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Hawaiian Electric elves decorate Kaimuki playground
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  • Hawaiian Electric volunteers in action

    Hawaiian Electric volunteers in action

  • Scott Seu, Hawaiian Electric vice president - system operation, gives a helping hand to Patrick Kawasaki, chief dispatcher. Hawaiian Electric employees volunteer their time, equipment and manpower each year to bring holiday cheer to the small community playground in Kaimuki.

    Scott Seu, Hawaiian Electric vice president - system operation, gives a helping hand to Patrick Kawasaki, chief dispatcher. Hawaiian Electric employees volunteer their time, equipment and manpower each year to bring holiday cheer to the small community playground in Kaimuki.

  • Tihana Kekauoha, an apprentice line(wo)man, puts up a snowflake Christmas light at the Kaimuki playground.

    Tihana Kekauoha, an apprentice line(wo)man, puts up a snowflake Christmas light at the Kaimuki playground.

  • Darcy Endo-Omoto, Hawaiian Electric vice president - government & community affairs, and Scott Seu, with Kaimuki playground staff.

    Darcy Endo-Omoto, Hawaiian Electric vice president - government & community affairs, and Scott Seu, with Kaimuki playground staff.

  • Hawaiian Electric volunteers (group shot)

    Hawaiian Electric volunteers (group shot)

  • Todd_Mayeshiro, a construction project manager at Hawaiian Electric,
with Jake Shimabukuro.

    Todd_Mayeshiro, a construction project manager at Hawaiian Electric, with Jake Shimabukuro.

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