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Palolo Neighborhood Board DECEMBER 2023 Minutes
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December 2023 Minutes
Video Recording of Meeting Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=auNFxQMINto
Google Drive Link: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1mRIiZ-kR00PVW8z-q2zHi9L60YE1mXmR
1. CALL TO ORDER [0:00:00]
Chair Peros called the meeting to order at 7:06 p.m. Quorum WAS established with seven (7) members present. Note: This 13-member board requires seven (7) members to establish a quorum and to take official Board action.
Board Members Present: Colin Peros, Dallas Ige, Beverly Mau, Dean McColgan, Darlene Nakayama, Earl Shiraki, Randolph Hack, Juanita Kawamoto (7:20 p.m.) Rusti Onishi (7:31 p.m.), and Ric Araujo (appointed 8:31 p.m.).
Board Members Absent: Derek Turbin.
Guests: Dominic Dias (BWS); Chelsea Arnott (DLNR); Wai Lee (Smart Trees Pacific), Dan Dinell (Trees for Honolulu's Future); Kimeona Kane (808 CLEANUPS), Andrea Charuk; Councilmember Calvin Say, Janel Denny, Pua Smith-Kauhane; DFM Deputy Director Warren Mamizuka (Mayor Blangiardi); Representative Jackson Sayama; Senator Les Ihara Jr.; Ryan Chang, Mariko Whitenack, Lorraine Waianuhea, CJ Mayer, Ethan Chang, William Liggett (Guests); Logan Hutchinson (NCO). Note: Name not included if not legible or stated for the record. There were approximately 32 total participants.
2. MONTHLY REPORTS [0:00:22]
Honolulu Fire Department (HFD) [0:00:25]: No representative present. A report was provided, which a copy of can be found at https://drive.google.com/file/d/1bGw0SSJuqCkt8EHjfiRLeZn1iWGiP9yV/view?usp=drive_link. Should you have any questions, please email the Honolulu Fire Department Community Relations Office at hfdnhb@honolulu.gov.
• November 2023 Statistics: There was one (1) activated alarm (no fire), 22 medical emergencies, and two (2) motor vehicle crashes/collisions.
• Safety Tip: Holiday Decorations - Carefully decorating your home can help make your holidays safer. Ensure decorations are at least three feet from heat sources and do not block the exits. If you choose to use a natural tree, ensure it is watered regularly. As trees dry out, they become more and more flammable. Be careful with electrical decorations. Ensure they are used in accordance with the manufacturer instructions. Always turn off Christmas tree lights before leaving home or going to bed. Always keep candles, matches, and lighters securely out of the reach of children. Remember to blow out all candles prior to leaving home or going to bed. For more information, visit https://fire.honolulu.gov/.
Honolulu Police Department (HPD) [0:00:36]: No representative present. No report provided.
Board of Water Supply (BWS) [0:00:47]: Dominic Dias gave the report, which a copy of can be found at https://drive.google.com/file/d/1UDJNs6ndH_bcTYUzqY8fFNq3r3BJ5-c7/view?usp=drive_link. There were no main breaks to report from the previous month.
4. PRESENTATIONS [0:03:22]
Hawaii Invasive Species Council [0:03:43]:
Due to technical difficulties, Chair Peros called for a recess at 7:12 p.m. [0:05:53].
Chair Peros called the meeting back to order at 8:13 p.m.; seven (7) members present [0:06:59].
[0:06:59] Chelsea Arnott from the Department of Land & Natural Resources (DLNR) Forestry & Wildlife Division gave the presentation. Most of Arnott's work is pertaining to program support for the Hawaii Invasive Species Council. Arnott shared what the Hawaii Invasive Species Council is and what community members can do to help with prevention and management of invasive species. Challenges that the Hawaii Invasive Species Council face are inadequate resources (funding, staff), policies needing updating and clarifying, climate change exacerbating negative impacts of invasive species, and managing increased pathways.
Kawamoto joined the meeting at 7:20 p.m.; eight (8) members present.
Questions, comments, and concerns followed [0:19:23].
