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With Permission / Courtesy of: City and County of Honolulu Neighborhood Commission Office



THURSDAY, AUGUST 8, 2024 at 6:00 P.M.



Video recording of this meeting can be found at:

Reports & other meeting materials can be found at:

I. CALL TO ORDER -- [0:00:01]: 6:00 p.m.

Vice Chair Velasco called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. Quorum was established with 9 members present. Note -- This 15-member Board requires 8 members to establish a quorum and to take official Board action. Board members must be in-person or have video access.

Board Members Present: Julia Allen, David Beutel, Dan Decker, Alex Kahn, Rafia Hasina, Angie Knight, Margaret Murchie, Arleen Velasco, Dylan Whitsell, Laura St. Denis (appointed at 6:06 p.m.), Bruce Wong (6:14 p.m.), Linda Wong (6:31 p.m.), and Michelle Matson (7:05 p.m.)

Board Members Absent: Winston Welch and Michele David.

Guests: Fire Captain Kainoa Tanaka, Firefighter Lance Ontai (Honolulu Fire Department); Lieutenant Blake Arita, Lieutenant Thompson (Honolulu Police Department); Kathleen (Honolulu Board of Water Supply); Keola Cheng (Wilson Okamoto Corp.); Director Anton Krucky (Mayor Blangiardi); Ryan Aguilar (Governor Green); Representative Jackson Sayama (House District 21); Theresa N. (Senator Stanley Chang); Amanda Zepeda (Council Chair Tommy Waters); Councilmember Calvin Say (Council District 5); Marc Pepe, Bradley Furuya, Deborah King, Kevan Wong, Courtney Hymes, Tina Gradinetti, Michael Grey, Vincent Shigekeni, Franklin Chung, Daisy Murai, Janel Denny, Chassity Santiago, Haku Milles, Rick Bernstein, Tom Schnell, Maddie Bender, Betsy Merritt, Laura Ruby, Mo Radke (Residents); Camilia Epa Gomes (Neighborhood Commission Office). Note: Name was not included if not legible. There were 50 total participants.


Diamond Head Sub-District 3 -- One Seat -- [0:01:56]: Laura St. Denis volunteered to fill the sub-district 3 vacancy, and provided a brief introduction. NA Epa Gomes verified residency.

[0:04:04] -- Allen MOVED and DECKER seconded to appoint Laura St. Denis to fill the sub-district 3 vacancy. The board conducted a roll call vote. The motion was ADOPTED; 8-0-0 (Laura: Allen, Beutel, Decker, Hasina, Khan, Knight, Velasco, Whitsell; Nay: None; Abstain: None) -- [0:06:12]

St. Denis joined the meeting at 6:06 p.m.; 10 members present.


Honolulu Fire Department (HFD) -- [0:06:37]: Fire Captain Tanaka introduced himself and Firefighter Ontai provided the monthly fire statistics for July 2024 and shared monthly safety tip for back-to-school fire safety.

• Report:

• HFD Community Relations Office:

Questions, comments, and concerns followed -- [0:09:03]

Whitsell left at 6:10 p.m.; 9 members present.

Honolulu Police Department (HPD) District 6 -- [0:10:02]: Lieutenant Arita provided the report and highlighted the monthly statistics for July 2024; reminded everyone to be aware of their surroundings and call 911 for any suspicious activity; there have been recent theft and car break-ins on Hibiscus Drive in the Diamond Head; witnesses reported seeing two males on mopeds acting suspicious. There are three events happening in Waikiki on the weekend at Waikiki Shell, Sunset on the Beach movie event, and a block party along Kalakaua Avenue. There will be a lot of traffic on the weekend due to the road closures for these events.

• Crime Mapping Statistics:

Questions, comments, and concerns followed -- [0:12:09]

B. Wong joined at 6:14 p.m.; 10 members present.

Honolulu Police Department (HPD) District 7 -- [0:15:48]: Lieutenant Thompson provided the monthly statistics for July 2024 and provided the safety tip for the month for fake jewelry scam going on around the island. There are reports of groups of individuals working together approaching people at shopping malls, stores and scamming people with fake jewelry by sharing fake stories to convince people to buy from them. The safety tip is to share with family members and friends of people selling jewelry in parking lots and to call 911 to report suspicious activity.

• Crime Mapping Statistics:

Questions, comments, and concerns followed -- [0:17:10]


Board of Water Supply (BWS) -- [0:19:38]: Kathleen provided the report and highlighted the following: no main breaks to report for the district; Kathleen shared a BWS survey for the public to take to help BWS to understand water access and affordability in communities; the survey can be taken online and takes about five to ten minutes to complete; there are construction projects taking place in the district; the Monsarrat Avenue project is experiencing delays to gather materials needed and is projected to start officially in January 2025; BWS is working on the installation of the 12 inch water mains along Palekaua Place; the painting for the Diamond Head fencing project is complete and the landscaping portion is currently underway; provided follow-up response about plans of finding new wells to make up for the loss caused by the Navy's Red Hill disaster.

