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With Permission / Courtesy of: City and County of Honolulu Neighborhood Commission Office


THURSDAY, MAY 9, 2024 at 6:00 P.M.



Video recording of this meeting can be found at:

Reports & other meeting materials can be found at:

I. CALL TO ORDER -- [0:00:01]: 6:05 p.m.

Chair Welch called the meeting to order at 6:05 p.m. Quorum was established with 10 members present. Note -- This 15-member Board requires 8 members to establish a quorum and to take official Board action. Board members must be in-person or have video access.

Board Members Present: Julia Allen, David Beutel, Dan Decker, Rafia Hasina, Alex Kahn, Margaret Murchie, Arleen Velasco, Winston Welch, Dylan Whitsell, Linda Wong, Michelle Matson (6:11 p.m.), and Bruce Wong (6:52 p.m.).

Board Members Absent: Michele David and Angie Knight.

Guests: Lieutenant Blake Arita, Lieutenant Michael Thompson (Honolulu Police Department); Kathleen Elliott-Pahinui (Honolulu Board of Water Supply); Director Anton Krucky (Department of Community Services); Executive Director Todd Boulanger (Bikeshare Hawaii); Senator Les Ihara Jr.; Representative Jackson Sayama; Marli Mason (Senator Stanley Chang); Amanda Zepeda (Council Chair Tommy Waters); Councilmember Calvin Say, Pua Smith-Kauhane, Janel Denny; Katherine Li, Pat McCain, Ian Ross, Kevan Wong, John Choi, Daisy Murai, Noela Von Wiegandt, Patti Kawano (Residents); Spencer Johnson (Neighborhood Commission Office). Note: Name was not included if not legible. There were 37 total participants.


Diamond Head Sub-District 3 -- One Seat [0:01:21]: No volunteers at this time.


Honolulu Fire Department (HFD) -- Requested Report on Diamond Head Incendiary Open-Area Fires from January through March 2024 -- [0:01:42]: No representative present. A report was submitted.

• Report:

• Diamond Head Fires:

Honolulu Police Department (HPD) District 6 -- [0:02:24]: Lieutenant Arita reported the following: monthly statistics for April 2024; additional information regarding the robbery and theft cases that occurred in April 2024; and shared safety tips to prevent thefts.

● Crime Mapping Statistics:

Questions, comments, and concerns followed -- [0:04:52]

Matson joined at 6:11 p.m.; 11 members present.

Honolulu Police Department (HPD) District 7 -- [0:12:38]: Lieutenant Thompson provided the monthly statistics for April 2024 and tips for avoiding scams.

• Crime Mapping Statistics:


Thursday, March 14, 2024 -- [0:14:20]: [0:15:56] -- L. Wong MOVED and Velasco SECONDED to postpone this item later in the agenda under item X. Board Business. Discussion followed. Hearing no further discussion, the Board conducted a roll call vote. The motion was NOT ADOPTED; 5-5-1 (Aye: Matson, Murchie, Velasco, L. Wong, Welch; Nay: Allen, Beutel, Decker, Hasina, Kahn; Abstain: Whitsell) -- [0:20:05]

[0:21:48] -- Beutel MOVED and Allen SECONDED to approve the March 2024 Meeting Minutes as written. Discussion followed. Hearing no further discussion, the Board conducted a roll call vote. The motion was NOT ADOPTED; 5-3-2 (Aye: Allen, Beutel, Decker, Kahn, Whitsell; Nay: Matson, Velasco, Welch; Abstain: Murchie, L. Wong) -- [0:32:36]

Thursday, April 11, 2024 -- [0:34:07]: No discussion. This item will be added to the next agenda.


Board of Water Supply (BWS) -- [0:34:45]: Kathleen Elliott-Pahinui provided the report and highlighted the following: there was a 20-inch water main break on Harding Avenue in April 2024; residents are urged to continue conserving water as we enter the summer months; BWS is working closely with the State on wildfire and drought messaging; and updates regarding the Diamond Head Water System Improvement Project Phase III.

• Report:

Questions, comments, and concerns followed -- [0:36:56]

Kapiolani Community College (KCC) -- [0:38:20]: No representative present.


Candidates Forum -- [0:39:25]: Winston Welch proposed that this Board partner with neighboring Boards to organize a Candidates Forum in June 2024 for those running for office.