Trees for Honolulu's Future - Kaulunani IRA Pre-Proposal 2023 [0:22:52]: Dan Dinell and Wai Lee presented on the benefits of having more trees in Palolo, the current Palolo public tree inventory of 456 trees, and urban tree canopy assessments. A copy of the presentation can be found at https://drive.google.com/file/d/17ghLPMxlkebSiODUOwljWcKslbGXGIoU/view?usp=drive_link. Trees for Honolulu's Future is planning on submitting a grant application to the DLNR Kaulunani Urban and Community Forestry Program to secure $50,000 to increase the tree canopy in Palolo. The request made to the board was to adopt a resolution/letter of support for this proposal, to be a partner in this effort, and to convene/reach out to other organizations for support going forward.
Questions, comments, and concerns followed [0:34:46].
Onishi joined the meeting at 7:31 p.m.; nine (9) members present.
Hearing no objections, Chair Peros took the agenda out of order [0:46:34].
Resolution Urging the Department of Land and Natural Resources' Kaulunani Urban and Community Forestry Program to Support the Trees for Honolulu's Future Proposal to Execute the Trees for Palolo Initiative [0:46:34]: A copy of the resolution can be found at https://drive.google.com/file/d/152lhI51RFsZ8dVweOiiHRsEqksskY1xd/view?usp=drive_link. Hack MOVED and Mau SECONDED that the resolution be adopted by the Palolo Neighborhood Board No.6 [0:47:00]. Hearing no discussion, the board conducted a voice vote. Hearing no objections or abstentions, the motion WAS ADOPTED; 9 - 0 - 0 (Aye: Hack, Ige, Kawamoto, McColgan, Nakayama, Onishi, Shiraki, Mau, Peros; Nay: None; Abstain: None) [0:47:20].
808 Cleanups - Pukele Stream Clean Up [0:47:33]: Kimeona Kane, Director of Community Outreach for 808 CLEANUPS and Andrea Charuk presented on the organizations goals to restore Hawaii's natural beauty by empowering volunteers and conducting cleanups. A copy of the presentation can be found at https://drive.google.com/file/d/1-FUuqUPl9Q8VtBBGLu9jT8a5tjmpRoGP/view?usp=drive_link. Pukele Stream is frequently used as a dumping ground so 808CLEANUPS have had several cleanups in the area largely done by community members. Following the removal of trash, options for what to do next with forestry management include possibly implementing cultural practices but will largely be decided by what community input determines to do with the area. To get in contact with Kimeona Kane, email kimeonakane.808cleanups@gmail.com or call (808) 398-8989. For more information, go to https://808cleanups.org/.
Questions, comments, and concerns followed [1:00:12].
Hearing no objections, Chair Peros took the agenda out of order [1:17:36].
Resolution Urging the Board of Land and Natural Resources to Approve the Issuance of a Right-of-Entry Permit to 808 CLEANUPS [1:17:36]: A copy of the resolution can be found at https://drive.google.com/file/d/1zZzzt5b9RL1Mk2ObkmKLBPCvyNNs61ny/view?usp=drive_link. Hack MOVED and McColgan SECONDED that the resolution be adopted by the Palolo Neighborhood Board No.6 [1:17:48]. Hearing no discussion, the board conducted a voice vote. Hearing no objections or abstentions, the motion WAS ADOPTED; 9 - 0 - 0 (Aye: Hack, Ige, Kawamoto, McColgan, Nakayama, Onishi, Shiraki, Mau, Peros; Nay: None; Abstain: None) [1:18:08].
5. BOARD BUSINESS [1:18:23]
Filling of Vacancies - One (1) Subdistrict 2, One (1) Subdistrict 3, One (1) Subdistrict 4 [1:18:23]: Ric Araujo volunteered to fill the subdistrict 4 vacancy and shared a bit about himself. Mau nominated Ric Araujo [1:20:00].
In order to have Ric Araujo's residency confirmed, Chair Peros called for a recess at 8:26 p.m. [1:20:31].
Chair Peros called the meeting back to order at 8:30 p.m.; nine (9) members present [1:23:58].
Hearing no other nominations, the board conducted a roll call vote. Ric Araujo was appointed to the subdistrict 4 vacancy; 9 - 0 - 0 (Aye: Hack, Ige, Kawamoto, McColgan, Nakayama, Onishi, Shiraki, Mau, Peros; Nay: None; Abstain: None) [1:24:09].
