reported a water leak on the left side of 10th Avenue below Waiomao Road and noted concern of undermining and eroding the road, adding that there is a need to find the source to redirect it.
4. Fees: Shiraki noted being against any more fees.
5. Streams: Councilmember Say raised concern that only 11 of 180 streams are cleaned a year and noted the importance of the storm water utility to preserve the land.
6. Driveway: Representative Sayama inquired and Wakumoto replied that shared driveways are based on the tax map key, however there could be an arrangement to distribute fair share.
Approval of Minutes from Wednesday, August 11, 2021 regular Meeting: This item was deferred.
Consideration of Resolution: "Urging the Hawaii State Legislature to Enact Comprehensive Tobacco Regulations and End the Epidemic of Youth E-Cigarette Use" (Coalition for a Tobacco-Free Hawaii's Youth Council): Pang MOVED and Mau SECONDED to adopt the Resolution Urging the Hawaii State Legislature to Enact Comprehensive Tobacco Regulations and End the Epidemic of Youth E-Cigarette Use. Discussion Followed:
• Against: Shiraki inquired and Mau replied that the resolution is against the e-cigarettes.
• Hawaii Public Health Institute Youth Council: Resident Rojelle Bohol, Hawaii Public Health Institute Youth Council shared information and noted the importance of supporting legislation for tobacco regulations.
Consideration of Resolution: "Celebrating and Congratulating Carissa Kainani Moore on Becoming the First Olympic Gold Medal Winner for Surfing at the Tokyo 2020 Olympics Held at Tsurigasaki Beach": Pang MOVED and Mau SECONDED to adopt the Resolution Celebrating and Congratulating Carissa Kainani Moore on Becoming the First Olympic Gold Medal Winner for Surfing at the Tokyo 2020 Olympics Held at Tsurigasaki Beach. Discussion Followed:
• Inspiration: Pang reported drafting the resolution to recognize Moore as an inspiration to not only the area, but also, the state as a whole. Mau thanked Pang for drafting the resolution.
• Recognition: Chair Pro Tem recognized the banner on 10th Avenue and hopes to distribute the certificate.
Treasurer's Report: Hack shared the Board's allocation and a remaining balance of $296.40.
P lolo Neighborhood Board's Next Meeting: P lolo Neighborhood Board's Next Meeting will be on Wednesday, November 10, 2021 at 7:00 p.m. on WebEx.
Facilitate: The Board thanked Hack for Chairing and facilitating tonight's meeting.
ADJOURNMENT - The meeting adjourned at 8:24 p.m.
Submitted by: Lindon Valenciano, Neighborhood Assistant
Reviewed by: Dylan Whitsell, Community Relations Specialist
Finalized by: Joshua Frost, Chair
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