Waikīkī Water Fountain -- [0:39:50]: Katherine Li raised concerns with the Waikīkī Water Fountain, at the intersection of Kapahulu Avenue and Ala Wai Boulevard, as it has been nonfunctional for years and would like to know how the residents can work together to get the fountain operational again.

Campaigning 1 -- [0:40:55]: Pat McCain introduced himself and announced that he is running for the State House of Representatives District 23 seat.

Campaigning 2 -- [0:42:46]: Ian Ross introduced himself and announced that he is running for the State House of Representatives District 23 seat.

Campaigning 3 -- [0:44:34]: Kevan Wong introduced himself and announced that he is running for the State House of Representatives District 20 seat.

Campaigning 4 -- [0:45:39]: John Choi introduced himself and announced that he is running for the State House of Representatives District 20 seat.

B. Wong joined at 6:52 p.m.; 12 members present.

Waikīkī Water Fountain Response -- [0:48:40]: David Beutel announced that Amanda Zepeda (Council Chair Water's Office) shared the following information: the Department of Parks and Recreation and the Department of Facilities Maintenance determined that the Waikīkī Water Fountain will remain as a hardscape because the water feature has repeatedly failed due to being located and constructed in a manner not conducive to operating a fountain.

Public Phone Booths -- [0:49:49]: Rafia Hasina reported that several public phone booths are broken, and asked if the City has any plans to repair or remove these phone booths.

Harbors and Water Quality Concerns -- [0:50:30]: Arleen Velasco raised concerns with the Ala Wai Boat Harbor, and all of the harbors across the State, in addition to the water quality testing which has recently tested positive for increased levels of pollution. Velasco noted that the Division of Boating and Ocean Recreation will be voting tomorrow on issues related to pump-out stations that will directly impact the Ala Wai Boat Harbor.

Walking Audits of the Neighborhoods -- [0:52:26]: Winston Welch announced that there have been discussions of establishing a committee that conducts walking audits of the neighborhoods to identify areas of concern and propose solutions to the government.

VII. MAYOR'S OFFICE -- [0:53:44]

Honolulu Mayor Rick Blangiardi -- [0:53:44]: Director Krucky (DCS) provided the report and highlighted the following: Director Krucky responded in support of the idea of forming a Walking Audit Committee; improvements to the Department of Permitting and Planning with the use of new software; the City's annual sustainability report was published on Earth Day; updates on the Haiku Stairs removal project; tips to protect your families during Wildfire Prevention Month; Summer Fun workers are needed; Mayor Blangiardi has completed 7 of his 11 town halls; and responses to questions raised at the previous meeting.

• Newsletter:

Questions, comments, and concerns followed -- [1:01:54]


Biki Update & 2023 Report -- [1:06:50]: Todd Boulanger, Executive Director of Bikeshare Hawaii, presented updates and information regarding the Biki bikeshare program's 2023 annual report. Director Boulanger noted that Biki is in the process of increasing their fares and ridership plans, which they haven't done in the last 7 years. Director Boulanger reported the following: there are no station changes planned for the next quarter in this area; no progress regarding any stations at KCC or Diamond Head; the 3 highest used stations in this district are Bogart's Cafe, Snorkel Bob's Shop, and Safeway; Diamond Head/Kapahulu is tied with Chinatown (4th place) for total ridership in the past 4 months; 62% of ridership last year was by local residents; almost 800,000 trips made last year; and provided the recent survey results

• Presentation:

• Contact Information: 888-340-2454 (9:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m.) or email

Questions, comments, and concerns followed -- [1:09:45]


U.S. Congressman Ed Case's Representative -- [1:19:57]: No representative present.

U.S. Senator Mazie Hirono's Representative -- [1:20:01]: No representative present.

U.S. Senator Brian Schatz's Representative -- [1:20:03]: No representative present.

Governor Josh Green's Representative -- [1:20:09]: No representative present. A report was submitted.

• Newsletter:

Whitsell left at 7:25 p.m.; 11 members present.

Senator Les Ihara, Jr. -- [1:20:22]: Senator Ihara provided his report and highlighted the following: the 2024 legislative session has concluded; the Senate plans to reconvene in June 2024 to consider 4 court judges; the deadline for the Governor to publish his list of bills that he might veto is Monday, June 24, 2024; the legilsature could convene on Tuesday, July 9, 2024 for a veto override session; and legislative updates relating to the Silver Alert Program and victims of sexual abuse.

Questions, comments, and concerns followed -- [1:25:57]

Representative Bertrand Kobayashi -- [1:51:02]: No representative present. A report was submitted.