In order to have the Neighborhood Assistant (NA) administer the oath of office to Member Araujo, Chair Peros call for a recess at 8:31 p.m. [1:25:22].
Chair Peros called the meeting back to order at 8:30 p.m.; 10 members present [1:26:52].
Motion(s) Regarding Community Engagement for Palolo Valley District Park [1:27:34]: Chair Peros provided some background information on the concerns at Palolo Valley District Park. Mau MOVED and Kawamoto SECONDED to plan and execute community engagement for Palolo Valley District Park [1:28:35]. Hearing no discussion, the board conducted a voice vote. The motion WAS ADOPTED; 10 - 0 - 0 (Aye: Araujo, Hack, Ige, Kawamoto, McColgan, Nakayama, Onishi, Shiraki, Mau, Peros; Nay: None; Abstain: None) [1:28:57].
Congressman Ed Case [1:33:37]: No representative present. No report provided.
Councilmember Calvin Say [1:33:46]: Councilmember Say gave his report and was available for questions. The link to the District 5 website is https://www.honolulucitycouncil.org/district-5-say. Other links shared included 1) Kuahea Street Stabilization Project: https://www8.honolulu.gov/ddc/kuahea-street-area-stabilization-project/, 2) Ala Wai Watershed Project: https://www.honolulu.gov/alawai, 3) US Army Corp of Engineers, Honolulu District Civil Works Projects: https://www.poh.usace.army.mil/Missions/Civil-Works/Civil-Works-Projects/Ala-Wai-Flood-Risk-Management-Project/, and 4) Real Tax Property 2024 valuation process of residential properties videos available at: https://www.realpropertyhonolulu.com/.
Mayor Rick Blangiardi's Representative [1:35:29]: Department of Facility Maintenance (DFM) Deputy Director Warren Mamizuka gave the report and provided follow-ups responses to concerns raised previously. The Mayor's newsletter can be found at https://www.oneoahu.org/newsletter. To explore career opportunities at the City and County of Honolulu, please visit https://www.governmentjobs.com/careers/honolulu.
Governor Josh Green's Representative [1:40:29]: No representative present. The Governor's December Newsletter can be found at https://drive.google.com/file/d/1mrH4WXB_zwqZm_2dWcpd3II2L5Vx9Ery/view?usp=drive_link.
Representative Jackson Sayama [1:41:09]: Representative Sayama shared his priorities for the next legislative cycle, including 1) mitigating rising property/homeowner insurance, 2) recreational and medical marijuana, 3) plans to introduce a bill mandating insurance for moped owners, and 4) a study on how to streamline civil service recruitment. If you have any questions/concerns or legislative ideas/priorities, call (808) 586-6900 or email repsayama@capitol.hawaii.gov.
Questions, comments, and concerns followed [1:45:07].
Senator Les Ihara Jr. [1:52:43]: Senator Ihara provided some information about the status of the emergency sirens in the area and other Capital Improvement Project (CIP) priorities. Senator Ihara requested the board not request any if there are objections to a motion, but to instead request for ayes. Senator explained the difference between a civic leader and a politician. To get in contact with Senator Ihara, email senihara@capitol.hawaii.gov or call (808) 586-6250.
Questions, comments, and concerns followed [1:59:19].
7. ANNOUNCEMENTS [2:00:16]: The Palolo Neighborhood Board No.6 and those in attendance took some time to sing some Christmas carols.
Next Meeting: The P lolo Neighborhood Board No.6 will recess in January 2024. The next meeting is tentatively scheduled on Wednesday, February 14, 2023 at 7:00 PM at Palolo Elementary School and online via WebEx.
lelo Rebroadcasts: Rebroadcasts of the Palolo Neighborhood Board No.6 meetings are scheduled each month on lelo channel 49 for fourth Thursday at 9:00 p.m. and the first and third Sundays at 12:00 p.m. An archive of past meetings may be found on https://olelo.org/olelonet/ by searching .
8. ADJOURNMENT [2:02:44]: The meeting adjourned at 9:09 p.m.
Submitted by: Logan Kealoha Hutchinson, Neighborhood Assistant
Reviewed by: Lindon Valenciano, Public Relations Assistant
Finalized by: Darlene Nakayama, Palolo Neighborhood Board No.6 Secretary
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