• Inquiries on BWS Construction Projects: 808-748-5319

Questions, comments, and concerns followed -- [0:22:50]

Kapiolani Community College (KCC) Updates -- [0:27:38]: No representative present.


Community Meeting for all Residents on the proposed Revised Primary Urban Center Development Plan (PUCDP) -- [0:27:50]: On Monday, August 12, 2024 at Kaimuki High School auditorium from 6:00 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. there will be an open meeting for the public to hear from City Council about proposing zoning law changes that will impact this district allowing developments in the future.


Crosswalk Concerns on Kapahulu Avenue -- [0:28:40]: A resident shared that the new island median fronting Leonard's Bakery on Kapahulu Avenue is a hazard for both drivers and pedestrians. The resident shared there are two other signal crosswalks nearby that are safer. There are other crosswalks on Kapahulu Avenue that the resident also shares concern of safety issues. He would like to know what was the reason of installing the median there. Amanda Zepeda from Councilmember Chair Waters office was able to provide a response.

L. Wong joined at 6:31 p.m.; 11 members present.

Kaimana Beach Showers Issue -- [0:32:47]: Member L. Wong shared that she would like to talk to the developers to voice her concern about the issues with the showers at Kaimana Beach.

Crosswalk Median on Kapahulu Avenue -- [0:34:38]: Member Khan shared her comments about the median in front of Leonard's Bakery and found it effective with slowing drivers down in this section and increasing visibility of pedestrians in this high-traffic area.

Raised Crosswalks -- [0:36:40]: Member B. Wong shared that raised crosswalks have been effective in different areas of the island to help decrease accidents and cars speeding. Laura Ruby (resident) also advocated for raised crosswalks near Kuhio Elementary School and Ala Wai Elementary School. Member L. Wong commented that speed bumps are being removed because they are damaging trolleys and buses.

Pedestrian Safety Committee Meeting -- [0:40:11]: Member Knight recommended that the Board holds another pedestrian safety committee meeting to discuss more in depth of the street issues that the community would like to address to City officials and create a written documentation to activate action from the City officials.

Bus Stops Changes -- [0:41:31]: Member Murchie shared comments on bus stops being deleted.


[0:43:20] -- Allen MOVED and St. Denis SECONDED to add the Mayor's Representative Report into the Agenda. Hearing no objections, the motion was ADOPTED; 11-0-0 (Aye: Allen, Beutel, Decker, Hasina, Khan, Knight, Murchie, Velasco, B. Wong, L. Wong, St. Denis; Nay: None; Abstain: None) -- [0:43:36]

3761 Kanaina Avenue Proposed Development -- [0:43:42]: No representative present.

Waikiki War Memorial Complex Natatorium Rehabilitation -- [0:45:02]: Bradley Furuya from PBR Hawaii shared the PowerPoint presentation on the proposed City & County project aiming to preserve and rehabilitate key features, address structural and life safety concerns. The project will adhere to State and National rules regarding water quality and construction management. The structure will allow for open water exchange between the ocean and the swim area, but measures will be taken to prevent movement of people and animals underneath the deck. The project is still in the very early stages with a timeline of several years before construction can begin. The project will continue to go through the process and ensure community input during all phases of the project that they need to get City and State approval on. Bradley Furuya and other representatives for the project answered questions.

Questions, comments, and concerns followed -- [1:37:35]

Matson joined at 7:05 p.m.; 12 members present.

VIII. MAYOR'S OFFICE -- [1:29:35]

Honolulu Mayor Rick Blangiardi -- [1:29:43]: Anton Krucky provided the report and highlighted the following: Mayor's monthly newsletter August 2024; Fire department response mapping and how to look up the incident details on Honolulu Fire Department monthly reports; provided responses to questions raised at the previous meeting.

• Newsletter:

• Fire Department Response Mapping:

Questions, comments, and concerns followed -- [0:54:00]

Decker left at 7:50 p.m.; 11 members present.


U.S. Congressman Ed Case's Representative -- [2:06:20]: No representative present.

U.S. Senator Mazie Hirono's Representative -- [2:06:29]: No representative present.

U.S. Senator Brian Schatz's Representative -- [2:06:33]: No representative present.

Governor Josh Green's Representative -- [2:06:40]: Ryan Aguilar provided the report and highlighted the monthly newsletter for August 2024 and provided responses to questions raised at the previous meeting.

• Newsletter:

• Bills passed and vetoed:

• Biosecurity Funding:

• Report:

Questions, comments, and concerns followed -- [2:11:17]

Senator Les Ihara, Jr. (Senate District 10) -- [2:18:26]: No representative present.

Representative Bertrand Kobayashi (House District 19) -- [2:18:35]: No representative present.

Representative Jackson Sayama (House District 20) -- [2:18:43]: Representative Sayama provided the report and shared that a work order request has been made to repair two street lights that have been out of service due to a utility pole renovation by Hawaiian Electric company.