• Newsletter:

Senator Stanley Chang -- [1:51:14]: No representative present. A report was submitted.

• Newsletter:

Council Chair Tommy Waters -- [1:51:29]: Amanda Zepeda provided the report and highlighted the following: the Department of Parks and Recreation is currently working with the owner of the pay phones to have them all removed from City parks; provided links relating to DPP's software update and where to report illegal dumping; Bill 27 relating to BLANKmaintaining home exemptions after loss of homes due to fire damage; Senate Bill 3202 relating to BLANKpermitting at least two accessory dwelling units on residentially zoned lots; there is a Special Budget meeting on Monday, May 13, 2024; Resolution 2430 relating to low-flow shower fixtures at beach parks; and responses to questions raised at the previous meeting.

• Newsletter:

• DPP's Software Update:

• Illegal Dumping:

Questions, comments, and concerns followed -- [1:59:09]

Councilmember Calvin Say -- [2:02:30]: Councilmember Say provided the report and highlighted the following: the City Council is focused on addressing issues with property taxes; Councilmember Say is very concerned that the City had to find $80 million in the budget to fund the hazard pay for employees during Covid-19; concerned that none of the Neighborhood Boards in his district formally discussed 201H Housing Program Rules; and concerned that the legislature has not yet supported non-judicial foreclosures of particular homes that pose a health and safety threat.

• Newsletter:

• Kauahea Street Stabilization Project:

• Ala Wai Watershed Project:

• Ala Wai Flood Risk Management Project:

Questions, comments, and concerns followed -- [2:08:45]

Representative Jackson Sayama -- [2:22:30]: Representative Sayama provided his report and highlighted the following: the legislative session has come to a close; several hundred pieces of legislation have been submitted to the Governor for his signature or veto; a highlight of this session was the appropriation of approximately $1 billion to the redevelopment of Maui and the victims following the wildfires; significant funding has been appropriating to combat invasive species like Coconut Rhinoceros Beetles and fire ants; significant tax relief policies by increasing the standard deduction and adjusting of the individual income tax brackets; tax relief policies through exemptions of the General Excise Tax for medical services and products; and increased funding to improve safety in our schools.

Questions, comments, and concerns followed -- [2:26:33]

XI. BOARD BUSINESS -- [2:28:06]

Committee Report -- Environment: No report.

Committee Report -- Parks & Recreation: No report.

Committee Report -- Planning & Zoning: No report.

Committee Report -- Traffic & Public Safety: No report.

Sub-District Report -- St. Louis Heights Subdistrict 1 -- [2:28:13]: Allen reported that the next St. Louis Heights Community Association meeting is scheduled for Monday, July 8, 2024 at 7:00 p.m. at Hokulani Elementary School.

Sub-District Report -- Kapahulu Subdistrict 2 -- [2:28:25]: No report.

Sub-District Report -- Diamond Head Subdistrict 3 -- [2:28:48]: L. Wong reported the following: Velasco and herself spoke with City engineers regarding concerns with Kaimana Beach Park; she spoke with someone from the Stormwater Division to fix the Dillingham Fountain and discuss the Waikīkī Fountain.

Board Member Three Absence Letter -- [2:30:46]: Chair Welch reported that a member received a letter for accruing 3 absences within a one-year period. No action was taken.

XII. REPORTS OF BOARD MEMBERS ATTENDING OTHER BOARD AND PUBLIC MEETINGS -- [2:32:26]: Velasco reported that she attendeding several of the Mayor's Town Halls including the one in Manoa, Downtown and Salt Lake, and one common problem is homelessness. Chair Welch also reported that he attended the Mayor's Town Hall in Manoa.


Chair's Report -- Committee Agendas and General Announcements -- [2:36:00]: Chair Welch encouraged the Parks & Recreation Committee to schedule a meeting before the next regular meeting.

Next Meeting -- [2:36:09]: The next Diamond Head/Kapahulu/St. Louis Heights Neighborhood Board No.05 regular meeting is scheduled for 6:00 p.m. on Thursday, June 13, 2024 at the Ala Wai Golf Course Clubhouse and virtually via Webex.

XIV. ADJOURNMENT -- [2:56:3237:30]: The meeting was adjourned at 9:008:42 p.m.

Submitted by: Dylan Buck, Community Relations Specialist, NCO

Reviewed by: Spencer Johnson, Neighborhood Assistant, NCO

Finalized by: J. David Beutel, Secretary, Neighborhood Board No. 5

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