Senator Stanley Chang -- [2:19:44]: Theresa provided the report and highlighted the following: a link provided for parents and guardians to enroll their children for pre-kindergarten at Kahala Elementary, Aina Haina Elementary or Hahaione Elementary; The Children and Youth summit will be Thursday, October 10, 2024 at the Hawai'i State Capitol; the Department of Law Enforcement is offering up to $200 in Foodland Gift Cards to community members who turn in their firearms in this year's Oahu Gun Buyback program; the Oahu Gun Buyback Program will take place at Aloha Stadium's lower parking lot on Saturday, August 24, 2024 from 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m.; if you have any questions you can call Department of Law Enforcement.

• Newsletter:

• Sign up for Senator Chang's Housing newsletter:

• Pre-school Application:

• Children and Youth Summit for Ages under 24 years old:

Questions, comments, and concerns followed -- [2:21:31]

Council Chair Tommy Waters (Council District 4) -- [2:25:00]: Amanda Zepeda provided the report and highlighted the following: Bill 50 relating to parades, street festivals, and other activities passed first reading at the council meeting.

There were technical issues with WebEx. The Board proceeded with the agenda until the issue was resolved.

Questions, comments, and concerns followed -- [2:49:12]

Councilmember Calvin Say (Council District 5) -- [2:26:00]: CM Say provided the report and highlighted the following: the City Council will be holding a public meeting with Department of Planning and Permitting on the Oahu Development Plan for the island.

• Newsletter:

• Primary Urban Center Development Plan (PUCDP):

Questions, comments, and concerns followed -- [2:26:52]

Cont. Council Chair Tommy Waters (Council District 4) -- [2:27:00]: Amanda Zepeda provided the report and highlighted the following: encouraging everyone to show up to the PUCDP meeting at Kaimuki High School on Monday, August 12, 2024; Bill 50 is to help put a limit of the number of parades and street festivals in the area.

• City Council Chair Watersʻ Office: or 768-5004

• Council District 4 Webpage:

• Amanda Zepeda (Constituent Services): or 768-5043

Questions, comments, and concerns followed -- [2:28:37]

[2:38:10] -- Knight MOVED and St. Denis SECONDED to take the agenda out of order and hear item XI. Board Business and Confirmation Details at this time. Discussion followed. The motion was NOT ADOPTED; 5-4-0 (Aye: Beutel, Hasina, Khan, Knight, Velasco; Nay: Allen, Matson, B. Wong, L. Wong; Abstain: None) -- [2:42:17]

X. BOARD REPORTS -- [2:42:18]

Sub-District Report -- St. Louis Heights Subdistrict 1 -- [2:42:18]: Allen reported that the next Saint Louis Heights Community Association meeting will be scheduled for Monday September 9, 2024 at Hokulani Elementary School at 7:00 p.m.

Sub-District Report -- Kapahulu Subdistrict 2 -- [2:43:12]: No report.

Sub-District Report -- Diamond Head Subdistrict 3 -- [2:43:15]: Member L. Wong reported that she wrote a letter regarding the showers at Kaimana Beach Park.

Questions, comments, and concerns followed -- [2:43:38]

Committee Reports -- Environment -- [2:44:08]: No report.

Committee Reports -- Parks & Recreation -- [2:44:10]: No report.

Committee Reports -- Planning & Zoning -- [2:44:23]: Matson provided the report and shared her recommendation that there should be a joint committee meeting with the Parks and Recreation committee to discuss the Natatorium project and draft a resolution in support of the Natatorium project.

Committee Reports -- Traffic & Public Safety -- [2:45:22]: No report.

Reports from Board Members Attending Other Meetings -- [2:45:33]: No reports.

Attendance of Missing Board Members -- [2:46:07]: Member Matson inquired about the attendance of board members that have been absent.

Questions, comments, and concerns followed -- [2:46:50]


Meeting Date, Time, Location, and Format (Virtual Component) -- [2:49:21]: It was proposed to change the meeting to the first Tuesday of every month at 6:00 p.m.

Questions, comments, and concerns followed -- [2:50:16]

[2:55:10] -- Knight MOVED to change the Boardʻs regular meeting date and time to the first Tuesday of every month at 6:00 p.m. Hearing NO SECOND. The motion was NOT CONSIDERED -- [2:56:38]

Election of Officer -- Secretary -- To serve from July 2024 to June 30, 2025: Postponed to the next meeting.

Approval of Draft Meeting Minutes -- Thursday, April 11, 2024: Postponed to the next meeting.

Approval of Draft Meeting Minutes -- Thursday, May 9, 2024: Postponed to the next meeting.

Approval of Draft Meeting Minutes -- Thursday, June 13, 2024: Postponed to the next meeting.

Approval of Draft Meeting Minutes -- Thursday, July 11, 2024: Postponed to the next meeting.


Next Meeting -- [2:56:48]: The next Diamond Head/Kapahulu/St. Louis Heights Neighborhood Board No.05 regular meeting is scheduled for 6:00 p.m. on Thursday, September 12, 2024 at Paki Hale and virtually via Webex.

Questions, comments, and concerns followed -- [2:57:10]

XIII. ADJOURNMENT -- [2:58:28]: The meeting was adjourned at 9:00 p.m.

Submitted by: Camilia Epa Gomes, Neighborhood Assistant, NCO

Reviewed by: Dylan Buck, Community Relations Specialist, NCO

Finalized by:

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